57 research outputs found

    Utilization of Acoustic Field Energy for Reduction of Dust Discharge in High-Temperature Furnaces

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    In order to reduce the total dust discharge from high-temperature furnaces, this study advocates the use of the energy of the acoustic field formed in the furnace body with application of acoustic generators of Hartmann whistle type. The paper provides theoretical justification of dust precipitation inside the furnace and develops principles of its implementation. The efficiency of this method is shown by examples of industrial implementation

    Selecting efficient parameters for the coke charge of shaft-type melting furnaces

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    It is shown based on studies of the changes in the composition of the gases and temperature in the preliminary charge that the performance indices of coke-fired shaft furnaces are determined by the conditions under which the oxidizing zone is formed so as to produce the greatest possible amount of heat. It is shown that the size of this zone increases with an increase in the rate of filtration of the air blast, enrichment of the blast with oxygen, and the use of low-activity coke in the form of lumps of limited size. To maximize the reheating of the melt, it is necessary to increase the average size of the lumps and the flow rate of the air blast in order to increase the height of the preliminary charge. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Raising of energy efficiency of thermal performance of layered metallurgical units using layered type of natural gas combustion

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    While heating lump materials there are some difficulties such as poorly organized process of grate firing, conditions deterioration of gas-air mixture creation, limited discharge of combustion products out of a layer due to additional aerodynamic drag occurrence when gases flow. Grate firing of gaseous fuel can be completed in a dense layer of lump materials which have different chemical composition and particle-size distribution. To do this, it is necessary to provide formation of high-temperature area and complete thermal generation process directly between separate elements of treated materials. It allows providing specified temperature-time conditions of heat treatment of the different layer sections. Also, it is required to limit the direct contact of the high temperature zones with external boundaries of the unit smelting chamber and environment for increasing reliability and effectiveness. In this paper, we present existent heat-exchange schemes in grate process units during the heat treatment of lump materials. An ability of grate firing of gaseous fuel while organizing a delivery of prepared gas-air mixture into a dense layer or separate tuyer gas and air supply with separate flows is shown. Usage of indicated ways of feeding allows decreasing energy demands and improving quality of products delivered. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The most important element constituting the basis for the functioning of the modern economy of Russia and ensuring the ongoing development of market relations is the competition, understood in a broad sense as a process of rivalry between economic agents, leading to a change in product handling conditions on the relevant market. 2015 was held in Russia under the influence of a number of factors, which contain signs of an economic crisis, which is a condition that affects the development of key segments of the domestic economy and determines Russian policy. Mutual sanctions from the European Union and Russia have caused some changes not only in the economy of the country as a whole, but also in the economy of its individual regions. The Russian economy was faced with the need for a very short time to make a leap in increasing the competitiveness of its products, as well as import substitution, which would normally take many years. In such conditions, the key role of the state is to support not only large branches of the economy and the defense sector, but also to develop a strategy for developing competitive relations in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses. The article examines the main problems of ensuring Russia's competitiveness, the reasons for the low efficiency of the national innovation system.The most important element constituting the basis for the functioning of the modern economy of Russia and ensuring the ongoing development of market relations is the competition, understood in a broad sense as a process of rivalry between economic agents, leading to a change in product handling conditions on the relevant market. 2015 was held in Russia under the influence of a number of factors, which contain signs of an economic crisis, which is a condition that affects the development of key segments of the domestic economy and determines Russian policy. Mutual sanctions from the European Union and Russia have caused some changes not only in the economy of the country as a whole, but also in the economy of its individual regions. The Russian economy was faced with the need for a very short time to make a leap in increasing the competitiveness of its products, as well as import substitution, which would normally take many years. In such conditions, the key role of the state is to support not only large branches of the economy and the defense sector, but also to develop a strategy for developing competitive relations in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses. The article examines the main problems of ensuring Russia's competitiveness, the reasons for the low efficiency of the national innovation system

    Use of temporary gas flow to improve the efficiency of metallurgical units operation

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    This paper presents the results of industrial tests on dust deposition due to the use of an unsteady gas flow. JSC SUMZ (Revda) applied the technology with the use of acoustic radiators to organize in-furnace dust deposition at Vanyukov furnace. The design of the radiator included a nozzle pipe, air nozzle, resonator and focusing surface. Based on the surface area of the furnace molten pool and recommended specific acoustic power values for in-furnace dust condensing, the total acoustic field sound power was calculated. The optimal number and location of acoustic radiators was determined. The analysis of the data of industrial tests of the use of the acoustic field energy in the working space of the PZhV, as well as the results of tests on the converter No. 2 of JSC 'SUMZ', the cyclone of the firing multi-hearth furnace of JSC 'SVYATOGOR', the dust chamber of the Waelz furnace and cleaning of the heat exchange surfaces of the boiler on waste gases (JSC 'Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant'). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Simulation of a Chamber Heating Furnace with Variable Operating Temperature

