3,593 research outputs found

    Probability of Influence on Protected Ecosystems of Volyn of Development of Hotyslavsk Quarry of Chalk

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    Уточнено геологічну будову та гідрогеологічні умови прикордонної території України, прилеглої до Хотиславського кар’єру з видобутку піску і крейди в Білорусі. Деталізовано положення Головного європейського вододілу. У рельєфі дочетвертинної поверхні виявлено локальне структурно-ерозійне палеопідняття, яке може служити бар’єром на шляху відтоку підземних вод з території України до кар’єру. Проведено аналіз експертиз щодо негативного впливу кар’єру на довкілля у вірхів’ях р. Прип’ять і Шацькому поозер’ї. Намічено шляхи подальшого вивчення геологічного середовища в зоні впливу кар’єру і запропоновано рекомендації для перегляду його проекту. Precised the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of the border territory of Ukraine, adjacent to quarry Hotyslavsk in the mining of sand and chalk in Belarus. Position of the Main european watershed was detailed. In relief, till quaternary surface, revealed local structural-erosion paleo uplift, which can serve as a barrier to groundwater outflow from Ukraine to quarry. Performed analysis expertises on the negative impact of the quarry to the environment in the upper river Pripyat and Shatsk lake district. Outlined ways of further studies of the geological environment in the zone of quarry and make recommendations for the revision of its project

    Hydrodynamics of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation in Two Dimensions

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    The large scale properties of spatiotemporal chaos in the 2d Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation are studied using an explicit coarse graining scheme. A set of intermediate equations are obtained. They describe interactions between the small scale (e.g., cellular) structures and the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom. Possible forms of the effective large scale hydrodynamics are constructed and examined. Although a number of different universality classes are allowed by symmetry, numerical results support the simplest scenario, that being the KPZ universality class.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Power-Law Behavior of Power Spectra in Low Prandtl Number Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    The origin of the power-law decay measured in the power spectra of low Prandtl number Rayleigh-Benard convection near the onset of chaos is addressed using long time numerical simulations of the three-dimensional Boussinesq equations in cylindrical domains. The power-law is found to arise from quasi-discontinuous changes in the slope of the time series of the heat transport associated with the nucleation of dislocation pairs and roll pinch-off events. For larger frequencies, the power spectra decay exponentially as expected for time continuous deterministic dynamics.Comment: (10 pages, 6 figures

    Biscale Chaos in Propagating Fronts

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    The propagating chemical fronts found in cubic autocatalytic reaction-diffusion processes are studied. Simulations of the reaction-diffusion equation near to and far from the onset of the front instability are performed and the structure and dynamics of chemical fronts are studied. Qualitatively different front dynamics are observed in these two regimes. Close to onset the front dynamics can be characterized by a single length scale and described by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Far from onset the front dynamics exhibits two characteristic lengths and cannot be modeled by this amplitude equation. An amplitude equation is proposed for this biscale chaos. The reduction of the cubic autocatalysis reaction-diffusion equation to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is explicitly carried out. The critical diffusion ratio delta, where the planar front loses its stability to transverse perturbations, is determined and found to be delta=2.300.Comment: Typeset using RevTeX, fig.1 and fig.4 are not available, mpeg simulations are at http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/staff/REK/Videos/front/front.htm

    Combined potential and spin impurity scattering in cuprates

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    We present a theory of combined nonmagnetic and magnetic impurity scattering in anisotropic superconductors accounting for the momentum-dependent impurity potential. Applying the model to the d-wave superconducting state, we obtain a quantitative agreement with the initial suppression of the critical temperature due to Zn and Ni substitutions as well as electron irradiation defects in the cuprates. We suggest, that the unequal pair-breaking effect of Zn and Ni may be related to a different nature of the magnetic moments induced by these impurities.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, RevTex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for an erosion model

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    We derive the continuum equation for a discrete model for ion sputtering. We follow an approach based on the master equation, and discuss how it can be truncated to a Fokker-Planck equation and mapped to a discrete Langevin equation. By taking the continuum limit, we arrive at the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with a stochastic noise term.Comment: latex (w/ multicol.sty), 4 pages; to appear in Physical Review E (Oct 1996

    Dynamic Scaling of Ion-Sputtered Surfaces

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    We derive a stochastic nonlinear equation to describe the evolution and scaling properties of surfaces eroded by ion bombardment. The coefficients appearing in the equation can be calculated explicitly in terms of the physical parameters characterizing the sputtering process. We find that transitions may take place between various scaling behaviors when experimental parameters such as the angle of incidence of the incoming ions or their average penetration depth, are varied.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, 2 figure

    Renormalization Group Analysis of a Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation

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    We have analyzed the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with a stochastic noise term through a dynamic renormalization group calculation. For a system in which the lattice spacing is smaller than the typical wavelength of the linear instability occurring in the system, the large-distance and long-time behavior of this equation is the same as for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in one and two spatial dimensions. For the d=2d=2 case the agreement is only qualitative. On the other hand, when coarse-graining on larger scales the asymptotic flow depends on the initial values of the parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revte

    Инновационные технологии упрочнения внутренних поверхностей деталей подвески тяжелонагруженных машин методами лазерного и высокочастотного индукционного воздействия

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    In the article innovative methods of surface hardening of internal surfaces of machine parts by laser and highfrequency induction heating are presented. The relevance of applying the methods of laser and induction hardening for the internal surfaces of heavily loaded parts of quarry equipment is proved. The results of modeling and calculation of thermal and electromagnetic fields under the influence of an external electromagnetic field and laser radiation beams are presented. The original design of a complex of equipment for processing the internal surfaces of suspension parts by external electromagnetic field is described. The optimal designs of inductors with magnetic circuits made of various materials are shown. The study of the structure and properties obtained on the internal surfaces of heavily loaded suspension parts of cars, line of the BelAZ company, treated according to the optimal modes of surface induction exposure is given. The developed original technology and equipment of laser surface hardening, which makes it possible to increase the wear resistance of heavily loaded parts, is described. Data on the implementation of research results at JSC “BELAZ” – the Management Company of the Holding “BELAZ-HOLDING” for processing a wide range of heavily loaded suspension parts are given.Представлен анализ мирового опыта в области исследований и применения инновационных методов поверхностного упрочнения деталей машиностроения с помощью лазерного и высокочастотного индукционного нагрева. Доказана актуальность применения методов лазерного и индукционного упрочнения для внутренних поверхностей тяжелонагруженных деталей карьерной техники. Представлены результаты моделирования и расчета тепловых и электромагнитных полей при воздействии внешнего электромагнитного поля и пучков лазерного излучения. Описана оригинальная конструкция комплекса оборудования для обработки внутренних поверхностей деталей подвески внешним электромагнитным полем. Показаны оптимальные конструкции индукторов с магнитопроводами из различных материалов. Приведены исследования структуры и свойств, получаемых на внутренних поверхностях тяжелонагруженных деталей подвески автомобилей семейства БелАЗ, которые обработаны по оптимальным режимам поверхностного индукционного воздействия. Описана разработанная оригинальная технология лазерного поверхностного упрочнения, позволяющая повысить износостойкость тяжелонагруженных деталей. Приведены данные по внедрению результатов исследований на ОАО «БЕЛАЗ» – управляющая компания холдинга «БЕЛАЗ-ХОЛДИНГ» для обработки широкой номенклатуры тяжелонагруженных деталей подвески