34 research outputs found
Diffraction of real and virtual photons in a pyrolytic graphite crystal as source of intensive quasimonochromatic X-ray beam
A series of experiments on the parametric X-rays radiation (PXR) generation and radiation soft component diffraction of relativistic electrons in pyrolytic graphite (PG) crystals have been carried out at the Tomsk synchrotronyesBelgorod State Universit
Влияние частичной обструкции общего желчного протока без гипербилирубинемии на печень
Цель. Изучение в эксперименте морфологических изменений печени и биохимических показателей крови при частичной обструкции общего желчного протока (ЧООЖП) без гипербилирубинемии.
Материалы и методы. На 34 крысах моделировали ЧООЖП. Животных выводили из эксперимента на 3, 7, 14, 21, 28-е и 35-е сутки. Определяли содержание билирубина, альбумина, мочевины сыворотки крови и активность аланинаминотрансферазы (АЛТ), аспартатаминотрансферазы (АСТ), щелочной фосфатазы (ЩФ). Измеряли диаметр общего желчного протока, массу и объем печени, исследовали ее гистологию, выполняли морфометрию. Контролем служили 17 животных.
Результаты. У 14 (41,2%) животных наблюдали ЧООЖП без гипербилирубинемии. Максимальные морфологические изменения отмечены на 28 – 35-е сутки: увеличение массы печени на 31% и ее объема на 25,5%; увеличение числа и дилатация желчных протоков, увеличение числа синусоидальных клеток, площади гепатоцитов, наличие фиброза ІІ степени в 4 из 5 наблюдений. Изменения биохимических показателей были достоверными только на 3 – 7-е сутки: содержание альбумина снизилось до (21,6 ± 2,5) г/л, контрольный показатель – (26,7 ± 1,6) г/л. В течение эксперимента активность АЛТ, АСТ, ЩФ, содержание мочевины не отличались от контрольных величин.
Выводы. Несмотря на полную функциональную компенсацию, ЧООЖП без гипербилирубинемии приводит к значимым морфологическим изменениям печени
У крыс линии Вистар моделировали холестаз путем перевязки общего желчного протока (ОЖП), острый билиарный панкреатит (ОБП) - низкой перевязки билиопанкреатического протока. Образцы печени исследовали через 1, 3, 7 сут. По данным морфологических исследований, у крыс обеих групп выявлены очаги некроза гепатоцитов, их гипертрофия с увеличением ядерно-цитоплазматического отношения (ЯЦО), увеличение объемной плотности (Vv) воротных каналов, количества желчных протоков, синусоидных клеток. Морфологические изменения в печени при экспериментальном ОБП обусловлены последствиями холестаза, они возникали раньше и были достоверно более выражены при обструктивном холестазе (ОХ)
Generation of neutrons in a nanosecond low-pressure discharge in deuterium
The neutron yield is measured in a high-voltage Townsend discharge in deuterium with a hollow cylinder made of tungsten or steel used as a polarizing anode of electrons. A flat metallic plate covered by a layer of deuterated zirconium is applied as a grounded cathode. The highest yield of neutrons in the reaction 2H(d,n)3He, ∼1.2 × 104 neutrons per pulse, is observed in the case of the tungsten anode at a deuterium pressure on the order of 100 Pa. The pulsed neutron flux duration estimated with data obtained from a scintillation detector is roughly equal to 1.5 ns
Introduction: The study of the possibilities of perfusion computed tomography (PCT) in determining the nature of focal lung formations in the absence of morphological verification, doubtfulness of the data of native CT — the actual problem of thoracic radiology. The aim of the study was to Refine the methodology and capabilities of PCT in determining the nature of formations of the lungs. Material and methods of research: The data of PCT of 29 patients with benign and malignant changes in the lungs on 128 slice computed tomography with data processing at the workstation were analyzed. Conclusion: Low-dose scanning Protocol for lung PCT allows to obtain reliable data on the angiogenesis of focal lung formations. Upon receipt of the perfusion map, the ROI is placed on the area of the highest blood flow. With sufficient PCT data on the nature and prevalence of lung disease from CT with contrast enhancement may refuse. Average PS, TTP are the main and leading factors in determining the nature of the lesion in the lungs. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of PCT data allows to speak reliably about the nature of foci in the lungs.Изучение возможностей перфузионной компьютерной томографии (ПКТ) в определении природы очаговых образований легких при отсутствии морфологической верификации, сомнительности данных нативной КТ — актуальная задача торакальной радиологии. Целью исследования было уточнение методики и возможностей ПКТ в определении природы очаговых образований легких. Проанализированы данные ПКТ 29 пациентов с доброкачественными и злокачественными изменениями в легких на 128-срезовом компьютерном томографе с обработкой данных на рабочей станции. Заключение: низкодозный протокол сканирования при ПКТ легких позволяет получать достоверные данные по ангиогенезу очаговых образований легких. При получении перфузионной карты очага ROI выставляется на область наиболее высокого кровотока. При достаточных данных ПКТ о природе и распространенности патологии легких от проведения КТ с контрастным усилением возможно отказаться. Средние показатели PS, TTP являются основными и ведущими факторами определения природы очага в легких. Качественный и количественный анализ данных ПКТ позволяет достоверно определить природу очагов в легких