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    Актуальной задачей проектирования новых и реконструкции действующих газовых нагревательных печей является достижение высокой равномерности нагрева, которую оценивают величиной допустимого перепада температур на поверхности и в поперечном сечении нагреваемых заготовок в момент выдачи из печи. Наибольшие сложности решения данной задачи имеют место для камерных печей, сжигание топлива в которых способствует формированию неравномерного распределения температуры в газовом объеме камеры и, как следствие, к неравномерности тепловых потоков на поверхности нагреваемой заготовки.The urgent task of designing new and reconstructing existing gas heating furnaces is to achieve high uniformity of heating, which is estimated by the value of the permissible temperature difference on the surface and in the cross-section of the heated blanks at the time of issuance from the furnace. The greatest difficulties in solving this problem take place for chamber furnaces, the combustion of fuel in which contributes to the formation of an uneven temperature distribution in the gas volume of the chamber and, as a result, to the unevenness of heat flows on the surface of the heated workpiece

    Simulation of Hydrodynamics of Oxygen Converter

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    Настоящая научно-исследовательская работа посвящена улучшению тепломассообменных процессов в жидкой ванне, которые наблюдаются в кислородных конвертерах. На модели кислородного конвертера с верхней и нижней фурмами провели опыты для изучения моделирования гидродинамики. С помощью продувания воздуха через воду были выявлены определяющие параметры работы конвертера. Полученные результаты были оценены критериями Стьюдента и Фишера. Далее были построены графики зависимости параметров от факторов, которые описывают интенсивность продувки. В работе сделан вывод о рациональном соотношении интенсивности продувки ванны при совместной её продувке сверху и снизу для улучшения тепломассообменных процессов в жидкой ванне.This research work is devoted to the improvement of heat and mass transfer processes in a liquid bath, which are observed in oxygen converters. On the model of the oxygen converter with the upper and lower tuyeres, experiments were conducted to study the modeling of hydrodynamics. By blowing air through the water, the determining parameters of the converter operation were revealed. The results were evaluated by the Student and Fisher criteria. Next, graphs of the dependence of parameters on factors that describe the intensity of purging were constructed. The paper concludes about the rational ratio of the intensity of purging the bath when it is jointly purged from above and below to improve heat and mass transfer processes in a liquid bath

    Инвагинация червеобразного отростка

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    The pathology of the appendix remains one of the topical areas of abdominal surgery. Its rare diseases can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and are accompanied by the development of serious complications. One of them is  intussusception of the appendix to the cecum. Intussusception can be caused by previously undiagnosed primary lesions of the appendix. At the same time, it can simulate tumor and tumor-like formations of the cecum and lead to  diagnostic errors. The literature review provides modern data on the history of the study of the problem, the epidemiology of classification, the causes and mechanisms of the development of appendiceal intussusception, the methods of its diagnosis and treatment.  Патология червеобразного отростка остается одним из актуальных разделов абдоминальной хирургии. Его редкие заболевания могут представлять сложности для диагностики и лечения и сопровождаться развитием серьезных осложнений. Одно из них — инвагинация червеобразного отростка в слепую кишку. Инвагинация может быть вызвана ранее  недиагностированными первичными поражениями отростка. В  то же время инвагинат может симулировать опухолевые и опухолеподобные образования слепой кишки и приводить к  диагностическим ошибкам. В обзоре литературы приведены  современные данные об истории изучения проблемы,  эпидемиологии, классификации, причинам и механизмам развития инвагинации червеобразного отростка, методах ее диагностики и лечения.

    Optimization of structural dimensions technological plant for the recycling of oily waste and scale

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    The increasing accumulation of industrial waste, and rising energy and charge materials, stricter environmental regulations lead to the necessity of finding economical and efficient methods and equipment for processing and return to production of scrap. In this paper, a technological plant for the processing of oily waste and scale is presented. The basis of the implemented method of de-oiling technology is based on the sublimation of the oil by direct heating of the scale flue gases, which ensures the stability and high productivity of the process.Возрастающее накопление техногенных отходов, удорожание энергоресурсов и шихтовых материалов, ужесточение природоохранных нормативов приводят к необходимости поиска экономичных и эффективных способов и оборудования для переработки и возврата в производство металлоотходов. В данной работе представлена установка для переработки маслосодержащих отходов и окалины. В основу реализуемого способа обезмасливания положена технология возгонки масла за счет непосредственного нагрева окалины дымовыми газами, что обеспечивает устойчивость и высокую производительность процесса


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    In work the possibility of use of technology of briquetting for utilization of mineral-cotton waste with use of carboniferous additive is shown. Thermal balances of the furnace with introduction to furnace charge of briquettes are calculated and changes of parameters of operation of the unit are analysed.В работе показана возможность применения технологии брикетирования для утилизации минераловатных отходов с применением углеродсодержащей добавки. Рассчитаны тепловые балансы печи с введением в шихту брикетов и проанализированы изменения параметров работы агрегата