237 research outputs found

    On the Translation of Nikolay Gogol’s Conceptosphere Units: “Bogatyrstvo” or “Heroism”?

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    The translation of Nikolay Gogol’s legacy into foreign languages is traditionally associated with a number of difficulties, ignoring which leads to a distortion of the idiostyle of the classic. The article defines the main reason for the distance between Nikolay Gogol’s works and their foreign transcriptions. It lies in the translator’s indistinguishability of those original writer’s concepts, which are built on the basis of national-patriotic constants and supplemented with semantic stresses that are priority for Gogol the Christian. The argumentation of the proposed thesis is carried out in the article in stages. The first stage is connected with the reconstruction of the “core” of Gogol’s concept “Bogatyrstvo” based on the material of “Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends” and “Dead Souls.” The second stage is the semantic volume of the “core” of Gogol’s concept “Bogatyrstvo” and the ways of its exposition in foreign translations. It turns out that the reduction of the essence of the author’s concept of “Bogatyrstvo” proposed by the majority of translators to the culturally neutral category of “heroism” is irrational and superficial. The author of the article proposes transliteration of Nikolay Gogol’s conceptosphere units as a solution to the problem of its untranslatability


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    This article considers organizational and legal issues of performing document survey during of iatrogenic crime investigation. Proposed ways to resolve these problems. Attention is drawn to the fact that investigative survey of documents is preceded by one of the measures to ensure criminal proceedings. Such a measure is temporary access to belongings and documents containing certain information. This information can be used as evidence of the fact or circumstances of the crime. Except familiarization with belongings and documents, this measure allows to make copies, and in the case of a certain decision made by investigating magistrate or court to seize them. The rules and mechanism of this measure application are considered. Attention is drawn to the expediency of medical record seizure, since medical personnel can make changes to documents. They do this in order to avoid responsibility or to hide a crime. A list of documents that are subject to survey during the investigation of crimes committed during medical care provision is defined. Such documents include: patient medical records; autopsy report; medical record of the patient who left the hospital; outpatient medical record; record about surgical treatments at hospital, records about admission to the hospital, refusal of hospitalization, etc. It was noted that information contained in the medical records and can be obtained by investigator during their survey is classified as medical secrecy. Medical secrecy is information about: the disease, medical survey and its results, fact of medical help handling, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, prognosis of the disease, intimate and family side of life, and any medical actions that were taken regarding the patient.В статье рассмотрены организационные и правовые проблемы проведения осмотра документов при расследовании ятрогенных преступлений. Предложены пути разрешения этих проблем. Обращено внимание на то, что следственному осмотру документов предшествует проведение такой меры обеспечения уголовного производства как временный доступ к вещам и документам, содержащих определенные сведения. Эти сведения могут быть использованы как доказательства фактов или обстоятельств преступления. Кроме ознакомления с вещами и документами, эта мера предоставляет возможность сделать копии, а в случае принятия определенного решения следственным судьей, судом, изъять их. Рассмотрены правила и механизм применения этой меры. Обращено внимание на целесообразность изъятия медицинской документации, поскольку медицинские работники могут вносить изменения в документы. Они делают это для того, чтобы избежать ответственности или скрыть преступление. Определен перечень документов, которые подлежат осмотру при расследовании преступлений, совершаемых в сфере предоставления медицинской помощи. К таким документам относятся: медицинская карта больного; протокол патолого-анатомического исследования; карта пациента, который выбыл из стационара; медицинская карта амбулаторного больного; журнал записей оперативных вмешательств в стационере, учета приема больных в стационар и отказа от госпитализации и другие. Отмечено, что сведения, которые содержатся в медицинских документах и могут быть получены следователем при их осмотре, относятся к врачебной тайне. Врачебной тайной является информация: о заболевании, медицинском осмотре и его результатах, о факте обращения за медицинской помощью, диагнозе, назначенном лечении, прогнозе заболевания, интимной и семейной стороне жизни и любые медицинские действия, которые были проведены относительно пациента.Висвітлено організаційно-правові проблеми здійснення огляду документів при розслідуванні злочинів, учинених у сфері надання медичної допомоги, і запропоновано шляхи їх вирішення. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що слідчому огляду документів передує здійснення такого заходу забезпечення кримінального провадження як тимчасовий доступ до речей і документів. Розглянуто правила та механізм застосування цього заходу. Окреслено перелік документів, що підлягають огляду при розслідуванні злочинів, учинених у сфері надання медичної допомоги. Визначено обставини, які слідчий може встановити при проведенні огляду цих документів. Зазначено, що відомості, котрі містяться в медичних документах і можуть бути отримані слідчим у ході їх огляду, належать до лікарської таємниці. Розглянуто відомості, які становлять лікарську таємницю

    Management of patent ductus arteriosus in premature infants.

