706 research outputs found

    Optimizations of preparative parameters in potentiodynamic synthesis of cobalt oxide thin films: Capacitive approach

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    The present article reports synthesis of Co3O4 thin films by facile potentiodynamic-electrodeposition technique using variations in the preparative parameters such as ingredient, solution concentration and deposition time. The prepared samples were analysed using XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Crystallographic study shows polycrystalline face centered cubic spinel structure of the deposit. Cyclic voltammogram reveals pseudocapacitive behavior. The calculated highest value of specific capacitance at the scan rate 5 mV/s was 237.68 F/gin 1 M KOH, within the potential window -0.92 to 0.45 V versus Ag/AgCl. The calculated maximum value of specific energy, specific power and columbic efficiency from chronopotentiometry were 4.91 Wh/kg, 28.69 kW/kg and 94.78%, respectively. The internal resistance observed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was~ 3.55 Ω

    A cross sectional study to estimate prevalence of obesity and its risk factors in adolescent school children in Western Maharashtra, India

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    Background: There is an increase in prevalence of childhood obesity and its chronic health effects especially in developing countries like India in last 2-3 decades. This study is small effort to know prevalence and risk factors causing obesity. Aim of the study was to estimate prevalence of obesity and its risk factors in school students of age group 11 to 16 years.Methods: About 207 adolescent school children from selected school were enrolled in the study. Research tool comprised of questions about demographic characteristics, daily physical activity, frequency of having junk food intake etc. Height and weight were measured on calibrated scales. For statistical analysis MS Excel and SPSS 16 were used.Results: Among participants 58.9% were boys. 66.7% students were in the 13 to 14 years of age group. As per body mass index, 46.9% children were underweight and 8.7% were obese. 77.3% participants were eating junk food more than once in a week.Conclusions: Health education on dietary habits and physical activity is needed for adolescent children to prevent development of obesity and complications related to it

    Risk factors for malaria deaths in Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, India: evidence for further action

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    BACKGROUND: In 2006, a cluster of malaria deaths in the highly endemic Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, India, led to assignment of additional resources. Malaria deaths decreased, but continued to occur. A study was conducted to identify the risk factors for residual malaria deaths. METHODS: Malaria death was defined as a death from fever with microscopically confirmed Plasmodium falciparum among residents of Jalpaiguri during 2007–2008. For each case, three age-, sex- and locality-matched controls were recruited among microscopically confirmed falciparum malaria patients cured during the same period. Clinical and treatment information was abstracted from records. Information about knowledge about malaria, presence of bed nets and DDT spraying was collected through interviews of the close relatives of study subjects. Odds ratio (OR) were calculated using multivariate methods. RESULTS: 51 malaria deaths were matched with 153 controls, which did not differ by age (median: 35 versus 36 years) and proportion of males (63% versus 63%). On multiple logistic regression analysis, compared with survivors, malaria deaths were more likely to have been admitted with already existing complications [OR = 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.6–10)], treated at a private facility (OR = 3.7, 95% CI = 1.2–12), received treatment after 48 hours of fever onset (OR = 14, 95% CI = 2.9–64), received chloroquine (OR = 13.3, 95% CI = 3.7–47). Households of the deceased were also more likely to miss bed nets (OR = 6.3, 95% CI = 1.9–24) and DDT spraying (OR = 9.2, 95% CI = 2.8–31). CONCLUSION: Elimination of malaria deaths will require education of providers for prompt referral before complications, engagement of the private sector, community awareness for early treatment as well as scaled-up use of bed nets use and DDT. Use of newer generation anti-malarials must to be generalized

    Performance of Port Facilities During the Northridge Earthquake

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    During the January 17, 1994, Northridge earthquake, two of the Port of Los Angeles\u27 facilities called Berths 121-126 and Pier 300 sustained moderate damage. Lateral displacement of dikes up to five inches and liquefaction of hydraulic fills were observed. Several geotechnical analyses from simplified SPT -based method to sophisticated fully-coupled analyses are presented. Observed lateral displacements are predicted reasonably well by the fully-coupled analysis procedure and an intermediate analysis procedure which incorporates some results from a fully-coupled analysis in to a simplified Newmark-type deformation analysis. The potential for higher pore pressure generation underneath the dike compared to a level ground is also discussed