Experimental research of neutron yield and spectrum from deuterium gas-puff z-pinch on the GIT-12 generator at current above 2 MA
The Z-pinch experiments with deuterium gas-puff surrounded by an outer plasma shell were carried out on the GIT-12 generator (Tomsk, Russia) at currents of 2 MA. The plasma shell consisting of hydrogen and carbon ions was formed by 48 plasma guns. The deuterium gas-puff was created by a fast electromagnetic valve. This configuration provides an efficient mode of the neutron production in DD reaction, and the neutron yield reaches a value above 1012 neutrons per shot. Neutron diagnostics included scintillation TOF detectors for determination of the neutron energy spectrum, bubble detectors BD-PND, a silver activation detector, and several activation samples for determination of the neutron yield analysed by a Sodium Iodide (NaI) and a high-purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors. Using this neutron diagnostic complex, we measured the total neutron yield and amount of high-energy neutrons
Effect of paracetamol on the microsomal oxidation, oxidative phosphorylation and liver mitochondria swelling in rats of various ages
The effect of hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol (800 mg per kg, intraperitoneally, once a day during two days) on the system of microsomal oxidation, respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and high amplitude swelling of liver mitochondria was studied on 1-, 4- and 30-months old Wistar male rats. It has been shown, that paracetamol injection leads to the decrease of content of cytochrome P-450, to disorders of the function of monooxygenase system (the aminopyrine-N-demethylase and aniline hydroxylase activities were diminished), mitochondria macrostructure (the mitochondria high amplitude swelling time was decreased) and function (the respiratory control was decreased). These alterations have been observed to manifest to more extent in the liver of young rats as compared with old ones
Histologist NK Kulchytsky: scientific and socio-political activities (To the 160th anniversary of his birth).
The article presents the biographic data about professor K. N. Kulchitsky. It concerns his scientific and practical contribution to the development of histological investigations in Kharkov Imperial University and in London University College. Consideration is also being given to the social and political activity of the scientist, including as Minister of Education for all of Russia Imperia
Morphometric Parameters of Hepatocytes in Experimental Complete Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction
Liver changes observed in complete extrahepatic bile duct obstruction (CEBDO) with consideration to its morphometric parameters, may reflect the upcoming decompensation of liver function and may serve as objective criteria for the disease prognosis.The aim. To study the morphological changes of hepatocytes in experimental CEBDO using macro- and micromorphometry.Materials and methods. In 41 rats, the CEBDO was done by ligation and transection of the common bile duct. The time points were on postoperative Day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. Control group included 10 non-operated rats. The total blood bilirubin (TB), liver volume (LV), the area of hepatocytes (AH), the hepatocyte nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (HNCR), the hepatocyte bulk density (HBD) were investigated. The LV and HBD parameters were used to calculate the total volume of hepatocytes (TVH).Results. The highest mortality was recorded on Day 22-35 of the experiment (7 out of 11 animals). Bilirubin level was significantly higher than in the control group with its maximum on Day 1 (295±100 vs. 8±6, μmol/l, p<0.001). The highest LV value was observed on Day 14 (14.1±1.1 vs. 8.4±1.4cm³, p<0.01). The processes prevailing in the livers were cell proliferation, fibrosis with gradual displacement of hepatocytes by proliferating bile ducts, and complete loss of normal liver histostructure. The proportion of hepatocytes in the liver (HBD) was progressively decreasing from 0.94 (Control) to 0.44 (Day 35). In spite of that, the TVH level was initially increased (max 9.7±0.36cm³ on Day 3 vs. 8.3±0.26cm³ on Day 1, p<0.05), but after Day 14 it decreased, with no significant differences from the Control group on Day 21(8.2±1.2 vs. 7.9±1.6cm³, p>0.05), with its lowest level (5.0±0.9cm³) on Day 35 (p<0.05 compared with max value on Day 3). The HNCR index, which reflects proliferative activity of hepatocytes, had its maximum on Day 14 (0.53±0.01 vs. 0.21±0.05 in Control group, p<0.001).Conclusions. In experimental CEBDO, reduction of the HBD index less than 60 % and reduction of TVH less than the value of a normal liver are accompanied by highest mortality, i.e., are a sign of hepatic decompensation. That was preceded by the maximum proliferative activity of hepatocytes, the criterion of which is the HNCR inde