3,623 research outputs found

    Physical Acoustics

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    Contains reports on two research projects.U. S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract NO0014-67-A-0204-0019

    Source of the Bursty Bulk Flow Diffuse Aurora: Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic and Whistler Waves in the Coupling of Bursty Bulk Flows to Auroral Precipitation

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    Electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) and whistler chorus waves are recognized as the two mechanisms responsible for the resonant waveparticle interactions necessary to precipitate plasma sheet electrons into the ionosphere, producing the diffuse Aurora. Previous work has demonstrated ECH waves dominate electron scattering at L shells >8, while whistler chorus dominates scattering at L shells L 1, consistent with electron betatron acceleration. Here, however, we nd whistler chorus emissions throughout an interval of fast ows where Te,/Te,||< 1. Parallel electron beams account for the enhanced parallel electron temperature and serve as the instability mechanism for the whistler chorus. The parallel electron beams and associated cigarshaped distributions are consistent with Fermi acceleration at dipolarizations in fast ows. We demonstrate that the scattering efciency of the whistler chorus exceeds that of ECH waves, which THEMIS also detects during the fast ows. The obliquity of the whistler waves permits efcient scattering of lowerenergy electrons into the diffuse aurora. We conclude that Fermi acceleration of electrons provides one important freeenergy source for the waveparticle interactions responsible for coupling plasma sheet electrons into the diffuse aurora during substorm conditions

    A Study on Gender Preferences and its Sociocultural aspects among Married Women (18-45 Years) in Rural Gurugram

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    INTRODUCTION: Declining sex ratio is a major concern worldwide, especially in a developing country like India. The role of sociocultural factors in gender preference is known since ages. The skewed sex ratio in India is attributed to selective female feticides and misuse of technological advancements. This also has a strong influence on contraceptive acceptance among couples. OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to explore the contraceptive use, gender preferences and its determinants among married women in rural Gurgaon. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among married women (18-45years) residing in the rural field practice area of SGT medical college and hospital, Gurugram. The sample size was found to be 400. Systematic random sampling technique was used to recruit the study participants.&nbsp; Pre- tested, pre-designed questionnaire was used for data collection. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Among 400 married women, current contraceptive usage among study population was found to be 58.25%. The most common method of contraception used by the study subjects was intrauterine contraceptive device. The preference for male child was found among 49.5% women. The reasons cited for such preference were propagation of family name (48.2%), financial dependability in the old age (34%), social responsibilities are carried out by males (25.3%) and males are lesser economic liability (31%). Lower age group of mother, nulliparity, Hindu religion, lower educational status and lower socioeconomic status were found to be the determinants of male child preference in the present study. CONCLUSION: There is need of awareness and education amongst women and both the genders deserve equal respect without any preferences

    Design of Safe Slopes After Failure During an Earthquake

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    Four slope slides took place, during a major earthquake, on the slopes of hill that has a paper mill complex on its top. The subsoil condition and engineering parameters for the site were evaluated at the time of construction of this complex and again after the earthquake for the purpose of designing safe slopes. However, both times the variation in the numerical values of shear parameters obtained by different tests was very wide and it was difficult to arrive at some conclusion. Therefore, on the basis of failure surface geometries, these was assessed by back analysis and design of safe slope carried out

    Study of line shape and angular variation of ESR spectra in two smectic a liquid crystals

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    Electron spin-resonance (ESR) measurement of the androstane nitroxide spin-probe is reported in isotropic, nematic and smectic A phases of the liquid crystals N(p-Octyloxy-benzylidine)-p-toludine [OBT] and p-nitrophenyl-p-n-octyloxy benzoate [NPOB]. Mono-domain samples in flat quartz tube were formed for the study of the angular variation of the spectra in smectic A phase. The analysis of the spectra using the theory of Polnaszek, Bruno and Freed (PBF) has resulted in the determination of the order parameter S, the rotational correlation time TR, and the anisotropic diffusion parameter N at different temperatures. The comparison between the two samples shows that the molecular geometry of the liquid crystals play important role in determining the value of the order parameter. The entire smectic A phase in OBT is characteristic of slow tumbling region (TR &gt; 10-9 sec) and the anisotropic parameter N shows an anomalous increase in this phase. This indicates that the slowly relaxing local structure (SRLS) mechanism plays important role in the slow tumbling region. In NPOB the incipient slow tumbling region is almost at the end of smectic A phase and the SRLS mechanism does not seem to play as important role as in OBT

    ESR line shape study of two nematic liquid crystals

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    Electron spin-resonance (ESR) measurements of the spin-probe17&#946;-hydroxy-4,4'-dimethyl spiro[5&#945;-androstane-3,2-oxazolidine]-3'-yloxyl in the liquid crystals 4-n-Amylacetophenon O-(4-n-heptyl benzoyl)-oxime [AAHBO] and 4-n-Butoxyphenyl hexyl benzoate [BPHB] are reported in isotropic and nematic phases. On the basis of the temperature variation of ESR line width, an extra, solid to solid, phase transition is observed in BPHB. The theory of Polnaszek, Bruno and Freed (PBF) appropriate for anisotropic viscosity diffusion is used to analyze the ESR spectra and thereby to determine the values of the order parameter, the rotational diffusion tensor and the correlation time at different temperatures for the two liquid crystals. The analysis shows that the slowly relaxing local structure mechanisms (SRLS) is active in slow tumbling region specially in AAHBO

