356 research outputs found

    Future Preschool Teachers’ Search and Research Skills Formation During Professional Training

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    Based on the established essential characteristics and the structure of professional training of students, taking into account the results of the observational experiment, the levels of future preschools’ teachers search and research skills formation of preschool institutions were determined. The methods of scientific research were the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, educational documentation on pedagogical practice, questionnaires of future educators, as well as observation of research activities of students of higher education institutions. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research, conducting a statement experiment made it possible to establish the features of the structural elements of research activities. The research experiment made it possible to check the level of formation of research skills in students – future educators of preschool education, as well as how they master the motivational-value, content-procedural, research components of professional training, acquire knowledge and research skills. The results of the inspection were carried out in accordance with the developed criteria, indicators and levels of research skills of future educators of preschool educational institutions

    Person-Centered Approach in the Professional Training of Future Masters of Preschool Education

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    The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the issue of student-teacher interaction in the educational process has not been sufficiently studied. Purpose of the study: to identify the possibilities of humanization and democratization of the educational process as mutual control between the teacher and the student in the implementation of a personality-oriented approach to its participants. The humanistic strategy of managing the educational process, the tactics of sub-object interaction between the teacher and the students, the personality-oriented selection of educational tasks of students, aimed at the individual selfrealization of each subject of the educational process, have become the main research methods. As a result of the research, the features of a personality-oriented approach in educational management of a teacher with a student have been determined; the methods of modern management are substantiated, which determine the self-realization of the individual in teaching and studying pedagogical disciplines

    Clinical case of chemoresistant tuberculosis in the patient with tuberous sclerosis: difficulties of diagnosis, features of the course and treatment.

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    In the practical activities of a modern doctor, significant difficulties are noted in the diagnostics and proper management of patients with hereditary diseases due to the limited coverage of the population by genetic researches. For a long time, the patients with a variety of complaints are observed by doctors of various specialties, and the therapy often has little effect due to a lack of understanding of the true causes of pathological changes. The situation is complicated by case of a combined course of a hereditarily caused disease and some other disease of an infectious, non-infectious or tumor nature. The aim of the research was to study the characteristics of clinical manifestations, course of tuberculosis with resistance to anti-TB drugs in a patient with a rare hereditary disease from the group of phacomotoses - Bourneville-Pringle disease or tuberous sclerosis. This disease has a wide range of clinical manifestations, accompanied with the development of benign neoplasms in various organs and systems, damages to the skin, brain, organs of vision, lungs, kidneys, heart, as well as the musculoskeletal and endocrine system. It leads to development of various infectious and non-infectious pathologies in these organs. The article covers a 4-year period of observation of a young patient with late diagnosed tuberous sclerosis, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis of urinary system, includes the initial diagnosis of a specific disease, the course, the dynamics against received treatment and the development of relapse with the formation of resistance to anti-TB drugs. The difficulties in the management of tuberculosis in this patient were in the detection of numerous neoplasms and changes in the internal organs, in particular in the kidneys and lungs, which characterized tuberous sclerosis, on the one hand this contributed to untimely diagnosis of tuberculosis, and on the other hand – worsening the course and the progression of a specific process, as well as an unfavourable prognosis for recovery

    Spherical Pendulum Small Oscillations for Slewing Crane Motion

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    The present paper focuses on the Lagrange mechanics-based description of small oscillations of a spherical pendulum with a uniformly rotating suspension center. The analytical solution of the natural frequencies’ problem has been derived for the case of uniform rotation of a crane boom. The payload paths have been found in the inertial reference frame fixed on earth and in the noninertial reference frame, which is connected with the rotating crane boom. The numerical amplitude-frequency characteristics of the relative payload motion have been found. The mechanical interpretation of the terms in Lagrange equations has been outlined. The analytical expression and numerical estimation for cable tension force have been proposed. The numerical computational results, which correlate very accurately with the experimental observations, have been shown

    Изменения мембранных белков эритроцитов при бескаменном холецисти-те и болезни крона

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    The aim of the investigation was to reveal the changes in erythrocytes’ proteins from human blood under gastroenterological pathologies, namely noncalculous cholecystitis and Crohn’s disease. The erythrocyte was used as a model system. The PAAG electrophoresis with SDSNa method was used. Erythrocyte membrane proteins quantitative changes were observed in patient groups under liver and intestines diseases. High molecular weight proteins content (spectrines α and β) was reduced, but any changes were not registered under the Crohn’s disease. Low molecular weight proteins content (anion-transporting protein and protein band 4.5) increased considerably as compared with a control (healthy people group). The structure of erythrocytes’ membrane changed, that led to disturbance of function of cytoskeleton proteins. The research results give more wide explanations of the pathologies genesis. Виявлено зміни білків еритроцитів крові людини при гастроентерологічних патологіях (безкам’яному холециститі та хворобі Крона). Як модель взято еритроцит. Зміни білків еритроцитів у пацієнтів із даними патологіями вивчено за допомогою електрофоретичного методу в поліакриламідному гелі за присутності додецилсульфату натрію. При захворюваннях печінки (безкам’яний холецистит) і хворобах тонкого кишковика (хвороба Крона) у групах пацієнтів відбуваються кількісні зміни мембранних білків еритроцитів. При цьому вміст високомолекулярних білків (спектрини α та β) знижується, а при хворобі Крона зміни не реєструються. Вміст низькомолекулярних білків (аніонтранспортний білок і білок смуги 4.5) значно підвищений порівняно з контролем (група практично здорових людей). Виявлено зміни у структурі мембран еритроцитів, що призводять до порушення функцій білків цитоскелета. Результати дослідження докладніше пояснюють причини виникнення цих патологій. Выявлены изменения белков эритроцитов крови человека при гастроэнтерологических патологиях (при бескаменном холецистите и болезни Крона). В качестве модели взят эритроцит. Изменение содержания белков эритроцитов у пациентов с данными патологиями изучено с помощью электрофоретического метода в полиакриламидном геле в присутствии додецилсульфата натрия. При заболеваниях печени (бескаменный холецистит) и болезнях тонкого кишечника (болезнь Крона) в группах пациентов происходили количественные изменения мембранных белков эритроцитов. При этом содержание высокомолекулярных белков (спектрины α и β) снижалось, а при болезни Крона изменения отсутствовали. Содержание низкомолекулярных белков (анионтранспортный белок и белок полосы 4.5) значительно повышалось по сравнению с контролем (группа практически здоровых людей). Выявлены изменения в структуре мембран эритроцитов, которые приводят к нарушению функций белков цитоскелета. Результаты исследования объясняют причины возникновения этих патологий


