227 research outputs found

    Dynamics of individual indicators of protein metabolism in the body of broiler chickens on the background of combined stress when included in the diet “Reasil Humic Vet” + “Laktin” and “Reasil Humic Health”

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    The body of  broiler chickens is characterized by a high metabolism, which promotes rapid growth and development, but their performance indicators are largely related to housing conditions, which are known to include a number of technological stressors. With the development of stress in the body of poultry changes the course of metabolic processes, which causes changes in all types of metabolism, including protein. The aim of the study was to determine the changes in individual indicators of protein metabolism in the body of broiler chickens against the background of combined stress when included in the diet “Reasil Humic Vet” + “Laktin” and “Reasil Humic Health”. At 13th day of life, all clinically healthy poultry were exposed to combined stress – revaccination (intranasal Newcastle disease) plus cold stress (for 60 minutes by air conditioning and 5 °C in the vivarium). Material for research was selected for 3 days after the action of the stress factor (stage of anxiety), 13, 20 and 26 days after the action of the stress factor (the resistance stage). The material for the study was blood plasma, which determined the concentration of total protein, as well as the content of albumin, globulin fraction (α1, α2, β, γ). It was found that 3 days after the action of stress in chickens of Control group the development of adaptive reactions is manifested by the stability of the total protein content and redistribution of the fractional composition of plasma globulins in the form of increased albumin and α2-globulins. At different stages of development of the stage of resistance in birds of Control group, the content of total protein decreases by an average of 14.6 % due to the content of albumin by 6.9 % and α2-globulins – by 15.9 %, against the background of increasing α1- and γ-globulins by 23.1 and 33.5 % with the stabilization of individual studied indicators at the final stages of development of the resistance stage. The use in the diet of broilers feed “Reasil Humic Vet”, probiotic feed supplement “Laktin”, feed “Reasil Humic Health” under the influence of complex stress helps to increase the intensity of protein metabolism in poultry with the development of adaptation syndrome, as evidenced by the growth of total protein on average by 37.8 % (P < 0.05) and albumin – by 17.0 % (P < 0.05), which indicates an increase in the intensity of protein-synthesizing properties of the organism. In different periods of stress in the blood of broiler chickens Research groups there is an increase in the ratio of individual protein fractions, especially the content of γ-globulins - an average of 21.3 % (P < 0.05), which indicates an increase in the immune status of their body with a predominance of numerical values in the Research 1 group of poultry

    Considered and studied control us element of economic secunty

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    Rozpatrzono i zbadano kontrolę jako czynnik bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego biznesu przedsiębiorstwa. Rozpatrzono główne fundamentalne kryteria kontroli w systemie ekonomicznego bezpieczeństwa przedsiębiorstwa. Zaproponowano matrycę kontroli w systemie ekonomicznego bezpieczeństwa przedsiębiorstwa, która nadaje główne wslcazuma dla obróbki culych operacji. Zbadano glówne standardy kontroli, które muszą wykorzystywać się na przedsiębiorstwie.Considered the basic fundamemal criteria of comrol in the system of economic security in the enterprise, wich provades the basic instructions for handling all operations. Investigated the basic control standards to be used in the enterprise

    Energy and Technological Aspects of the Combustion of Ionized Gas-Dispersed Systems

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    This paper discusses the flame ionization effect on the combustion processes in gaseous suspensions of the dispersed fuels. It is shown that the two-phase flame ionization affects almost all the processes of the fuel conversion – kinetics of the dispersed fuel combustion, processes of the interphase heat and mass transfer, processes of the nucleation and coagulation in the flame, formation of nanoscale products of the metal particles combustion. It is shown that the electrostatic interaction between the charged nanoparticles and ions or polar molecules in the gaseous phase leads to the appearance of molecular “pumps” that can signifi cantly change the kinetics of the heterogeneous chemical reactions and the heat exchange between particles and gas. The influence of the thermal ionization of the flame on the nucleation mechanism and rate in gas-dispersed systems is discussed. The possibility of a barrier-free homogenous and heterogeneous nucleation in the dusty flame of metallic particles is shown. The effect of electrostatic and polarizing interactions of ions and molecules on the kinetics of the ternary gas-phase reactions is considered. The influence of the monodisperse aerosol ionization degree on the kinetics of its coagulation is analyzed. It is concluded that electrostatic interaction between the particles strongly affects the inhibition of the coagulation process in gas-phase combustion products and the possibility of very fast (explosive) charged particle coagulation of monodisperse aerosols. The possibility of the targeted size of metal oxides nanoparticles control, controlled ionizing of dusty flames and the role of ion particle entrainment, the dependency of their size of the flame ionization degree are discussed. Some effects arising in complex plasma of condensed combustion products under its own electric fi elds in flames, also when the burning dust is entrained into a constant electric field and their practical applications for diagnosis are considered

    Фізіологічний стан організму курчат-бройлерів на тлі комбінованого стресу при включенні в раціон гумінових кислот та пробіотика