    Влияние размера фирмы, левериджа и прибыльности на уровень раскрытия информации об интеллектуальном капитале

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    The transformation of the economy from a production-based economy to a knowledge economy has increased the relevance of Intellectual Capital (IC). With the emergence of the Integrated reporting framework, the corporates have started reporting intellectual capital in annual reports, business responsibility reports.The present study aims to examine the relationship between the IC disclosure (ICD) and variables like Firm Size, Leverage, and Company Profitability. To find the relationship, a sample of 30 Bombay stock exchange-listed non-financial firms have been taken into consideration for three years, 2018–2020.he study concludes that firm size positively impacts the disclosure of IC. It can be inferred that the medium and small firms will not disclose much information related to Intellectual capital than large corporations. However, leverage negatively affects the disclosure of IC. It is rightly supported as higher the leverage; low disclosure will be there as investors wouldn’t be willing to invest in the organization. To attract investments, organizations wouldn’t disclosure the debt level. There is no influence of profitability on the ICD. The authors believe that the government should spread awareness about the disclosure of Intellectual Capital at the macro level and train the employees and management at all levels and sizes to increase the disclosure level. Трансформация экономики, основанной на производстве, в экономику знаний повысила актуальность интеллектуального капитала (ИК). С появлением системы интегрированной отчетности корпорации начали представлять информацию об интеллектуальном капитале в годовых отчетах и отчетах об ответственности бизнеса.Цель исследования —  установить взаимосвязь между раскрытием информации об ИК (ICD) и такими переменными, как размер фирмы, леверидж и прибыльность компании. Для поиска взаимосвязи была взята выборка из 30 нефинансовых фирм, зарегистрированных на Бомбейской фондовой бирже, за три года —  2018–2020 гг.Сделан вывод, что размер фирмы положительно влияет на раскрытие СК. Показано, что средние и малые фирмы раскрывают меньше информации, связанной с интеллектуальным капиталом, чем крупные корпорации. Однако леверидж отрицательно влияет на раскрытие информации об ИК. Это справедливо, поскольку при более высоком леверидже раскрытие информации будет низким, так как инвесторы не захотят вкладывать средства в организацию. Чтобы привлечь инвестиции, организации не будут раскрывать уровень долга. Влияние прибыльности на ИКД отсутствует. Авторы считают, что правительство должно распространять информацию о раскрытии интеллектуального капитала на макроуровне и обучать сотрудников и руководство компаний всех размеров повышать уровень раскрытия этой информации

    RLIP76, a Glutathione-Conjugate Transporter, Plays a Major Role in the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Syndrome

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    PURPOSE: Characteristic hypoglycemia, hypotriglyceridemia, hypocholesterolemia, lower body mass, and fat as well as pronounced insulin-sensitivity of RLIP76⁻/⁻ mice suggested to us the possibility that elevation of RLIP76 in response to stress could itself elicit metabolic syndrome (MSy). Indeed, if it were required for MSy, drugs used to treat MSy should have no effect on RLIP76⁻/⁻ mice. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood glucose (BG) and lipid measurements were performed in RLIP76⁺/⁺ and RLIP76⁻/⁻ mice, using Ascensia Elite Glucometer® for glucose and ID Labs kits for cholesterol and triglycerides assays. The ultimate effectors of gluconeogenesis are the three enzymes: PEPCK, F-1,6-BPase, and G6Pase, and their expression is regulated by PPARγ and AMPK. The activity of these enzymes was tested by protocols standardized by us. Expressions of RLIP76, PPARα, PPARγ, HMGCR, pJNK, pAkt, and AMPK were performed by Western-blot and tissue staining. RESULTS: The concomitant activation of AMPK and PPARγ by inhibiting transport activity of RLIP76, despite inhibited activity of key glucocorticoid-regulated hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes like PEPCK, G6Pase and F-1,6-BP in RLIP76⁻/⁻ mice, is a salient finding of our studies. The decrease in RLIP76 protein expression by rosiglitazone and metformin is associated with an up-regulation of PPARγ and AMPK. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: All four drugs, rosiglitazone, metformin, gemfibrozil and atorvastatin failed to affect glucose and lipid metabolism in RLIP76⁻/⁻ mice. Studies confirmed a model in which RLIP76 plays a central role in the pathogenesis of MSy and RLIP76 loss causes profound and global alterations of MSy signaling functions. RLIP76 is a novel target for single-molecule therapeutics for metabolic syndrome

    Net zero pole streets light by solar PV module

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    People have started to move non-conventional energy source. The energy generated from non-conventional energy source should be used in effective manner. It is also eco-friendly and viable for the environments. The solar street light is an innovation take for the sustainable growth through many policies like make in India. This paper proposes a net-zero pole streets lighting by solar PV module and the mean of net-zero is that no power demand from the grid. The proposed system consists of a PV panel, LEDs lamp, and micro-inverter. In this project we have used LEDs lights due to many advantages as compare to other lamps. This LEDs lighting is very efficient (very high efficiency) and cost effective (long life). In additional in this project we used micro-inverter. This micro-inverter is converted DC supply from the PV module into AC supply and its AC supply is feed to the grid through a net-meter. In this project battery is not required