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the methods and ways of training to improve teaching Phthisiology, which applied at the Department of Tuberculosis of State Establishment “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”.The main body. In the conditions of an unfavorable epidemic situation and providing advantages to outpatient models of treatment of tuberculosis patients in Ukraine, there is a need to improve the teaching of the material of Phthisiology discipline to medical students at the departments of higher educational institutions.Typical educational plans and academic programs allocate a limited number of hours for mastering the discipline, so the teachers of the Department of Phthisiology of the State Establishment “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine” have improved the approaches and methods of teaching tuberculosis giving preference to independent classroom and extra-curricular work for students. Therefore, teachers of the Department of Phthisiology of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy conduct a constant search for modern methods of teaching discipline, which will contribute to improving the learning of theoretical and practical material. During practical classes, interactive techniques are used in the form of role-plays, discussions, group work, and auxiliary material that encourages students to study discipline. Students are pleased to participate in the discussion of various situational tasks, which allow them deepening their clinical thinking and evaluate the learned theoretical material. Self-study workshops for 4-year students have been developed for individual work, which include clinical problems with X-rays, tests of varied degrees of difficulty, tasks, drawings and crossword puzzles. Tasks require the student to find answers in additional literature, that improving the knowledge of the subject.Conclusion. Increasing the interest of medical students to the study of the Phthisiology discipline will improve the quality of medical care for patients in the future.Мета роботи – проаналізувати методи та засоби навчання, направлені на поліпшення викладання предмета “Фтизіатрія”, які застосовуються на кафедрі фтизіатрії ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України”.Основна частина. В умовах несприятливої епідемічної ситуації та надання переваг амбулаторним моделям лікування хворих на туберкульоз в Україні виникає необхідність вдосконалювати викладання навчального матеріалу студентам-медикам на кафедрах вищих навчальних закладів.Типовий навчальний план і навчальні програми виділяють обмежену кількість годин для оволодіння дисципліною “Фтизіатрія”, віддаючи перевагу самостійній аудиторній та позааудиторній роботі студентів. Тому викладачі кафедри фтизіатрії ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України” проводять постійний пошук сучасних методів викладання дисципліни, які сприятимуть покращенню засвоєння теоретичного і практичного матеріалу. Під час практичних занять застосовуються інтерактивні методики у вигляді рольових ігор, дискусій, роботи в групах, та допоміжний матеріал, який заохочував студентів до вивчення дисципліни. Студенти із задоволенням беруть участь в обговоренні різних ситуаційних задач, що дозволяє поглибити їх клінічне мислення та оцінити засвоєний теоретичний матеріал. Для індивідуальної роботи розроблені практикуми з самостійної роботи для студентів 4 курсу, які включають клінічні задачі з рентгенограмами, тести різного ступеня складності, задачі, малюнки та кросворди. Завдання вимагають від студента пошуку відповідей у додатковій літературі, таким чином покращуючи знання з предмета.Висновок. Підвищення зацікавлення студентів-медиків у вивченні дисципліни “Фтизіатрія” поліпшить якість надання медичної допомоги пацієнтам у майбутньому

    ML/DL/HPC Ecosystem of the HybriLIT Heterogeneous Platform (MLIT JINR): New Opportunities for Applied Research

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    The work presents the possibilities for using the ML/DL/HPC ecosystem deployed on the HybriLIT Heterogeneous Platform (Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR) on top of JupyterHub, which provides opportunities for solving tasks not only in the field of machine learning and deep learning, but also for the convenient organization of calculations and scientific visualization. The ecosystem allows one to develop and implement program modules in Python, as well as to carry out methodical computations. The relevance of deploying such an environment is primarily associated with the great demand for software modules that are provided to a group of researchers or the scientific community, when all stages of the study can be reproduced; the code has been modified and used by the scientific community. Using the example of solving a specific problem to study the dynamics of magnetization in a Phi-0 Josephson Junction (Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor structure), a methodology for developing software modules is presented; it enables not only to carry out calculations, but also to visualize the results of the study and accompany them with the necessary formulas and explanations. The possibility of parallel implementation of the algorithm for performing computations for various values of parameters of the model based on the Joblib Python library is shown, and the results of computational experiments demonstrating the efficiency of parallel data processing are presented