167 research outputs found

    Mutations designed to modify the NS gene mRNA secondary structure affect influenza A pathogenicity in vivo

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    The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region.The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region

    Description of paramagnetic--spin glass transition in Edwards-Anderson model in terms of critical dynamics

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    Possibility of description of the glass transition in terms of critical dynamics considering a hierarchy of the intermodal relaxation time is shown. The generalized Vogel-Fulcher law for the system relaxation time is derived in terms of this approach. It is shown that the system satisfies the fluctuating--dissipative theorem in case of the absence of the intermodal relaxation time hierarchy.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Екологічний моніторинг стану дубового гаю селища В'ячеславка

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    У статті розглянута проблема актуальності здійснення екологічного моніторингу лісів, головним завданням якого є спостереження і контроль за динамікою стану лісових насаджень під впливом антропогенних факторів і попередження критичних ситуацій, шкідливих або загрозливих для їх нормального функціонування, а також прогнозування змін в них. Об'єктом дослідження є дубовий гай села В’ячеславка Приморського району Запорізької області. У ході дослідження визначали склад деревостану дубового гаю, клас бонітету, клас віку, повноту деревостану, середню висоту і діаметр дерев, а також кількість дерев на 1 га. Також було проаналізовано стан едафічних факторів і вивчено ступінь природного відновлення дубового гаю, визначено тип лісового масиву і стан ґрунтового покриву. На підставі зіставлення даних моніторингових досліджень нами науково обґрунтована необхідність створення природоохоронної зони «Дубовий гай» та розроблено план заходів щодо збереження та природному відновленню даного природного об'єкта

    Cinética de pós precursores de moagem para materiais piezocerâmicos baseados em sistemas de potássio e de noibato de sódio

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    One the main issues in the chemical engineering is to evaluate the grinding procedure powders for pizoceramic materals, which has gained attention in industry with valuables applications. It was demonstrated that the grinding of precursor powders for the PCM synthesis based on sodium and potassium niobates can be carried out using both spherical, and planetary mill. However, this process for niobium oxide is the most efficient if a planetary mill is used.: The coarse grinding should be carried out in a fluid medium, thereby typical dimension of grinding bodies should be decreased with decreasing powder size. Thus, by means of two sets of grinding bodies having a size of 6mm and 2mm it was possible to produce Nb2O5 powder with a mean particle size of about 1μm. The use of an ultrasonic disperser at the final stage of grinding makes it possible to disperse about 5 % wt. of nanoparticles. This significantly increases the specific surface area of these components substantively affecting their reactive activity.Uno de los principales problemas en la ingeniería química es evaluar los polvos de procedimiento de molienda para materiales de pizocerámica, que han ganado atención en la industria con aplicaciones valiosas. Se demostró que la trituración de polvos precursores para la síntesis de PCM basada en niobatos de sodio y potasio se puede llevar a cabo utilizando molinos esféricos y planetarios. Sin embargo, este proceso para el óxido de niobio es el más eficiente si se usa un molino planetario. La molienda gruesa debe llevarse a cabo en un medio fluido, por lo que la dimensión típica de los cuerpos de molienda debe disminuirse al disminuir el tamaño del polvo. Así, por medio de dos conjuntos de cuerpos de molienda que tienen un tamaño de 6 mm y 2 mm, fue posible producir polvo de Nb2O5 con un tamaño de partícula medio de aproximadamente 1 μm. El uso de un dispersor ultrasónico en la etapa final de la molienda permite dispersar alrededor del 5% en peso. de nanopartículas. Esto aumenta significativamente el área de superficie específica de estos componentes que afectan sustancialmente su actividad reactiva.Uma das principais questões da engenharia química é avaliar o processo de moagem pós para materiais pizocerâmicos, que tem ganhado destaque na indústria com aplicações valiosas. Foi demonstrado que a moagem de pós precursores para a síntese de PCM baseada em niobatos de sódio e potássio pode ser realizada usando moinhos esféricos e planetários. No entanto, este processo para óxido de nióbio é o mais eficiente se um moinho planetário é utilizado.: A moagem grossa deve ser realizada em um meio fluido, assim dimensão típica de corpos de moagem deve ser diminuída com a diminuição do tamanho do pó. Assim, por meio de dois conjuntos de corpos de moagem com um tamanho de 6 mm e 2 mm, foi possível produzir Nb2O5 em pó com um tamanho médio de partícula de cerca de 1 μm. O uso de um dispersor ultrassônico no estágio final de moagem possibilita dispersar cerca de 5% em peso. de nanopartículas. Isso aumenta significativamente a área de superfície específica desses componentes afetando substancialmente sua atividade reativa


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    Description of Fischer Clusters Formation in Supercooled Liquids Within Framework of Continual Theory of Defects

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    Liquid is represented as complicated system of disclinations according to defect description of liquids and glasses. The expressions for the linear disclination field of an arbitrary form and energy of inter-disclination interaction are derived in the framework of gauge theory of defects. It allows us to describe liquid as a disordered system of topological moments and reduce this model to the Edwards--Anderson model with large-range interaction. Within the framework of this approach vitrifying is represented as a "hierarchical" phase transition. The suggested model allows us to explain the process of the Fischer clusters formation and the slow dynamics in supercooled liquids close to the liquid--glass transition point

    Intensification of heat transfer during spinodal decomposition of a superheated aqueous oligomer solution

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    The heat conduction of an aqueous solution of polypropylene glycol in the region of stable and unstable states was studied by the method of pulse isothermal impact on a substance with a characteristic time of 100 ms. It has been shown that the short-Term superheating of a homogeneous solution not only above the liquid-liquid equilibrium temperature (low critical solution temperature), but also above the diffusion spinodal is fundamentally possible. The negative character of the deviation of the heat conduction of a solution from the additive law calculated from the heat conduction of the pure components at a given temperature was revealed. The signs of manifestation of spinodal decomposition accompanied by a significant intensification of heat transfer were found. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Nucleophilic substitution of nitro group in nitrotriazolotriazines as a model of potential interaction with cysteine-containing proteins

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    [Figure not available: see fulltext.] The nucleophilic susbstitution of nitro group in [1,2,4]triazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazinones upon treatment with cysteine and glutathione was studied as a model for the interaction with thiol groups of virus proteins, which mimics the metabolic transformations of antiviral drug Triazavirin® and its derivatives. © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 14-13-01301The study was performed with the financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (grant 14-13-01301)