Regulated technological parameters of “Sofia” BAAD production as a factor for forming innovative product quality


Technology and regulated parameters for the production of a new type of specialized product - "Sophia" biologically active additive (BAAD) have been developed. The controlled parameters include mixing the components for 10 minutes, mixing when preparating a mixture for granulation - 1 hour per 100 kg, drying with wet granulation at 65 ± 5 ° C to a residual moisture of 3-5%, dry granulation with a № 3 and № 5 mesh, mixing the components in the preparation of tabletting mixture is 1 hour per 100 kg, stirring for 15 minutes and homogenization for 10 minutes during the film coating process. The study of quality and safety indicators for production and storage, which allowed to establish the hygienic well-being of the product, regulated qualitative characteristics, terms and modes of sale- 3 years in dry, protected from light, at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C have been determined

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