215 research outputs found

    Влияние короткого курса терапии мовалисом на качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом

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    Tsel' issledovaniya. Otsenivali vliyanie korotkogo kursa terapii movalisom na kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom. Materialy i metody. Dlya opredeleniya kachestva zhizni bol'nykh ispol'zovalsya obshchiy oprosnik EQ-5D. V techenie 10 dney patsienty poluchali nesteroidnyy protivovospalitel'nyy preparat movalis, provodilas' takzhe terapiya soputstvuyushchikh zabolevaniy. Anketu kachestva zhizni EQ-5D bol'nye zapolnyali pri vklyuchenii v issledovanie i posle okonchaniya kursa terapii. Rezul'taty issledovaniya. Na fone 10-dnevnogo kursa lecheniya dostoverno uluchshilsya sredniy pokazatel' kachestva zhizni po «termometru» oprosnika EQ. Pri analize sostavlyayushchikh kachestva zhizni vyyavleno, chto dostovernogo uluchsheniya pokazateley v kategoriyakh «peredvizhenie», «samoobsluzhivanie» i «povsednevnaya aktivnost'» ne dostignuto. Statisticheski dostovernaya polozhitel'naya dinamika poluchena v kategoriyakh «bol'/diskomfort», «trevoga/depressiya» i v otsenke obshchego sostoyaniya zdorov'ya po sravneniyu s takovym god nazad (tak nazyvaemaya perekhodnaya tochka zdorov'ya). Zaklyuchenie. Dazhe korotkiy kurs terapii movalisom statisticheski dostoverno uluchshaet kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom.Цель исследования. Оценивали влияние короткого курса терапии мовалисом на качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом. Материалы и методы. Для определения качества жизни больных использовался общий опросник EQ-5D. В течение 10 дней пациенты получали нестероидный противовоспалительный препарат мовалис, проводилась также терапия сопутствующих заболеваний. Анкету качества жизни EQ-5D больные заполняли при включении в исследование и после окончания курса терапии. Результаты исследования. На фоне 10-дневного курса лечения достоверно улучшился средний показатель качества жизни по «термометру» опросника EQ. При анализе составляющих качества жизни выявлено, что достоверного улучшения показателей в категориях «передвижение», «самообслуживание» и «повседневная активность» не достигнуто. Статистически достоверная положительная динамика получена в категориях «боль/дискомфорт», «тревога/депрессия» и в оценке общего состояния здоровья по сравнению с таковым год назад (так называемая переходная точка здоровья). Заключение. Даже короткий курс терапии мовалисом статистически достоверно улучшает качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом

    Magneto-gyrotropic effects in semiconductor quantum wells (review)

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    Magneto-gyrotropic photogalvanic effects in quantum wells are reviewed. We discuss experimental data, results of phenomenological analysis and microscopic models of these effects. The current flow is driven by spin-dependent scattering in low-dimensional structures gyrotropic media resulted in asymmetry of photoexcitation and relaxation processes. Several applications of the effects are also considered.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Gravitational Couplings of Intrinsic Spin

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    The gravitational couplings of intrinsic spin are briefly reviewed. A consequence of the Dirac equation in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is considered in detail, namely, the difference in the energy of a spin-1/2 particle polarized vertically up and down near the surface of a rotating body is Ωsinθ\hbar\Omega\sin\theta. Here θ\theta is the latitude and Ω=2GJ/(c2R3)\Omega = 2GJ/(c^2 R^3), where JJ and RR are, respectively, the angular momentum and radius of the body. It seems that this relativistic quantum gravitational effect could be measurable in the foreseeable future.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 16 page

    The Hamiltonian Structure of the Second Painleve Hierarchy

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    In this paper we study the Hamiltonian structure of the second Painleve hierarchy, an infinite sequence of nonlinear ordinary differential equations containing PII as its simplest equation. The n-th element of the hierarchy is a non linear ODE of order 2n in the independent variable zz depending on n parameters denoted by t1,...,tn1{t}_1,...,{t}_{n-1} and αn\alpha_n. We introduce new canonical coordinates and obtain Hamiltonians for the zz and t1,...,tn1t_1,...,t_{n-1} evolutions. We give explicit formulae for these Hamiltonians showing that they are polynomials in our canonical coordinates


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    Purpose. To improve the efficiency of blasting operations in mines taking into consideration the upgrading of equipment used to charge blastholes as well as application of high-productive mining equipment of new generation. Methods. The activities used mine experimental pressure-charged blasts to break oversize material as well as mine experimental analysis of blasthole charging to estimate the improvement of efficiency of the emulsion explosives (EEs). Findings. It has cbeen determined that both sticked and bulk emulsion explosives of Ukrainit-PP-2 type as well as new options of charging facilities have following technological characteristics: availability of unique space-saving designs of two-component piston dosing pumps of double-action EE components; sufficiently high efficiency of blasthole charging being up to 60 kg of EE/min; ease of service and maintenance; rather long overhaul period of EE components as for the dosing pump as well as cheapness of attachable equipment; availability of both electronic and visual means to control EE preparation and charging. Originality. It has been proved that the improvement of blasting operations in mines results from the intensified technological processes of blasthole charging characterized by the use of such high-productive self-propelled and space-saving facilities of new generation as machines of ZEVS-1 model and portable charges of ZEP-15 type as well as the use of such environmentally friendly bulk trinitrotoluene-free emulsion explosives as Ukrainit-PP-2. Practical implications. Use of EEs in the process of mine blasting operations provides safety, high-quality rock breakage and fragmentation in the context of minimum toxicity of rock, breakage of rocks having any hardness and water content. Moreover, their use is economically efficient


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    Purpose. To improve the efficiency of blasting operations in mines taking into consideration the upgrading of equipment used to charge blastholes as well as application of high-productive mining equipment of new generation. Methods. The activities used mine experimental pressure-charged blasts to break oversize material as well as mine experimental analysis of blasthole charging to estimate the improvement of efficiency of the emulsion explosives (EEs). Findings. It has cbeen determined that both sticked and bulk emulsion explosives of Ukrainit-PP-2 type as well as new options of charging facilities have following technological characteristics: availability of unique space-saving designs of two-component piston dosing pumps of double-action EE components; sufficiently high efficiency of blasthole charging being up to 60 kg of EE/min; ease of service and maintenance; rather long overhaul period of EE components as for the dosing pump as well as cheapness of attachable equipment; availability of both electronic and visual means to control EE preparation and charging. Originality. It has been proved that the improvement of blasting operations in mines results from the intensified technological processes of blasthole charging characterized by the use of such high-productive self-propelled and space-saving facilities of new generation as machines of ZEVS-1 model and portable charges of ZEP-15 type as well as the use of such environmentally friendly bulk trinitrotoluene-free emulsion explosives as Ukrainit-PP-2. Practical implications. Use of EEs in the process of mine blasting operations provides safety, high-quality rock breakage and fragmentation in the context of minimum toxicity of rock, breakage of rocks having any hardness and water content. Moreover, their use is economically efficient