5,298 research outputs found

    Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson e Ibuprofeno

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    Introdução: A síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é uma doença rara com mortalidade de 1 a 5% e morbilidade significativa. Ocorre na sequência de uma reacção de hipersensibilidade imuno-mediada com susceptibilidade individual associada a factores genéticos. Pode ser desencadeada por agentes infecciosos, mas na maior parte dos casos o factor desencadeante é a exposição a fármacos. Caso clínico: Criança de 3 anos, previamente saudável, internada por febre alta, exantema papulovesicular generalizado com predomínio no tronco, dorso e face, enantema e hiperémia conjuntival. Posteriormente verificou-se coalescência das lesões cutâneas com evolução para necrose e descamação. Tinha adicionalmente erosões da mucosa oral, estomatite, edema e eritema dos lábios, períneo e balanite. Fotofobia, hiperémia conjuntival, edema palpebral, exsudado ocular sem sinéquias e córnea sem lesões. Duas semanas antes tinha sido medicado pela primeira vez com ibuprofeno e na admissão hospitalar realizou uma nova administração. Nega ingestão de outros fármacos. PCR para vírus do grupo herpes nas lesões, exames culturais negativos e serologias para Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Borrelia burgdoferi, vírus da hepatite B, Epstein-Barr e citomegalovírus negativos. TASO e anti-DNaseB sem alterações. IFI para vírus respiratórios negativa. Posteriormente identificou-se enterovírus por PCR nas fezes de que se aguarda cultura viral. Foi interrompida a administração de ibuprofeno e realizada terapêutica de suporte com fluidoterapia endovenosa, nutrição parentérica, analgesia sistémica e tópica. Manteve febre durante 10 dias, registando-se regressão progressiva da sintomatologia com melhoria das lesões ao fim de 3 semanas. Programou-se seguimento para rastreio de complicações cutâneo-mucosas e oftalmológicas e estudo de alergias medicamentosas. Comentários: O diagnóstico da síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é clínico e, em caso de dúvida, histológico, suportado por história de exposição a fármacos ou intercorrência infecciosa. A ingestão de ibuprofeno pela primeira vez com agravamento após a reexposição ao fármaco leva-nos a suspeitar ser esta a etiologia mais provável. Contudo, a identificação de enterovírus não permite excluir este agente como interveniente na doença


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    The effective surface heat transfer coefficients during air blast freezing of plastic polyethylene packages containing fruit pulp models conditioned inside multi layer boxes were evaluated under conditions encountered in commercial practice. The results were presented as dimensionless correlations based on hydraulic diameter of the rectangular ducts. The effects on the surface heat transfer coefficient of the air temperature, air velocity, transducer position inside the boxes and box position in the pillage on the surface were analyzed. The results show: the effect of air-cooling temperature on the surface heat transfer is negligible in the range encountered in blast freezing practice. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients predicted by the non-dimensional correlations based on hydraulic diameter was successfully used to represent the bed irregularities, mainly in arrays of 5 and 3 layers. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients varied according to the position between the top and the bottom of the boxes and was influenced by the number of layers in the arrays

    A model of the reflection distribution in the vacuum ultra violet region

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    A reflection model with three components, a specular spike, a specular lobe and a diffuse lobe is discussed. This model was successfully applied to describe reflection of xenon scintillation light (175 nm) by PTFE and other fluoropolymers and can be used for Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of scintillation detectors. The measured data favors a Trowbridge-Reitz distribution function of ellipsoidal micro-surfaces. The intensity of the coherent reflection increases with increasing angle of incidence, as expected, since the surface appears smoother at grazing angles. The total reflectance obtained for PTFE is about 70% for VUV light at normal incidence in vacuum and estimated to be up to 100% in contact with liquid xenon

    Functionalizing self-assembled GaN quantum dot superlattices by Eu-implantation

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    Self-assembled GaN quantum dots (QDs) stacked in superlattices (SL) with AlN spacer layers were implanted with Europium ions to fluences of 1013, 1014, and 1015 cm−2. The damage level introduced in the QDs by the implantation stays well below that of thick GaN epilayers. For the lowest fluence, the structural properties remain unchanged after implantation and annealing while for higher fluences the implantation damage causes an expansion of the SL in the [0001] direction which increases with implantation fluence and is only partly reversed after thermal annealing at 1000 °C. Nevertheless, in all cases, the SL quality remains very good after implantation and annealing with Eu ions incorporated preferentially into near-substitutional cation sites. Eu3+ optical activation is achieved after annealing in all samples. In the sample implanted with the lowest fluence, the Eu3+ emission arises mainly from Eu incorporated inside the QDs while for the higher fluences only the emission from Eu inside the AlN-buffer, capping, and spacer layers is observed. © 2010 American Institute of PhysicsFCT-PTDC/CTM/100756/2008program PESSOA EGIDE/GRICESFCT-SFRH/BD/45774/2008FCT-SFRH/BD/44635/200

