2,846 research outputs found

    Towards a Model for the Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We consider models for gamma-ray bursts in which a collimated jet expands either into a homogeneous medium or into a stellar wind environment, and calculate the expected afterglow temporal behavior. We show that (i) following a break and a faster decay, afterglows should exhibit a flattening, which may be detectable in both the radio and optical bands; (ii) Only observations at times much shorter than a day can clearly distinguish between a fireball interacting with a homogeneous medium and one interacting with a stellar wind. Using our results we demonstrate that constraints can be placed on progenitor models. In particular, existing data imply that while some long duration bursts may be produced by collapses of massive stars, it is almost certain that not all long duration bursts are produced by such progenitors.Comment: 13 pages; Submitted to Ap

    The Ultraviolet Spectra of Active Galaxies With Double-Peaked Emission Lines

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    We present the results of UV spectroscopy of AGNs with double-peaked Balmer emission lines. In 2/3 of the objects, the far-UV resonance lines are strong, with single-peaked profiles resembling those of Seyfert galaxies. The Mg II line is the only UV line with a double-peaked profile. In the remaining objects, the far-UV resonance lines are relatively weak but still single-peaked. The latter group also displays prominent UV absorption lines, indicative of a low-ionization absorber. We interpret the difference in the profiles of the emission lines as resulting from two different regions: a dense, low-ionization accretion disk (the predominant source of the Balmer and Mg II lines), and a lower density, higher-ionization wind (the predominant source of the far-UV resonance lines). These results suggest a way of connecting the double-peaked emitters with the greater AGN population: in double-peaked emitters the accretion rate onto the black hole is low, making the wind feeble and allowing the lines from the underlying disk to shine through. This scenario also implies that in the majority of AGNs, the wind is the source of the broad emission lines.Comment: To appear in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei," IAU Coll. 222, eds. Storchi Bergmann, Ho, and Schmit

    Low-Cost Uas Photogrammetry for Road Infrastructures' Inspection

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    Abstract. All over the world, road infrastructures are getting closer to their life cycle and need to be constantly inspected: a consistent number of bridges are structurally deficient, and the risk of collapse can no longer be excluded. In contrast with the past, the interest in structure durability has recently grown rapidly. In order to make bridges durable, it is necessary to carry out ordinary maintenance, preceded by inspection activities, which can be traditionally divided in two categories: destructive and non-destructive (NDT). All the NDT inspections (visual, IR thermography, GPR) can be conducted by using UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), a technology that makes bridges inspections quicker, cheaper, objective and repeatable. This study presents the visual inspection and survey of two bridges by using a UAS DJI Mavic 2 Pro, equipped with a 20Mpixel Hasselblad camera that records 60fps 4K video and a 10bit radiometric resolution. Starting from the acquired data, a 3D model of each structure was built by using Structure from Motion (SfM) principles and software. To validate the two models, each of them characterized by a centimetric accuracy, the UAS camera generated cloud of points and was co-registered with the point cloud of a terrestrial laser-scanner using Ground Control Points (GCPs). To make this, CloudCompare comparison software was used; the plugin M3C2 automatically calculates the distance between the points of two compared clouds. Finally, some general rules concerning the UAS main characteristics for inspection of bridges and software for data processing are proposed

    Computerized Tomography Findings In Fahr's Syndrome.

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    We analyzed computerized tomography (CT) findings in six patients with Fahr's syndrome. They presented calcifications in basal ganglia, dentate nucleus, subcortical region and semioval center, due to alteration in calcium metabolism or due to senile relative hypoxemic state. The image pattern was not strictly related with etiology, although some differences in dystrophic senile calcifications (the only one present in semioval center and absent in subcortical region). CT is an easy exam, has maximum sensitivity and allows diagnosis, contributing to early treatment of many etiologies of Fahr's syndrome.62789-9

    Cool Customers in the Stellar Graveyard I: Limits to Extrasolar Planets Around the White Dwarf G29-38

