313 research outputs found

    Algorithm for the stabilization of motion a bounding vehicle in the flight phase

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    The unsupported phase of motion of a multileg bounding vehicle is examined. An algorithm for stabilization of the angular motion of the vehicle housing by change of the motion of the legs during flight is constructed. The results of mathematical modelling of the stabilization process by computer are presented

    Algorithm for constructing the programmed motion of a bounding vehicle for the flight phase

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    The construction of the programmed motion of a multileg bounding vehicle in the flight was studied. An algorithm is given for solving the boundary value problem for constructing this programmed motion. If the motion is shown to be symmetrical, a simplified use of the algorithm can be applied. A method is proposed for nonimpact of the legs during lift-off of the vehicle, and for softness at touchdown. Tables are utilized to construct this programmed motion over a broad set of standard motion conditions

    Density and distribution of the greater mole rat (Spalax microphthalmus) on the northern border of the area in a region of European Russia

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    There are few subterranean mammals in Russia. The aim of the paper is to study the distribution and abundance of greater mole rat in the local population. The characteristic of the local population of the greater mole rat (Spalax microphthalmus) on the northern border of the range with reference to geographical coordinates is given. Our research has been conducted in Republic of Mordovia (European Russia). The field studies were carried out in 2007-2019. The population density in Mordovia is from 2 to 6 individuals/ha. The number of greater mole rat is estimated at 190 individuals. There are 27 to 200 mounds per one hectare of registered area. The distance of the greater mole rat habitat in Mordovia is from 40 to 372 km from other populations of neighboring regions. It is revealed that animals in the region are confined to pastures and dacha areas. The population density of subterranean rodent populations, such as mole rats, is in equilibrium with the capacity of the environment in which they live. The results on the population density and the number of greater mole rats on the northern border of the species range indicate the oppression of the local population

    Selection of strawberry cultivars according to their productivity and berry quality using normalized indices

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    Background. Combined use of various data transformation methods and a multivariate statistical analysis that takes into account several variables would increase the efficiency of selecting promising strawberry genotypes according to a set of traits for industrial and small-scale production.Materials and methods. In 2020–2022, 17 short-day garden strawberry cultivars were studied. The analysis was carried out for productivity (the number of berries, the weight of berries of the 1st order, and the average berry weight), marketable quality of berries (berry pulp density, berry height, and berry diameter), and total weight of berries per plant. Mathematical data processing employed a two-factor analysis of variance, the principal component method, cluster analysis by Ward’s algorithm, and Wilcoxon test.Results. The statistical significance of the cultivar and year factors, and their interaction was measured. The cultivar’s genotype had the greatest effect on the variability of characters. Greater part of the total variance in the set of characters was determined by the first five principal components. The cluster analysis identified two groups of cultivars. The initial data were transformed according to the least significant difference (LSD05) to obtain normalized indices. Taking into account the Wilcoxon test, the cultivars were ranked by the indices. When comparing the groups built in line with mean and total values of the normalized indices with the cluster analysis results, 6 best strawberry cultivars were identified for the studied set of characters.Conclusion. The combined use of multivariate methods and normalized indices made it possible to identify the most promising strawberry cultivars according to their yield and berry quality: ‘Olympia’, ‘Nelli’, ‘Florence’, ‘Kemia’, ‘Jive’, and ‘Alba’

    Неоконченное преступление как объект гуманизации российского уголовного законодательства

