1,266 research outputs found

    The Spatial-Kinematic Structure of the Region of Massive Star Formation S255N on Various Scales

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    The results of a detailed analysis of SMA, VLA, and IRAM observations of the region of massive star formation S255N in CO(2---1), \nh, \nhh, \co and some other lines is presented. Combining interferometer and single-dish data has enabled a more detailed investigation of the gas kinematics in the moleclar core on various spatial scales. There are no signs of rotation or isotropic compression on the scale of the region as whole. The largest fragments of gas (\approx0.3 pc) are located near the boundary of the regions of ionized hydrogen S255 and S257. Some smaller-scale fragments are associated with protostellar clumps. The kinetic temperatures of these fragments lie in the range 10---80 K. A circumstellar torus with inner radius Rin_{in} \approx 8000 AU and outer radius Rout_{out} 12 000 AU has been detected around the clump SMA1. The rotation profile indicates the existence of a central object with mass \approx 8.5/ sin 2 (i) M_\odot . SMA1 is resolved into two clumps, SMA1---NE and SMA1---SE, whose temperatures are \approx150 K and \approx25 K, respectively. To all appearances, the torus is involved in the accretion of surrounding gas onto the two protostellar clumps

    Physical and mechanical properties and thermal protection efficiency of intumescent coatings

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    The new engineering technique for the experimental investigation of physical and mechanical characteristics of thermal protective intumescent coatings is offered. A mathematical model is proposed for predicting the thermal behavior of structures protected by coatings; the model is closed by the studied material characteristics. The heating of a metal plate under standard thermal loading conditions is modeled mathematically. The modeling results are in good agreement with bench test results for metal temperature under the coating. The proposed technique of studying physical and mechanical characteristics can be applied to identify and monitor the state of thermal protective intumescent coatings in the long-term operation

    Multi-frequency Studies of Massive Cores with Complex Spatial and Kinematic Structures

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    Five regions of massive star formation have been observed in various molecular lines in the frequency range 8589\sim 85-89 GHz. The studied regions possess dense cores, which host young stellar objects. The physical parameters of the cores are estimated, including kinetic temperatures (2040\sim 20-40 K), sizes of the emitting regions (0.10.6\sim 0.1-0.6 pc), and virial masses (40500M\sim 40-500 M_{\odot}). Column densities and abundances of various molecules are calculated in the local thermodynamical equilibrium approximation. The core in 99.982+4.17, associated with the weakest IRAS source, is characterized by reduced molecular abundances. Molecular line widths decrease with increasing distance from the core centers (bb). For b\ga 0.1~pc, the dependences ΔV(b)\Delta V(b) are close to power laws (bp\propto b^{-p}), where pp varies from 0.2\sim 0.2 to 0.5\sim 0.5, depending on the object. In four cores, the asymmetries of the optically thick HCN(1--0) and HCO+^+(1--0) lines indicate systematic motions along the line of sight: collapse in two cores and expansion in two others. Approximate estimates of the accretion rates in the collapsing cores indicate that the forming stars have masses exceeding the solar mass.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Providing tire stiffness tests in LMS Virtual.Lab-Imagine.Lab AMESim co-simulation

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    Tire stretched string model creating and stiffness tests performance are discussed. Main emphasis is put on the possibility of using data of string modal decomposition (string eigen forms and eigen frequencies) obtained from ABAQUS and co-simulation with Imagine.Lab AMESim which provide tuning of represented model. Also comparison of virtual simulated tests with real tests is performed.Рассмотрено создание струнной модели растяжения шины и проведено ее испытание на жесткость. Главный акцент сделан на возможности использования данных для струнной модели из программы ABAQUS и на проведении совместного моделирования с помощью программы Imagine.Lab AMESim, которая обеспечивает настройку представленную модель. Выполнено сравнение результатов проведенного моделирования с результатами реальных тестов

    Validity of abundances derived from spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey

