306 research outputs found

    Economic behavior of agricultural land market subjects

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    The purpose of the study is to build the agricultural land market subjects’ economic behavior models. The formation of rational land use in the agrarian sphere indicates influence of institutional factors – motives and interests of land owners that allow to ensure land distribution included in the market turnover between the most efficient users. The structural scheme of the agricultural land market subjects’ behavior motives has been proposed. The motives of sellers in the land market are to optimize income that is achieved by increasing a land plot attractiveness. Buyers are guided by the possession motives, use and disposal of land by acquiring a land plot. Sellers and buyers of land plots are individuals and legal entities. Agricultural organizations, individual entrepreneurs, farms, personal subsidiary plots, and citizens (rural population) participate in land sailing. Buyers in the market are owner, land user, landowner, and tenant. The functions of sellers and buyers have been systematized considering the purpose and action of the actors. Destructive and rational models of the agricultural land market actors’ economic behavior have been presented and developed. The application of the destructive model is associated with negative consequences characterized by land withdrawal from economic turnover, change of its intended purpose, and land transfer to another category. The rational model includes finding an optimal alternative under a set of constraints and provides for a high level of human intelligence and knowledge to make right decisions. Factors of this model are coordination of land ownership institutions and creation of a legal framework. It is characterized by strict administrative and legal regulation that contributes to eradication of shadowing in land relations. The area of application of the developed rational model of the agricultural land market subjects’ economic behavior is scientific organizations, agro-industrial complex management bodies at the regional and municipal levels, and agricultural producers

    Some aspects of treatment for cognitive impairments. Cyticolin: pharmacological characteristics, possible benefits, aspects of use

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    The paper reviews the data available in the literature on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of cyticolin and its use in cognitive impairments (CIs).It assesses trials investigating the effect of cyticolin on cognitive functions, including its possible role in increasing Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression. The results of the latest multicenter trials of the drug used to treat dementia syndrome are analyzed in elderly patients with clinical presentations of mental confusion (the VITA trial) and mild vascular CIs (the IDEALE trial).Cyticolin is able to potentiate neuroplasticity and is a natural precursor of phospholipids, mainly phosphotidylcholine that serves as a source of choline in the metabolic pathways of acetylcholine biosynthesis. The VITA and IDEALE have shown that the parenteral and oral administrations of cyticolin are effective and safe in the treatment of moderate vascular CIs and dementia with clinical presentations of mental confusion. Cyticolin therapy is used to reduce the risk of side effects and to delay of loss of the therapeutic effects of levodopa preparations. Cyticolin has been noted to have a positive effect on cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s disease if it is used as an additional therapy

    Treatment of clubfoot in young children with arthrogryposis by Ponseti method: possibilities and perspectives

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    Background. Clubfoot is the most common deformity in arthrogryposis and is characterized by a high degree of rigidity and a tendency to relapse. At present, no consensus exists on the issue of treatment of this pathology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the possibilities of Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in the younger children with arthrogryposis. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of treatment outcomes in 64 children (124 feet) under 3 years. 50 patients (78%) had a congenital multiple arthrogryposis, 14 children (22%) had a distal form of the disease. All the children underwent conservative treatment using Ponseti method. Results. After phased plastering by Ponseti method, the children with congenital multiple arthrogryposis aged under 1 year demonstrated correction of deformity components in 25 (48%) feet and the children from 1 to 3 years in 4 (8.7%) feet. Phased plastering in the children under 1 year with the distal form of the disease resulted in the correction in all 7 (100%) feet. In the patients with a similar form of the disease aged from 1 to 3 years, correction was achieved in 3 (23%) feet. In the cases of incomplete correction of deformity elements, when the possibilities of phased plastering were exhausted, different surgical interventions were performed. However, in neither case the surgery to remove talus was required. Conclusion. Ponseti method is most effective for the treatment of clubfoot in the children of the first year. Application of this method allows for elimination of clubfoot or significant reduction of the volume of subsequent surgery

    Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting carbazole thin films

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    The main goal of this study is characteristics determination of synthesized or-ganic compounds for designing electronic components as organics diodes and transis-tors


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    Stimulation of vagus nerve by means of internal implants is increasingly being used nowadays in the treatment of patients with epilepsy and several other diseases of the central nervous system. However, when necessity arises to examine a patient implanted with vagus nerve stimulator in a magnetic-resonance machine, radiologists face a number of issues concerning safety of the patient as well as of the neurostimulating device. Present article summarizes specific conditions of magnetic-resonance imaging in patients with vagus nerve stimulating system, and also illustrates clinical observations carried out by the authors.На сегодняшний день в лечении пациентов с эпилепсией и некоторыми другими заболеваниями центральной нервной системы все чаще используется стимуляция блуждающего нерва при помощи внутреннего имплантата. При необходимости обследования пациентов с имплантированным вагостимулятором в магнитно-резонансном томографе специалисты лучевой диагностики сталкиваются с целым рядом вопросов, связанных с безопасностью проведения исследования как для пациента, так и для системы нейростимулятора. В настоящей статье обобщены данные о правилах выполнения МРТ у пациентов с стимулятором блуждающего нерва, а также представлены собственные клинические наблюдения

    Возможности магнитно-резонансной томографии в диагностике острого асептического сакроилиита у детей: клинический случай