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    Closure of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arterios (HSPDA)  is one of the most important questions in modern neonatal intensive care, especially for preterm babies. Long-term functioning of the hemodynamically significant  arterial duct leads to a large number of complications in premature babies, such as: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, periventricular leucomalacia, intraventricular hemorrhage, retinopathy of the premature. To prevent all these complications, the PDA should be closed pharmacologically or surgically as soon as possible without any hesitation. COX inhibitors are commonly used nowa days. Ibuprofen and indomethacin show the equal efficacy and no significant adverse events. But some patients still need surgical treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of using various volumes of infusion in combination with COX inhibitors and to determine its effect on the timing of the closure of PDA. 91 premature infants with a gestational age of 26-31 weeks with manifestations of respiratory distress syndrome and НSPDA were studied retrospectively. Premies were divided into 2 groups. Research groups were representative as to gestational age, gender, and weight (1205.0±435.0 g). Therapy for PDA closure included the use of various volumes of restrictive or liberal infusion therapy (from 50 to 100 ml/kg/day) and COX inhibitors (indomethacin, ibuprofen). The volume of infusion therapy was limited in the first group. Preemies received 53.5±6.4 ml/kg/day on DOL1 and 2. From the third day urine excretion increased and the volume of infusion therapy also raised to 63.6±5.6 ml/kg/day, and on day 5 – to 89.7±6.8 ml/kg/day. In the second group there was no strict limitation of the volume of infusion therapy (especially in the first 5 days). Delayed period of PDA closure (on average from 14.55±0.56 DOL) was associated with absence of limitation of the infusion volume. In the first group, volume of infusion therapy was restricted in the first 5 days, and the closure of the ductus arteriosus occurred extremely early (on 2.35±0.48 DOL). COX inhibitors were prescribed according to the standard scheme: in the first 3 days indomethacin was administered orally in doses of 0.2/0.1/0.1 mg/kg/day. If the premature baby had symptoms of intestinal paresis ( this restricted oral administration of indomethacin), ibuprofen was prescribed in a three-day course in doses of 10/5/5 mg/kg/day intravenously or 20/10/10 mg/kg/day in rectal form. In all  groups, standard PDA closure therapy was used. In the more remote periods (14 and 28 days), there was no fundamental difference in the volume of infusion in all groups. For early PDA closure limitation of infusion therapy in the first 3-5 days in combination with COX is principle

    Power spectrum features of the near-Earth atmospheric electric field in Kamchatka

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    Power spectrum of the diurnal variations of the quasi-electrostatic field Ez in the near-Earth atmosphere have been presented for the first time. The Ez power spectrum variations in the period of fine weather have been shown to exhibit two bands of the periods of natural atmospheric oscillations with T = 1-5 and 6-24 h. These oscillations are the modes of the internal gravity and tidal waves in the lower atmosphere. On the days under atmospheric precipitation, the spectral power of Ez increases by an order of magnitude. During the pre-earthquake period, when the diurnal Ez variation had an anomaly, the intensity of harmonics with T = 1.8, 2.2, and 3.8 h increased by an order of magnitude or more in comparison with the Ez spectra in fine weather. Two additional spectral bands with T = 0.6 and 1 h have appeared simultaneously

    Features of Joint Lesions in Women with Co-Morbidity of Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Based On the Constitution

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    In this paper, the features of joint lesions in women with co-morbidity of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis based on the constitution were presented. It was found that the combined lesions of the knee joints with the small joints of the hands, knee joints combined with the first metatarsophalangeal joint, as well as isolated osteoarthritis of the knee joint were significantly more frequently identified in patients with a mesosome constitution. Combined defeat of knee joints with hip joints was found to occur in patients with megalosome constitution

    Роль инвестиций в инфраструктуру в экономическом росте и сбалансированном региональном развитии

