464 research outputs found

    Техніка та технологія дезінтеграції й гравітаційного збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд

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    On the base of the analysis of centrifugal concentrators designs there has been justified the selection of apparatus for the rare-metal ores beneficiation. Process of pyrochlore ore grinding in mills of different types has been investigated and the expediency of use of impact centrifugal action mills to ensure selectivity of minerals disclosure has been founded. Efficient technical and technological parameters of the centrifugal action mills have been justified on the base of active experimental method. The influence of disintegration methods on technological indication of rare-metal ore beneficiation of Mazurovske deposits in centrifugal Nelson concentrator has been analyzed.На основі аналізу конструкцій відцентрових концентраторів обґрунтовано вибір апарату для збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд. Виконано дослідження процесу подрібнення пірохлорової руди в млинах різного типу та встановлено доцільність застосування млинів ударно-відцентової дії для забезпечення селективності розкриття мінералів. Методом активного експерименту обґрунтовано раціональні технічні та технологічні параметри млина ударно-відцентрової дії. Проаналізовано вплив способів дезінтеграції на технологічні показники збагачення рідкіснометалевої руди Мазурівського родовища у відцентровому концентраторі Нельсона


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the procedural rights of private persons in EU competition law, including Ukrainian ones who carry on business in the EU. In order to be successful in doing business in the EU, private persons (individuals and legal entities) need to be aware of their rights and be able to effectively protect them. In the field of EU competition law procedural rights of individuals are of particular importance, since very often their violations during the investigation of competitive cases become the grounds for challenging decisions of such institution as the European Commission, which is one of the main regulators of EU competition law. The article explores the scope of procedural rights of private persons, such as the right to defense, which includes the so-called privilege against self-discrimination, the right to be heard, the right to have a representative and the right to defend communication with a representative, the right to good governance, the principle of innocence, etc. Importantly, this study is based on an analysis of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice the EU, which has jurisdiction to protect private persons against EU institutions’ infringements and has the monopoly to interpret EU law.Аналіз процесуальних прав суб’єктів конкурентного права ЄС, які стосуються в тому числі й українських приватних осіб, що здійснюють свою підприємницьку діяльність на території ЄС. Зважаючи на те, що між Україною та ЄС діє Угода про асоціацію, що набула чинності 2017 року та яка запустила функціонування зони вільної торгівлі, відкривається багато можливостей для українського бізнесу на території ЄС. Так, 10 822 українські компанії працюють в ЄС, український експорт в ЄС 2018 року становив 42,6 %, а в першій половині того самого року Україна експортувала товарів та послуг в ЄС на 11,2 мільярда дол., що майже на 2 млрд дол. більше за аналогічний період попереднього року. Найбільшими торгівельними партнерами для України в ЄС є шість країн — Іспанія, Нідерланди, Італія, Польща, Німеччина і Франція. У цьому контексті для українського бізнесу є вкрай актуальним і важливим обізнаність у своїх матеріальних та процедурних правах для того, щоб ефективно їх реалізовувати і вдало захищати свої власні інтереси. У сфері конкурентного права ЄС особливого значення набувають саме процесуальні права приватних осіб, оскільки дуже часто підставою оскарження рішень такого інституту, як Європейська Комісія, яка є одним з головних регуляторів конкурентного  права ЄС, стають порушення процесуальних прав під час проведення розслідування у конкурентних справах. Досліджено зміст таких процесуальних прав приватних осіб, як права на захист, яке включає так званий привілей проти самодискримінації, право бути заслуханим, право мати представника і право на захист спілкування з представником, право на належне управління, принцип невинуватості тощо. Важливим є те, що це дослідження засновано на аналізі судової практики Суду справедливості ЄС, який наділений юрисдикцією щодо захисту прав приватних осіб від порушень з боку інститутів ЄС, а також має монопольне право на тлумачення права ЄС, тож саме він виступає тією інстанцією, котра розвиває право у цій сфері

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan

    Research of academic motivation at the stage of forming a threshold level of mastering competences

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    The relevance of researched problem is caused by the society requirement to form and implement educational and creative potential of a student as a conductor of changes that set a high level of motivational behavior. The aim of this article is to develop a structural model of motivational behavior of students that allow carrying out modeling of specific characteristics and their practical application. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the provision of the theory of self-determination on basic needs that allow considering basics of intrinsic motivation. The results of the research are: the structural model of motivational behavior is considered in the article, the questions are selected and the questionnaire on educational motivation is developed for the poll of student's groups “Economy and Management”. The development and approbation of multi-profile software programs are “Students’ Questionnaire” to implement on-line poll or interviews with students on academic motivation. The results of the research can be useful for specialized structural divisions of the university, teachers, and also for the students in case of further research of the issues of academic motivation and individual educational paths. © 2016 Eremicheva et al