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    We measured the emission lines in the spaxel spectra of MaNGA galaxies in order to determine the abundance distributions therein. It has been suggested that the strength of the low-ionization lines, R_2, N_2, and S_2 may be increased (relative to Balmer lines) in (some) spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey due to a contribution of the radiation of the diffuse ionized gas. Consequently, the abundances derived from the spaxel spectra through strong-line methods may suffer from large errors. We examined this expectation by comparing the behaviour of the line intensities and the abundances estimated through different calibrations for slit spectra of HII regions in nearby galaxies, for fibre spectra from the SDSS, and for spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey. We found that the S_2 strength is increased significantly in the fibre and spaxel spectra. The mean enhancement changes with metallicity and can be as large as a factor of 2. The mean distortion of R_2 and N_2 is less than a factor of 1.3. This suggests that Kaufmann et al.'s demarcation line between AGNs and HII regions in the BPT diagram is a useful criterion to reject spectra with significantly distorted strengths of the N_2 and R_2 lines. We find that the three-dimensional R calibration, which uses the N_2 and R_2 lines, produces reliable abundances in the MaNGA galaxies. The one-dimensional N2 calibration produces either reliable or wrong abundances depending on whether excitation and N/O abundance ratio in the target region (spaxel) are close to or differ from those parameters in the calibrating points located close to the calibration relation. We then determined abundance distributions within the optical radii in the discs of 47 MaNGA galaxies. The optical radii of the galaxies were estimated from the surface brightness profiles constructed based on the MaNGA observations.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    3D-models design concept of complex technical objects using knowledge-based technology

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    Створені за допомогою continuous acquisition and life cycle support (CALS, безперервна інформаційна підтримка життєвого циклу продукту) 3D-моделі складних технічних об’єктів (СТО) не повністю пов’язані між собою та для 3D-моделювання СТО використовуються різні компоненти СALS, що приводить до проблем конвертації даних. Метою роботи є удосконалення технології CALS для забезпечення зв’язку етапів побудови 3D-моделей СТО на основі знання-орієнтованих технологій протягом циклу їх створення та обміну даними між різними компонентами CALS

    Review of scientific topics for Millimetron space observatory

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    This paper describes outstanding issues in astrophysics and cosmology that can be solved by astronomical observations in a broad spectral range from far infrared to millimeter wavelengths. The discussed problems related to the formation of stars and planets, galaxies and the interstellar medium, studies of black holes and the development of the cosmological model can be addressed by the planned space observatory Millimetron (the "Spectr-M" project) equipped with a cooled 10-m mirror. Millimetron can operate both as a single-dish telescope and as a part of a space-ground interferometer with very long baseline.Comment: The translation of the original article in Physics Uspekhi http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2014/12/c

    Вимірювання векторних величин

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    Розглянуто вирішення задачі створення векторних перетворювачів. Виконаний аналіз проблем створення векторних перетворювачів механічних величин, дана їх класифікація. Отримана узагальнена математична модель і математичні моделі для перетворювачів прямого і компенсаційного типів, які описують їхній рух. Отримані математичні моделі дозволяють полегшити процес синтезу векторних перетворювачів та побудови алгоритмів обробки сигналу. Показано, що побудова векторних перетворювачів за загальноприйнятою схемою є неприйнятною через неможливість врахування впливу однієї координати на іншу. Запропоновано для побудови таких перетворювачів використовувати компенсаційну схему, яка усуває зазначені недоліки.Solution of the vector converters creation problem was considered. The analysis of vector-based mechanical quantities converters was done, their classification was given. The generalized mathematical model and mathematical models for converters of direct and compensatory types describing their movement was obtained. The resulting mathematical model can facilitate the vector converters synthesis process and signal processing algorithms construction. It is shown that the vector converters construction basing on conventional scheme is unacceptable due to the impossibility of accounting impact of one coordinate to another. Suggested to use the compensation scheme while constructing such kind of converters, which eliminates mentioned shortcomings