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    The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) are generally well tolerated as monotherapy. Statins are associated with two important adverse effects, asymptomatic elevation in liver enzymes and myopathy. Myopathy is most likely to occur when statins are administered with other drugs. Statins are substrates of multiple drug transporters (including OAT- -P1B1, BCRP and MDR1) and several cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes (including CYP3A4, CYP2C8, CYP2C19, and CYP2C9). Possible adverse effects of statins can occur due to interactions in concomitant use of drugs that substantially inhibit or induce their methabolic pathway. This review aim is to summarize the most important interactions of statins

    Importance of etiologic diagnosis of hydrocephalus as illustrated by a case of Walker Warburg syndrome

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    Solutions To Plate Problem With Constant Rigidity Using Singularity Functions

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    A new and novel method of solving problems of rectangular plates of constant stiffness using singularity functions is proposed. The working methods and manifestations of the use of singularity functions in plate analysis are presented. Use of singularity functions, to represent the loading and reactive forces and moments at the boundary, along with the finite difference equations for plates of constant stiffness, is the new direction of plate analysis proposed. Here for some problems of plates of constant stiffness, the method is to find mathematical solution to the basic partial differential equations (namely,) along with the representation of the load q in terms of singularity function to get a closed form solution is presented. The advantage of the proposed method over finite elements lies in the fact, that the solution can be found without the help of computers, In contrast, the need for a computer for even a simple problem in the finite element method is required. The solution of certain types of problems of plates with constant and variable stiffness for certain types of loading and boundary conditions is included to exemplify the technique of use of singularity functions

    Incidence, management, and reporting of severe and fatal Plasmodium falciparum malaria in secondary and tertiary health facilities of Alipurduar, India in 2009

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    Background & objectives: The proportion of malaria cases that are complicated and fatal are not well describedin India. Alipurduar sub-division of Jalpaiguri district in West Bengal is highly endemic for malaria. We constructeda retrospective cohort of severe malaria patients admitted in the secondary and tertiary care facilities in Alipurduarto determine the incidence, assess the management, and evaluate the reporting of severe and fatal malaria.Methods: We reviewed routine surveillance data and the case records of all the malaria patients admitted in allsecondary and tertiary care facilities, both public and private. We defined severe malaria cases as Plasmodiumfalciparum infection with clinical signs and symptoms of organ involvement in a resident of Alipurduar admittedduring January to December 2009. We compared clinical and demographic characteristics of severe malariacases that died with those who survived. We also reviewed human resources and laboratory facilities availablefor the treatment of severe malaria in these health facilities.Results: During 2009, 6191 cases of P. falciparum in Alipurduar were reported to the malaria surveillancesystem. We identified 336 (5.4%) cases of severe malaria among which 33 (9.8%) patients died. Four malariadeaths were also recorded from primary health centres. Only 17 of the 37 (46%) total deaths recorded werereported to the routine surveillance system. Most severe cases were males (65%), aged >15 years (72%), andnearly half were admitted to secondary care hospitals (48%). In multivariate analysis, the risk factors associatedwith death included increased delay fever onset and hospitalization, treatment in a secondary level hospital,younger age, and multi-organ involvement. The secondary level public hospital had too few physicians andnurses for supporting severe malaria patients as well as inadequate laboratory facilities for monitoring suchpatients.Conclusions: Severe and fatal malaria continue to burden Alipurduar and record keeping in health facilities waspoor. Many malaria deaths were not routinely reported even in the public sector. Improved surveillance andincreased human and laboratory resources are needed to reduce malaria mortalit

    Enhancement of clonogenicity of human multiple myeloma by dendritic cells

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    Infiltration by dendritic cells (DCs) is a common feature of most human tumors. Prior studies evaluating the interaction of DCs with tumors have focused largely on their immunologic properties (for review see Banchereau, J., and R.M. Steinman. 1998. Nature. 392:245–252). In this study, we show that the clonogenicity of several human tumor cell lines and primary tumor cells from myeloma patients is enhanced by their interactions with DCs. Myeloma cells cultured in the presence of DCs have an altered phenotype with an increased proportion of cells lacking terminal plasma cell differentiation marker CD138. DC–tumor interaction also leads to the up-regulation of B cell lymphoma 6 expression in myeloma cells. Effects of DCs on myeloma cells are inhibited by blockade of the receptor activator of NF-kB (RANK)–RANK ligand and B cell–activating factor–APRIL (a proliferation-inducing ligand)-mediated interactions. Together, these data suggest that tumor–DC interactions may directly impact the biology of human tumors, particularly multiple myeloma, and may be a target for therapeutic intervention
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