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    The onset of progressive deficit in multiple sclerosis (MS) was often determined retrospectively with difficulties in diagnostic. This is a case report with subtle MS progression. Clinical and structural MRI anamnesis was complemented with multivoxel 1HMRS examination. The patient complained of the walking distance reducing, gradually increasing spasticity in the distal parts of lower extremities, unsteadiness when walking, clumsy movements. Choline and myoinositol levels were predominantly increased in the area of the cingulate gyrus versus other gray matter regions and the same picture was observed in adjacent white matter. Multivoxel 1H-MRS represents a diagnostic tool that can be very useful in complex diagnostic of MS progression. Measuring chemical-pathological changes diffusely in brain tissues may detect distinctive for progression metabolic patterns.В связи с трудностями диагностики момент начала накопления прогрессирующего дефицита при рассеянном склерозе (РС) часто определяется ретроспективно. Данная статья представляет собой описание клинического случая с труднораспознаваемым прогрессированием рассеянного склероза. Пациент обратился с жалобами на уменьшение дистанции ходьбы, постепенно нарастающая спастичность в дистальных отделах нижних конечностей, шаткость при ходьбе, неловкость движений. Клинический и структурный МРТ-анализ был дополнен мультивоксельной 1Н-МР-спектроскопией (1H-МРС). Уровни холина и миоинозитола были преимущественно повышены в области поясной извилины по сравнению с другими областями серого вещества, такая же картина наблюдалась в прилежащем к поясной извилине белом веществе. Мультивоксельная 1H-МРС представляет собой диагностический инструмент, который может быть очень полезен в комплексной диагностике прогрессирования рассеянного склероза. Диффузное измерение химико-патологических изменений в тканях головного мозга может выявить характерные для прогрессирования метаболические паттерны

    Влияние степени разложения сырья на выход и характеристики продуктов электрокрекинга

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    The article presents the results of studies on the effect of oil raw material electrocracking duration on the characteristics of the products formed. It is shown that an increase in the duration of the decomposition of the material leads to an increase in the concentration of acetylene in the gas, a higher content of aromatic hydrocarbons and the molecular weight of the liquid phase, a higher degree of structure of soot and reduction of its sorption characteristics.Представлены результаты исследований влияние продолжительности процесса электрокрекинга нефтяного сырья на характеристики образующихся продуктов. Показано, что увеличение продолжительности разложения сырья приводит к возрастанию концентрации ацетилена в составе газа, увеличению содержания ароматических углеводородов и молекулярной массы жидкой фазы, возрастанию структурности сажи и снижению ее сорбционных характеристик

    Стереотаксическая лучевая терапия в лечении рецидивных опухолей прямой кишки

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    Analysis of the last data shows that there is a steady rise in colorectal morbidity not only in Russian Federation, but also in other developed countries. In rectal cancer treatment there are no standarts by the moment. Last years all over the world there are tendencies to use multicomponent complex modalities of treatment wich include not only surgery, but also radiation therapy and chemotherapy.Recurrent cancer is considered as radioresistent, and local treatment with high doses of radiation is frequently limited by normal tissues’ tolerance and by dose received in previous course. Reirradiation is always a risk because of cumulative radiation dose to organs at risk and normal tissues. Highly precise techniques of radiation therapy, such as IMRT, brachytherapy, IORT, stereotactic radiation therapy can be used in reccurent cancer treatment because of toxicity decrease and sparing of normal tissues.Some data shows that usage of modern technologies is effective when using CyberKnife. Stereotactic radiation theapy (SBRT) is a variant of aggressive treatment which is able to provide good local control with minimal toxicity. Innovative approach in reirradiation for patients with recurrent cancer is proton therapy and carbon ion therapy. Dose distribution in proton therapy with its practically no exit dose clears the way to new abilities in reirradiation, leads to dose decrease in tissues outside irradiated volume, and it’s very important in patients who got virtually maximal dose while treating initial disease.Анализ данных, получаемых за последние годы, свидетельствует о неуклонном росте заболеваемости колоректальным раком как в России, так и в других развитых странах.В лечении рецидивов рака прямой кишки в настоящее время не существует единых стандартов. В последние годы в мире отмечается стремление к использованию многокомпонентных комплексных программ, включающих, помимо хирургического метода, лучевую и лекарственную терапию. Рецидивные опухоли считаются резистентными к лучевому лечению, а локальное воздействие высокими дозами лучевой терапии зачастую ограничено толерантностью близлежащих органов и дозой ранее проведенной лучевой терапии. Повторное лучевое воздействие несет в себе значительный риск из-за кумулятивного воздействия ионизирующего излучения на критические структуры и нормальные ткани. Высокоточные технологии конформной лучевой терапии (лучевая терапия с модуляцией интенсивности (IMRT), брахитерапия, интраоперационная лучевая терапия и стереотаксическая радиотерапия) применяемые с целью облучения рецидивных опухолей, способствуют снижению токсичности и более щадящему воздействию на нормальные ткани. Существуют исследования, показывающие эффективность современных технологий стереотаксической радиотерапии (SBRT), которые являются вариантом радиотерапевтического агрессивного лечения, обеспечивающего приемлемый локальный контроль при минимальной токсичности. Инновационным направлением применения лучевой терапии у данной категории больных является протонная терапия и терапия ионами углерода. Распределение энергии пучка протонов с практически нулевой выходной дозой открывает новые возможности, при повторном облучении, позволяет снизить дозу излучения в тканях за пределами опухолевой мишени, что важно у больных, которые при первичном облучении уже получили дозу, близкую к максимально допустимой