2,318 research outputs found

    A right hemisphere advantage for processing blurred faces

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    Signal Processing

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    Contains research objectives, summary of research and reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DAAB07-71-C-0300U. S. Coast Guard (Contract DOT-CG-13446-A

    Signal Processing

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    Contains research objectives and reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    Identification of z~>2 Herschel 500 micron sources using color-deconfusion

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    We present a new method to search for candidate z~>2 Herschel 500{\mu}m sources in the GOODS-North field, using a S500{\mu}m/S24{\mu}m "color deconfusion" technique. Potential high-z sources are selected against low-redshift ones from their large 500{\mu}m to 24{\mu}m flux density ratios. By effectively reducing the contribution from low-redshift populations to the observed 500{\mu}m emission, we are able to identify counterparts to high-z 500{\mu}m sources whose 24{\mu}m fluxes are relatively faint. The recovery of known z~4 starbursts confirms the efficiency of this approach in selecting high-z Herschel sources. The resulting sample consists of 34 dusty star-forming galaxies at z~>2. The inferred infrared luminosities are in the range 1.5x10^12-1.8x10^13 Lsun, corresponding to dust-obscured star formation rates (SFRs) of ~260-3100 Msun/yr for a Salpeter IMF. Comparison with previous SCUBA 850{\mu}m-selected galaxy samples shows that our method is more efficient at selecting high-z dusty galaxies with a median redshift of z=3.07+/-0.83 and 10 of the sources at z~>4. We find that at a fixed luminosity, the dust temperature is ~5K cooler than that expected from the Td-LIR relation at z<1, though different temperature selection effects should be taken into account. The radio-detected subsample (excluding three strong AGN) follows the far-infrared/radio correlation at lower redshifts, and no evolution with redshift is observed out to z~5, suggesting that the far-infrared emission is star formation dominated. The contribution of the high-z Herschel 500{\mu}m sources to the cosmic SFR density is comparable to that of SMG populations at z~2.5 and at least 40% of the extinction-corrected UV samples at z~4 (abridged).Comment: 33 pages in emulateapj format, 24 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Differences between primiparous and multiparous dairy cows in the inter-relationships between metabolic traits, milk yield and body condition score in the periparturient period

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    During the early postpartum period dairy cows mobilize fat and muscle to support lactation. This is associated with alterations in blood metabolite and hormone profiles which in turn influence milk yield and fertility. This study developed models to determine how metabolic traits, milk yield and body condition score were inter-related at different times in the periparturient period and to compare these relationships in primiparous (PP, n=188) and multiparous (MP, n=312) cows. Data from four previous studies which included information on blood metabolic parameters, parity, milk yield, body condition score and diet were collated into a single dataset. Coefficients of polynomial equations were calculated for each trait between -1 week pre-calving and week +7 postpartum using residual maximum likelihood modelling. The completed dataset was used in a multiple correlation model to determine how the best fit curves were related to each other over time. PP cows had higher concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I and lower beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations throughout, higher leptin concentrations pre-partum and both the peak in non-esterified fatty acids and the nadir in urea concentration occurred earlier after calving. These differences were associated with significantly lower milk production. Leptin concentrations fell at calving and were related to body condition score. Insulin was negatively correlated with yield in MP cows only. In MP cows the relationship between insulin-like growth factor-I and yield switched from negative to positive between weeks +4 and +7. Both beta-hydroxybutyrate and urea were positively related to yield in PP cows. In contrast, in MP cows beta-hydroxybutyrate was negatively correlated with yield and urea was strongly related to body condition score but not yield. These results suggest that there are differences in the control of tissue mobilization between PP and MP cows which may promote nutrient partitioning into growth as well as milk during the first lactation

    T-PHOT: A new code for PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength extragalactic deconfusion photometry

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    We present T-PHOT, a publicly available software aimed at extracting accurate photometry from low-resolution images of deep extragalactic fields, where the blending of sources can be a serious problem for the accurate and unbiased measurement of fluxes and colours. T-PHOT has been developed within the ASTRODEEP project and it can be considered as the next generation to TFIT, providing significant improvements above it and other similar codes. T-PHOT gathers data from a high-resolution image of a region of the sky, and uses it to obtain priors for the photometric analysis of a lower resolution image of the same field. It can handle different types of datasets as input priors: i) a list of objects that will be used to obtain cutouts from the real high-resolution image; ii) a set of analytical models; iii) a list of unresolved, point-like sources, useful e.g. for far-infrared wavelength domains. We show that T-PHOT yields accurate estimations of fluxes within the intrinsic uncertainties of the method, when systematic errors are taken into account (which can be done thanks to a flagging code given in the output). T-PHOT is many times faster than similar codes like TFIT and CONVPHOT (up to hundreds, depending on the problem and the method adopted), whilst at the same time being more robust and more versatile. This makes it an optimal choice for the analysis of large datasets. In addition we show how the use of different settings and methods significantly enhances the performance. Given its versatility and robustness, T-PHOT can be considered the preferred choice for combined photometric analysis of current and forthcoming extragalactic optical to far-infrared imaging surveys. [abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, 2 table

    Underestimated risks of recurrent long-range ash dispersal from northern Pacific Arc volcanoes

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    Widespread ash dispersal poses a significant natural hazard to society, particularly in relation to disruption to aviation. Assessing the extent of the threat of far-travelled ash clouds on flight paths is substantially hindered by an incomplete volcanic history and an underestimation of the potential reach of distant eruptive centres. The risk of extensive ash clouds to aviation is thus poorly quantified. New evidence is presented of explosive Late Pleistocene eruptions in the Pacific Arc, currently undocumented in the proximal geological record, which dispersed ash up to 8000?km from source. Twelve microscopic ash deposits or cryptotephra, invisible to the naked eye, discovered within Greenland ice-cores, and ranging in age between 11.1 and 83.7 ka b2k, are compositionally matched to northern Pacific Arc sources including Japan, Kamchatka, Cascades and Alaska. Only two cryptotephra deposits are correlated to known high-magnitude eruptions (Towada-H, Japan, ca 15 ka BP and Mount St Helens Set M, ca 28 ka BP). For the remaining 10 deposits, there is no evidence of age- and compositionally-equivalent eruptive events in regional volcanic stratigraphies. This highlights the inherent problem of under-reporting eruptions and the dangers of underestimating the long-term risk of widespread ash dispersal for trans-Pacific and trans-Atlantic flight route