5 research outputs found

    Вплив різних рівнів валіну у раціоні на показники забою перепелів

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    The article presents the expediency of using valine in the feeding of growing quails of meat direction of productivity. The studies were conducted in the conditions of research laboratory of feed additives of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The experiment was conducted with growing Pharaoh quails. It was selected 500 daily quails. Birds were placed in 20 cages with 25 heads in each. In the formation of analog groups, the body weight of the birds was taken into account. Quails were fed full-fledged mixed fodder, which was balanced by energy and other nutrients. The feed for the quails of the control group contained the natural level of valine, and the experimental groups – additionally L-valine according to the experimental scheme. Observed a relationship between the level of valine in feed and feed conversion (R2 = 0.7359). The most effective level of valine in mixed fodder for quail, which is grown for meat, to obtain a sufficiently large body weight with a low level of feed intake per unit of growth is at 1– 21-day age – 1.68% and at 22– 35-day age – 1.23%.Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування валіну у годівлі молодняку перепелів м’ясного напряму продуктивності. Дослідження проводились в умовах проблемної науково-дослідної лабораторії кормових добавок Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Було проведено науково-господарський дослід на молодняку перепелів породи фараон. Для нього було відібрано 500 добових перепелів породи фараон. Птахів розміщували у 20-ти клітках по 25 голів у кожному. При формуванні груп-аналогів враховували масу тіла птиці. Піддослідним перепелам згодовували повнораціонний розсипний комбікорм, який був збалансований за вмістом енергії та іншими поживними речовинами. Комбікорм перепелів контрольної групи містив природній рівень валіну, а дослідних груп – додатково L-валін відповідно до схеми досліджень. Спостерігаються залежність між рівнем валіну у комбікормі та конверсією корму (R2 = 0,7359). Найефективнішим рівнем валіну у комбікормі для перепелів, яких вирощують на м’ясо, для отримання досить великої маси тіла з найнижчим рівнем використання комбікорму на одиницю приросту є у 1–21-добовому віці – 1,68% та у 22–35-добовому віці – 1,23%

    Regulated technological parameters of “Sofia” BAAD production as a factor for forming innovative product quality

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    Technology and regulated parameters for the production of a new type of specialized product - "Sophia" biologically active additive (BAAD) have been developed. The controlled parameters include mixing the components for 10 minutes, mixing when preparating a mixture for granulation - 1 hour per 100 kg, drying with wet granulation at 65 ± 5 ° C to a residual moisture of 3-5%, dry granulation with a № 3 and № 5 mesh, mixing the components in the preparation of tabletting mixture is 1 hour per 100 kg, stirring for 15 minutes and homogenization for 10 minutes during the film coating process. The study of quality and safety indicators for production and storage, which allowed to establish the hygienic well-being of the product, regulated qualitative characteristics, terms and modes of sale- 3 years in dry, protected from light, at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C have been determined


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    Using of secondary raw material resources from the oil and fat industry enterprises for new foodstuff development is an important task giving the chance of products range expansion, which are enriched in many indispensable components. The compliance with quality analysis of oilcakes from several types of olive raw materials, traditional and non-traditional for Russia, to fundamental technical requirements of the normative documents of the Russian Federation, determination of the list of quality and safety indicators of the oilcakes and reasons for the ways of processing them into food became the research purposes. Objects of researches were the oilcakes received in the conditions of specialized enterprises of Altai Krai from the appropriate types of olive raw materials. They are oilcakes made from: Siberian cedar pine kernels, walnut kernels, seeds of Cucurbita pepo, sesame seeds, black cumin seeds, flax seeds, milk thistle seeds, amaranth seeds. By research results, the list and standards of the regulated organoleptic and physical and chemical quality indicator of olive cakes are set; the permissible level of safety indices are justified and the conditional gradation on the prevailing macrocomponents defining the oilcakes nutrition value, their technological properties and the food use potential areas is recommended: 1) the composition is dominated by “proteins and lipids” (oilcakes from sesame seeds and pine nuts kernel) – mayonnaise, dairy and vegetable products; 2) “proteins and carbohydrates” (oilcake from amaranth and pumpkin seeds and oilcake from walnuts kernel) – dairy, vegetable, meat and cereal products, sugary and flour confectionery, food concentrates; 3) “proteins and alimentary fiber” (oilcake from milk thistle and flax) – bakery and flour confectionery

    Use of bar processing to increase the shelf life of vitaminized sausages and their use for the correction of students' health

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    One of the priority directions of state policy in the field of healthy food is the development and integration of enriched foodstuffs with an increased expiration date into production. The purpose of researches is the study of effect of bar processing on the periods of storage of boiled sausages enriched with vitamin premix. The test samples of boiled sausages were processed under the pressure of 800 MPa within 3 minutes at a temperature of 0 ... +4 degrees C by means of a hydrostat after the end of the technological process. The control samples of boiled sausages were not processed under pressure. The safety of boiled sausages was estimated by organoleptic and microbiological indicators and pH, the content of vitamins in the product was researched in 8 and 16 days of storage. It has been established that in 16 days of storage the control samples of sausages did not conform to the requirements of regulating documentation; the shift of.. to the alkaline side, the increase in the quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative and anaerobic microorganisms has been noted. After 16 days of storage the content of PP and C vitamins in the control samples of sausages authentically decreased by 17.6% and 93.4% while the decrease in the test samples was 4.1% and 12.0%. The antioxidant activity of test samples of sausages is authentically 71.3% higher than that of the control samples (0.12 +/- 0.04 mol equiv/dm(3)). Against a background of use of vitaminized sausages an authentic increase in the antioxidant activity of catalase and ceruloplasmin is noted in the blood of students of the test group. Thus, it is established that the processing of boiled sausages enriched with vitamins, under high pressure has a bactericidal effect on microbic cells, prevents proteolysis, saves vitamins and, respectively, increases the expiration date of a foodstuff. The calculations for design of a high pressure hydrostat for foodstuff processing have been performed

    Use of bar processing to increase the shelf life of vitaminized sausages and their use for the correction of students' health

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    One of the priority directions of state policy in the field of healthy food is the development and integration of enriched foodstuffs with an increased expiration date into production. The purpose of researches is the study of effect of bar processing on the periods of storage of boiled sausages enriched with vitamin premix. The test samples of boiled sausages were processed under the pressure of 800 MPa within 3 minutes at a temperature of 0 ... +4 degrees C by means of a hydrostat after the end of the technological process. The control samples of boiled sausages were not processed under pressure. The safety of boiled sausages was estimated by organoleptic and microbiological indicators and pH, the content of vitamins in the product was researched in 8 and 16 days of storage. It has been established that in 16 days of storage the control samples of sausages did not conform to the requirements of regulating documentation; the shift of.. to the alkaline side, the increase in the quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative and anaerobic microorganisms has been noted. After 16 days of storage the content of PP and C vitamins in the control samples of sausages authentically decreased by 17.6% and 93.4% while the decrease in the test samples was 4.1% and 12.0%. The antioxidant activity of test samples of sausages is authentically 71.3% higher than that of the control samples (0.12 +/- 0.04 mol equiv/dm(3)). Against a background of use of vitaminized sausages an authentic increase in the antioxidant activity of catalase and ceruloplasmin is noted in the blood of students of the test group. Thus, it is established that the processing of boiled sausages enriched with vitamins, under high pressure has a bactericidal effect on microbic cells, prevents proteolysis, saves vitamins and, respectively, increases the expiration date of a foodstuff. The calculations for design of a high pressure hydrostat for foodstuff processing have been performed