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    We present high contrast images of the hydrogen white dwarf G 29-38 taken in the near infrared with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini North Telescope as part of a high contrast imaging search for substellar objects in orbit around nearby white dwarfs. We review the current limits on planetary companions for G29-38, the only nearby white dwarf with an infrared excess due to a dust disk. We add our recent observations to these limits to produce extremely tight constraints on the types of possible companions that could be present. No objects >> 6 MJup_{Jup} are detected in our data at projected separations >> 12 AU, and no objects >> 16 MJup_{Jup} are detected for separations from 3 to 12 AU, assuming a total system age of 1 Gyr. Limits for companions at separations << 3 AU come from a combination of 2MASS photometry and previous studies of G29-38's pulsations. Our imaging with Gemini cannot confirm a tentative claim for the presence of a low mass brown dwarf. These observations demonstrate that a careful combination of several techniques can probe nearby white dwarfs for large planets and low mass brown dwarfs.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to Ap

    On approximate solutions of semilinear evolution equations

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    A general framework is presented to discuss the approximate solutions of an evolution equation in a Banach space, with a linear part generating a semigroup and a sufficiently smooth nonlinear part. A theorem is presented, allowing to infer from an approximate solution the existence of an exact solution. According to this theorem, the interval of existence of the exact solution and the distance of the latter from the approximate solution can be evaluated solving a one-dimensional "control" integral equation, where the unknown gives a bound on the previous distance as a function of time. For example, the control equation can be applied to the approximation methods based on the reduction of the evolution equation to finite-dimensional manifolds: among them, the Galerkin method is discussed in detail. To illustrate this framework, the nonlinear heat equation is considered. In this case the control equation is used to evaluate the error of the Galerkin approximation; depending on the initial datum, this approach either grants global existence of the solution or gives fairly accurate bounds on the blow up time.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Rev. Math. Phys. (Shortened version; the proof of Prop. 3.4. has been simplified

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Counterrotating Accretion Disks

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    Hydrodynamic simulations have been used to study accretion disks consisting of counterrotating components with an intervening shear layer(s). Configurations of this type can arise from the accretion of newly supplied counterrotating matter onto an existing corotating disk. The grid-dependent numerical viscosity of our hydro code is used to simulate the influence of a turbulent viscosity of the disk. Firstly, we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane rotates with angular rate +\Omega(r) and that well below has the same properties but rotates with rate -\Omega(r). We find that there is angular momentum annihilation in a narrow equatorial boundary layer in which matter accretes supersonically with a velocity which approaches the free-fall velocity and the average accretion speed of the disk can be enormously larger than that for a conventional \alpha-disk rotating in one direction. Secondly, we consider the case of a corotating accretion disk for rr_t. In this case we observed, that matter from the annihilation layer lost its stability and propagated inward pushing matter of inner regions of the disk to accrete. Thirdly, we investigated the case where counterrotating matter inflowing from large radial distances encounters an existing corotating disk. Friction between the inflowing matter and the existing disk is found to lead to fast boundary layer accretion along the disk surfaces and to enhanced accretion in the main disk. These models are pertinent to the formation of counterrotating disks in galaxies and possibly in Active Galactic Nuclei and in X-ray pulsars in binary systems.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, to appear in Ap

    The OKS persistent in-memory object manager

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    Astrophysical jets: observations, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments

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    This paper provides summaries of ten talks on astrophysical jets given at the HEDP/HEDLA-08 International Conference in St. Louis. The talks are topically divided into the areas of observation, numerical modeling, and laboratory experiment. One essential feature of jets, namely, their filamentary (i.e., collimated) nature, can be reproduced in both numerical models and laboratory experiments. Another essential feature of jets, their scalability, is evident from the large number of astrophysical situations where jets occur. This scalability is the reason why laboratory experiments simulating jets are possible and why the same theoretical models can be used for both observed astrophysical jets and laboratory simulations
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