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    The subject. The article is devoted to the problems of simultaneous harmonization between the policy of humanization of the Russian criminal law and the reduction of the crime rate in society. The institute of incomplete crime is proposed as one of the promising areas of humanization of criminal legislation. The authors analyze the norms of the Russian Criminal Code which determine the essence of an incomplete crime, as well as the specifics of imposing punishment for its commission. The subject of the research also includes the strategic provisions of the Russian legislation, which reflect the main directions of the implementation of contemporary criminal policy, its goal and objectives. The purpose of the article is to confirm or dispute hypothesis that it is inadmissible to criminalize the actions committed at the stage of preparation for the commission of an intentional crime, as well as it is admissible to mitigate the liability for attempted crime. Research methodology and techniques are represented by a number of general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition, used primarily in humanitarian research. The establishment of regularities between the growth of crime rates and the degree of criminalization, determined in the current criminal legislation, is ensured by the use of the dialectical method of cognition. The methods of analysis and synthesis were used to compare statistical data on the state of crime in Russia and the dynamics of the number of convicts serving imprisonment. Various methods of formal logic were applied in the process of evaluating measures aimed at ensuring the humanization of modern Russian criminal legislation. The method of comparative legal research was used to study the content of the norms on responsibility for an incomplete crime. The result of the study is proof of the necessity to decriminalize actions that are currently defined as "preparation for the commission of a grave or especially grave crime." The necessity of a significant reduction in the degree of punitive criminal-legal impact on persons found guilty of an attempt to commit an intentional crime has been substantiated. Conclusions. It as expedient to partially decriminalize an incomplete crime and exclude this institution from the General Part of the Russian Criminal Code. This decision fully complies with the fundamental principles of criminal law: legality, guilt, justice, and will also ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the modern policy of humanizing Russian criminal legislation.Статья представляет собой комплексное обоснование необходимости пересмотра положений уголовного закона об ответственности за неоконченное преступление. Отмечается, что действия, квалифицируемые в настоящее время как приготовление к преступлению, в действительности не содержат в себе признаков состава преступления, а сводятся лишь к намерению совершить его в будущем. В этой связи декриминализация приготовительных действий может обеспечить приведение в соответствие содержание института неоконченного преступления основным принципам уголовного права, а также будет способствовать повышению эффективности и результативности процесса гуманизации уголовного законодательства как направлению современной российской уголовной политики

    Excitation of eigen azimthal waves by annular charged particle beam

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    Investigations of an interaction between charged-particle beams and hybrid waveguide structures are important for radio engineering and plasma electronics. It is the distinctive feature of the interaction between charged particle beams and such structures of finite dimensions that motivated the choice of the subject for our study. Here we investigate the excitation of an extraordinarily polarized electromagnetic azimuthal waves (AW), that are eigen modes of a cylindrical metal waveguide partially filled with a cold magnetized plasma. These modes propagate in azimuthal direction strictly transverse to a constant external axial magnetic field. A two-dimensional self-consistent set of differential equations for interaction between AW and cold low-density charged-particle beam moving above the plasma surface is constructed in the single-mode approximation and is solved numerically. Constructed nonlinear theory can be applied for modeling an operation of short-scale plasma filled devices capable of generating continuously tunable radiation over a broad frequency band (eigenfrequency of the plasma structure can be continuously tuned by varying the plasma density). Influence of nonuniformity of charged particle beam distributions in co-ordinate and phase spaces on evolution of beam-driven instability of the AW are examined.Дослідження взаємодії між потоками заряджених частинок та гібридними хвилеводними структурами є важливим для радіофізики та плазмової електроніки. В даній статті досліджено збудження незвичайно поляризованих електромагнітних азимутальних хвиль, які є власними модами циліндричного металевого хвилеводу, який частково заповнено холодною магнітоактивною плазмою. Двовимірна самоузгоджена система диференціальних рівнянь була виведена для опису нелінійної взаємодії між азимутальними хвилями та потоком заряджених частинок малої густини, який рухається над поверхнею плазми, та досліджена числовими методами в одномодовому наближенні. В роботі досліджено вплив неоднорідності розподілу потоку заряджених частинок в координатному та фазовому просторах на еволюцію пучкової нестійкості азимутальних хвиль.Исследование взаимодействия потока заряженных частиц с гибридными волноводными структурами представляется важным для радиофизики и плазменной электроники. В данной статье исследовано возбуждение необыкновенно поляризованных электромагнитных азимутальных волн, которые являются собственными модами цилиндрического металлического волновода, частично заполненного холодной магнитоактивной плазмой. Двумерная самосогласованная система дифференциальных уравнений была выведена для описания нелинейного взаимодействия между азимутальными волнами и потоком заряженных частиц малой плотности, двигающимся над поверхностью плазмы, и исследована числовыми методами в одномодовом приближении. В работе исследовано влияние неоднородности распределения потока заряженных частиц в координатном и фазовом пространствах на эволюцию пучковой неустойчивости азимутальных волн

    Argentine Trawlers for the Arctic Ocean Flotilla

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    During World War I, the Russian government, which had underestimated the significance of danger to north freights from mines, had been unable to efficiently stave off German operations. For that reason, an entire fleet of fishing trawlers was acquired from foreign countries, which were used as mine-sweeping vessels. This paper addresses the service of Argentine trawlers