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    The authors of the paper estimated infrastructure’ impact to economic growth, which affects the regional balanced development. The relevance of the research is substantiated by the growing dynamics of investment of public funds in infrastructure development of regions. The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of infrastructure investments on economic growth and balanced regional development. The objectives of the research are: assessment of the impact of investment in infrastructure, assessment of GRP, price index in the regions, assessment of the ratio of population by regions of Russia with average per capita incomes, wages, investment in infrastructure, renewal of fixed assets and assessment of parameters for the balanced development of regions. The authors used statistical research methods (panel data, regression analysis) to identify cause-effect relationships in the process of growth and balance of the regional economy. The scientific novelty of this paper is the identification of disproportions in development of regions in comparison with the contribution of infrastructure to the regional economy. The results suggest that the volatility of infrastructure investment across regions remains high, with the contribution of infrastructure to economic growth and balanced development (p-values from 0.6363 to 0.9552). The authors concluded that the importance of infrastructure investments is one of the most important factors in achieving socio-economic development of the region. Infrastructure investment needs to be supported to reduce regional imbalances.Авторы оценивают вклад инфраструктуры в экономический рост, который влияет на региональное сбалансированное развитие. Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена возрастающей динамикой инвестиций государственных средств в инфраструктурное развитие регионов. Цель исследования - определение влияния инвестиций в инфраструктуру на экономическом рост и сбалансированное региональное развитие. Задачи исследования: оценка влияния инвестиций в инфраструктуру, оценка ВРП, индекса цен в регионах, оценка соотношения количества населения по регионам России со среднедушевыми доходами, заработной платой, инвестициями в инфраструктуру, обновлениями основных фондов, оценка параметров для сбалансированного развития регионов. Для выявления причинно-следственных связей в исследуемом процессе роста и сбалансированности региональной экономики авторы использовали статистические методы исследования (панельные данные, регрессионный анализ). Научной новизной данного исследования является выявление диспропорций развития регионов в сопоставлении со вкладом инфраструктуры в экономику регионов. Результаты показывают, что волатильность инвестиций в инфраструктуру по регионам остается высокой, при этом вклад инфраструктуры в экономический рост и сбалансированное развитие велик (p-значения от 0,6363 до 0,9552). Авторами сделан вывод, что инфраструктурные инвестиции являются одним из наиболее важных факторов достижения социально-экономического развития региона. Для сокращения дисбаланса регионального развития необходимо опираться на инвестиции в инфраструктуру

    Pathogenic characteristics of intracellular infection in chlamydiosis

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    This review analyzes scientific data and systematized information regarding microbiological aspects and pathogenesis of chlamydia infection. Chlamydia are obligate intracellular microorganisms that are sensitive to any human cells where energy parasitism is possible: various types of epithelium, fibrocytes, histiocytes, glial and muscle cells, squamous epithelium of the meninges and eyeball, neurons, monocytes, macrophages. Structure, chemical composition and enzymatic activity of Chlamydia closely resemble those in Gram-negative bacteria, as they retain their morphological identity throughout the life cycle, possess cell wall, ribosomes, DNA, RNA, biochemical elements of glycolysis, tissue respiration, peptose production being sensitive to some broad-spectrum antibiotics, and are able to vegetative form division. In recent decades, the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of chlamydial lesions in the urogenital tract, nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and bronchopulmonary systems have been actively studied, and new approaches and treatment schemes for chlamydia-infected patients are still developing. Over many decades, Chlamydia infection has been an important and urgent problem, not only due to its high prevalence, but also because of high rate of complications negatively affecting populational health and related demographic parameters. Chlamydia causes multiple diseases resulting in chronization of inflammatory process in all human organs and systems, and affects reproduction of population. Mandatory statistical recording of chlamydiosis cases introduced as early as in 1994 in the Russian Federation does not reflect the actual incidence rate. A rise in number of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by Chlamydia undoubtedly increases its etiological importance, but data regarding etiopathogenetic role of Chlamydia in ENT pathology are ambiguous and contradictory. Available publications describe a large range of variation in rate of detected Chlamydia due to poor awareness of doctors about the microbiological properties of chlamydia, pathogenetic and clinical features of clinical signs of this infection, and lack of common and clear understanding on the algorithms for identifying and treating chlamydiosis. Since the majority of chlamydia-associated nosological forms are asymptomatic, knowing pathogenetic features of related will allow to prevent the spread of the infection and reduce subsequent socio-economic consequences


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    The paper presents the results of studying of 44 families of patients with diseases of upper segment of respiratory tract, associated with Chlamydia infection. Control group included. 43 families of ENT-patients without Chlamydia infection. Diagnostics of Chlamydia infection was provided by using the complex of laboratory methods (direct fluorescence immunoassay and immune-enzyme analysis, polymerase-chain reaction). The presence of a patient with respiratory chlamydiosis in a family promotes infecting of other members of the family with Chlamydia

    Green strategies for the sustainable growth of food security

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    Modern society today is reconsidering its development strategy in the light of changing environmental conditions. The global climatic changes observed over the last 30-40 years require not just a careful attitude toward nature and resources, but a comprehensive review of the technologies of production and processing of raw materials and resources. The consumer strategy that has dominated society for the past 2-3 centuries must be completely transformed into a new philosophy of sustainable development of economic systems and growth of food supply for the growing world population. Deteriorating production conditions and resource depletion will not allow a growing humanity to develop at the same speed without a sustainable food base. Therefore, the task of increasing food security becomes a priority in the strategy for the development of the national economy. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023