3,170 research outputs found

    Clarification Of Aqueous Suspensions With A High Content Of Suspended Solids In Rapid Sand Filters

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    The presented work is devoted to solving the actual problem of increasing the efficiency of rapid sand filters with granular filling, which operate at a constant filtration rate when cleaning suspensions with a relatively high concentration of contaminants. The proposed mathematical model for clarifying the suspension by filtration consists of three interconnected blocks: clarified, filtration, and hydraulic. Convenient dimensionless mathematical dependencies are obtained for calculating the concentrations of contaminants and sediment from the height of the filter and suspension in the filtrate; head loss in the filter loading; the effective time of the filter (the duration of the filter cycle). The design of the experimental setup and the methodology for conducting experimental studies and mathematical processing of the results are valid. The results of experimental studies of the suspension filtering process through the granular loading are presented, and the obtained data is analyzed. Measurement of pressure losses in the filter loading is performed when a suspension is passed with a relatively high concentration of contaminants at various filtration rates. The nature of the change in the filtration rate with time and height (length) loading at various filtration rates and initial contamination concentrations is determined. Measured variable concentration of suspended matter in filtered water and retained contamination over time. As a result of the experiments, it is confirmed that an increase in the concentration of retained contaminants S leads to an increase in the parameter Δn/n. Upon reaching a certain value of the concentration of the retained sediment S (in our case S=30 g/dm3), an increase in the relative specific volume of the sediment greater than Δn/n0=0.65 is not observed. It is established that an important characteristic of the retained sediment is the ratio of the volume concentration of the sediment to the volume concentration of solid particles in this sediment γ=Csd/Сs. The values of the adhesion and detachment of particles of contaminant in the particles of the material loading =4,9; =0,009. The results of experimental studies in general confirm the correctness and reliability of the obtained analytical dependencies

    Indices of Immunohistochemical Markers in Women with Genital Viral Infection

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    The article presents the analysis of immunohistochemical markers indices in the uterine cervix tissue affected by genital viral infection. In morphogenesis and pathogenesis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with papillomavirus infection some inexplicable moments appear, namely prognosis of the development and course of disease relapses. Immunohistochemical techniques are often determinative in the diagnosis of cervical pathology. Analysis of immunohistochemical markers expression in dysplastic and neoplastic processes of cervical epithelium allow to determine the intensity of the mechanisms of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and malignant transformation when infected by human papilloma virus of high oncogenic risk. During an examination of reproductive age women with cervical disease of viral etiology study groups of patients were formed. Ki-67, p63 and p16INK4a markers were investigated in the women’s cervical bisopsy samples. Results of the study showed increased expression of specific antigens with the increase in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia severity. This may be the unfavorable prognostic indicator in terms of human papilloma virus infection

    The activity of the court and the public prosecutor’s office on guarantee the lawfulness of the lawful statements of the local state bodies in 1945-1991

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    На підставі аналізу архівних матеріалів та історико-юридичної літератури досліджується діяльність суду і прокуратури по забезпеченню законності правових актів місцевих органів влади. Значна увага приділяється аналізу правової природи провадження у справах, що виникають з адміністративно-правових відносин. Визначається роль і значення судового контролю за законністю правових актів місцевих органів влади, при цьому наводяться приклади з практики. On the base of the analysis of arhivisis materials and historical and juridical literature are study the activity of the court and the public prosecutor’s office on guarantee the lawfulness of the lawful statements of the local state bodies. The main attention is given to analysis of the lawful character of conduct on the cases which are arisen from administrative-legal relations. Defined the role and the sense of judicial control for the lawfulness of the lawful statements of the local state bodies and are directs the examples of the practice