    The Multiband Photometry of GRB Host Galaxies: Comparison with the Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby and Theoretical Modeling Galaxies

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    We present one of the results of BVRIBVRI photometry of the hosts of GRB for the host galaxy of GRB 970508 and the theoretical modeling of its continuum spectral energy distribution (SED) to show that it is important to take into account internal extinction in the host galaxies. We compared the BVRI broad-band flux spectrum of the host to template SEDs of local starburst galaxies and found that there is a significant internal extintion in this host. Moreover, this comparison allows us to derive the absolute magnitude (M_{B_{rest}}) and rouhgly estimate reddening (A_V). Population synthesis modeling of the continuum SED for different reddening laws demostrates that the observational data of the host galaxy of GRB 970508 are best fitted by the spectral properties of a model SED with extinction of A_V\approx 2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, poster presentation on 2nd Rome Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Er

    Students’ independent work organization under performance appraisal rating system conditions

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    The leading learning method is the students’ independent work. And the teacher’s main task is to teach the students to think independently, to analyze, to choose the main idea in the information flow. Modular-rating technology of training allows not only to organize the students’ independent work in these areas, but also to predict both students and teachers activity. The educational process to teach how to work independently promotes the personality development and self-assertion, the formation of a competent person and a specialist able to move quickly and adapt to any situation.Рассмотрена самостоятельная работа студентов как ведущий метод обучения. Главная задача преподавателя – научить студентов самостоятельно мыслить, анализировать, выбирать основное в потоке информации. Модульно-рейтинговая технология обучения позволяет не только организовать самостоятельную работу студентов, но и спрогнозировать деятельность как студента, так и преподавателя. Обучение умению самостоятельно работать способствует развитию личности, формированию грамотного человека и специалиста, который может быстро адаптироваться к любой жизненной ситуации

    The Rail Freight Tariffs: The Theoretical Basis of the Transition from the Traditional Formation for Agent-based Modeling

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    The paper studies the concept, the basic methods, tools, and tendencies of behavioral economics (BE) along with the possibility of using its methodological and cognitive resources for making rail cargo rates. Philosophical analysis was held of criteria and limitations of BE in the context of its actual use in forming a new methodological approach to the calculation of competitive rail cargo tariffs in the quasi-liberal economy of Russia. It was shown that current methods of the cargo tariffs calculation in modern conditions of rail transport development in Russia are unworkable in the nearest future. Keywords: behavioral economics, rail cargo tariffs, quasi-liberal economics, agent-based modeling, economic behavior JEL Classifications: D7, L9, R1, R


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    Production kinetics and some functional properties of long-lived marrow plasma cells were studied in mice immunized with T-independent type 2 antigens. Alpha (1→3) dextran was used as an antigen for immunization. The mice were immunized by dextran, and the numbers of IgM antibody producing cells were determined by ELISPOT method. The cell phenotype was determined by cytofluorimetric technique. In the area of normal bone marrow lymphocytes ~4% of T and ~85% of B cells were detected. About 35% of the cells expressed a plasmocyte marker (CD138); 3% were CD138+IgM+, and about 6% of the lymphocytes were double-positive for CD138+IgA+. Among spleen lymphocytes, 50% of T and 47% of B cells were detected. About 1.5% lymphocytes were CD138+, and 0.5% were positive for CD138 and IgM. Time kinetics of antibody-producing cells in bone marrow and spleen was different. In spleen populations, the peak amounts of antibody-secreting cells have been shown on the day 4; the process abated by the day 28. Vice versa, the numbers of the antibody-producing cells in bone marrow started to increase on the day 4. The process reached its maximum on day 14, and after 28th day became stationary. The in vitro experiments have shown that supplementation of bone marrow cells from immune mice with dextran did not influence their functional activity. It was previously shown for cells responding to T-dependent antigens only. A specific marker for the long-lived plasma cells is still unknown. However, these cells possess a common CD138 marker specific for all plasma cells. A method for isolation of bone marrow CD138+ cells was developed. The CD138+ cells were of 87-97% purity, being enriched in long-lived bone marrow cells, and produced monospecific antibodies

    Professional self-determination of personality and strategies of student youth

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    The actual problem of professional self-determination and professional strategies of student youth has been examined. Various approaches to the study of youth selfdetermination have been considered. Typologies of the professional strategies have been adduced. The division of the professional strategies into active and passive helps to describe more accurately the professional self-determination of the individual. The study of this issue will help in the formation and implementation of a competent social policy based on the interest of the younger generation