    Scintillation efficiency of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils with the energy down to 5 keV

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    The scintillation efficiency of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils has been measured to be nearly constant in the recoil energy range from 140 keV down to 5 keV. The average ratio of the efficiency for recoils to that for gamma-rays is found to be 0.19+-0.02.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Superficial Venous Aneurysms. Casuistic, Case Reports and Literature Review

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    Os aneurismas venosos são uma entidade patológica pouco frequente, embora a sua deteção possa vir a aumentar como consequência da crescente utilização do ecodoppler como meio complementar de diagnóstico. Podem apresentar-se, clinicamente, como massas dos tecidos moles, ocasionalmente simulando hérnia ou adenopatia da região inguinal, particularmente os que surgem no sistema venoso superficial dos membros inferiores. Estão descritos na literatura casos de aneurismas venosos superficiais associados a tromboembolismo pulmonar. Considerando a potencial morbimortalidade, a abordagem terapêutica é cirúrgica na maioria dos casos. Os autores apresentam a sua casuística de aneurismas venosos superficiais num período de 20 anos, três casos clínicos mais exemplificativos e fazem uma revisão da literatura.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceived ethical reputation: Scale development and validation

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    Ethical reputation reflects organizations’ commitment to ethics (Jaramillo, Grisaffe, Chonko, & Roberts, 2009; Mulki & Jaramillo, 2011), based on perceived occurrences of ethical problems (Armstrong, 1996) and ways organizations treat their employees and customers (Dawkins & Lewis, 2003). Having a favorable reputation may lead to favorable consequences, such as attracting higher-quality applicants, enhanced job attitudes, and increased employee ethical conduct (Fombrun & Shanley, 1990; Turban & Cable, 2003). However, a comprehensive measure to assess employees’ perceptions of the ethical reputation of their organizations is still missing. Therefore, the present study attempts to develop and validate such a measure. A pool of items reflecting the different dimensions of the construct was drawn from the existing literature on business ethics and organizational reputation. The relevance and clarity of those items was assessed by experts to assure content validity. In order to assess the psychometric characteristics of the scale, data are being collected via convenience sampling. The target sample comprises employees from organizations of different business sectors. Subsequently, analyses to determine construct validity and reliability will be performed. Results will be presented at the conference. The present research is expected to provide a new and useful tool for measuring ethical reputation of organizations, to be used in future research on the issue.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of migrant populations in Europe: An equity-focused scoping review

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    The pandemic is aggravating health inequalities, particularly mental health inequalities, while revealing the social determinants of these inequalities, including migration as a social determinant that mediates the interaction of social, economic, cultural, institutional, and structural factors with health indicators. Therefore, it is of most relevance to identify the multiple interconnected factors that influence the mental health and well-being of migrant populations. A scoping review was developed to map the research performed in this area and to identify any gaps in knowledge, following the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews. MEDLINE, Scopus, and WHO Global Health research databases on COVID-19 were searched from January 2020 to October 2021. The review followed the inclusion criteria Population/Concept/Context (PCC): Population-Adult International migrants (including refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants); Concept-determinants of (and factors influencing) mental health and well-being; Context-COVID-19 anywhere in the world. Of the sixty-five selected studies, eleven were from European countries and were the focus of this review with special attention to health inequalities experienced by migrants in Europe. The results cover a diversity of themes related to the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of migrants (country-level environmental factors, social determinants of mental health, mental health indicators and outcomes), responses (such as solidarity and resilience), populations, and study methods. The evidence found can inform recommendations and interventions focused on health promotion and mitigation of the inequalities accentuated by the pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reflectance of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for Xenon Scintillation Light

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    Gaseous and liquid xenon particle detectors are being used in a number of applications including dark matter search and neutrino-less double beta decay experiments. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is often used in these detectors both as electrical insulator and as a light reflector to improve the efficiency of detection of scintillation photons. However, xenon emits in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region (175 nm) where the reflecting properties of PTFE are not sufficiently known. In this work we report on measurements of PTFE reflectance, including its angular distribution, for the xenon scintillation light. Various samples of PTFE, manufactured by different processes (extruded, expanded, skived and pressed) have been studied. The data were interpreted with a physical model comprising both specular and diffuse reflections. The reflectance obtained for these samples ranges from about 47% to 66% for VUV light. Fluoropolymers, namely ETFE, FEP and PFA were also measured