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    The cultivation of broiler chickens is cost-effective given the high reproductive quality and growth rate of young growth at an early age. However, the management of the industry involves a number of technological operations that cause excessive stress on the adaptive systems, decrease the immunobiological reactivity of the bird organism, the development of stress and cause a decline in egg and meat productivity. Under these conditions, it is necessary to strengthen and stimulate the resistance of the body of the bird, to determine ways to eliminate the development of stressful states by providing full feeding. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the morpho-functional status of the body of broiler chickens against the background of combined stress when included in the diet of humic acids “Reasil Humic Vet”, “Reasil Humic Health” and probiotics “Laktin”. For the 13th day of life, all livestock in a clinically healthy poultry were subjected to combined stress – revaccination (intranasal against Newcastle disease) + cold stress (for 60 min by conditioning the room and reducing the vivarium temperature by 5 °C). The study material was sampled 3 days after exposure to stress (corresponding to the anxiety stage), at 13, 20, and 26 days after exposure to stress (which accounted for the various stages of resistance stage development). It is established that the morpho-functional status of the body of broiler chickens on the background of combined stress is characterized at the stage of anxiety by reducing the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit by an average of 16.6 %, increasing the number of eosinophils and pseudo-eosinophils; at various stages of development of the stage of resistance – decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration by 3.4–6.5 % against the background of increase of hematocritic value by 37.0 %, increase in the number of leukocytes by 17.2 % with a slight stabilization of respiratory and protective function of blood due to 26 days after stress. Influencing the formation of adaptive reactions of the body of broiler chickens of the experimental groups in the conditions of development of adaptation syndrome positive influence of the use of new biostimulants of natural origin “Reasil Humic Vet”, “Laktin” and “Reasil Humic Health” is shown, which is shown by the increase of hemoglobin concentration on average 13.0 % (P < 0.05), leukocyte count by 25.4 % (P < 0.05) due to lymphocytes 1.1 times (P < 0.05).Вирощування курей-бройлерів виступає рентабельним з огляду на високі відтворювальні якості та інтенсивність росту молодняку в ранньому віці. Проте, ведення галузі включає ряд технологічних операцій, які викликають надмірне напруження пристосувальних систем, зменшення імунобіологічної реактивності організму птиці, розвиток стресу і зумовлюють зниження яєчної і м’ясної продуктивності. За таких умов необхідно зміцнювати і стимулювати резистентність організму птиці, визначити способи усунення розвитку стресових станів за рахунок забезпечення повноцінної годівлі. Тому метою роботи було з’ясувати морфо-функціональний статус організму курчат-бройлерів на тлі комбінованого стресу при включенні в раціон гумінових кислот “Reasil Humic Vet”, “Reasil Humic Health” та пробіотика “Laktin”. На 13 добу життя все поголів’я клінічно здорової птиці піддавалося дії комбінованого стресу – ревакцинація (інтраназальним методом проти хвороби Ньюкасла) + холодовий стрес (протягом 60 хв шляхом кондиціонування приміщення та зниження температури повітря у віварії на 5 °С). Матеріал для досліджень відбирали на 3 добу після дії стрес-фактора (що відповідало стадії тривоги), на 13, 20 і 26 добу після дії стрес-фактора (що припадало на різні етапи розвитку стадії резистентності). Встановлено, що морфо-функціональний статус організму курчат-бройлерів на тлі дії комбінованого стресу характеризується на стадії тривоги зниженням концентрації гемоглобіну та величини гематокриту в середньому на 16,6 %, збільшенням кількості еозинофілів і псевдоеозинофілів; на різних етапах розвитку стадії резистентності –зниженням кількості еритроцитів та концентрації гемоглобіну на 3,4–6,5 % на тлі підвищення гематокритної величини на 37,0 %, підвищення кількості лейкоцитів на 17,2 % з незначною стабілізацією дихальної та захисної функції крові через 26 діб після дії стресу. Впливаючи на формування пристосувальних реакцій організму курчат-бройлерів дослідних груп в умовах розвитку адаптаційного синдрому встановлено позитивний вплив застосування нових біостимуляторів природного походження “Reasil Humic Vet”, “Laktin” та “Reasil Humic Health”, що проявляється підвищенням концентрації гемоглобіну в середньому на 13,0 % (Р <0,05), кількості лейкоцитів на 25,4 % (Р < 0,05) за рахунок лімфоцитів в 1,1 раза (Р < 0,05)

    Sorption Detoxification as an Addition to Conventional Therapy of Acute Radiation Sickness and Iatrogenic Leukopenia

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    Leukopenia is an essential part of the clinical course of acute radiation sickness and is a side effect of anti-cancer treatment. In both situations, the main factors which determine the survival are the degree of bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal tract damage due to the presence of a large pool of fast-dividing cells. Leuko- and neutropenia are main limiting factors which may contribute to chemotherapy failure. Hematopoietic cytokines the part of conventional therapy in this field, but their effects require boosting. That is why the use of means and methods of adsorption therapy is considered promising. Sorption therapy creates a basis for sorption detoxification, a doctrine of curative measures directed to the removal of toxic endogenous or exogenous compounds from body fluids. The most widely used types are the purification of blood or its components (hemosorption), oral administration of sorption materials (enterosorption) and application-sorption therapy of wounds and burns. In this chapter, the results of early and recent research and prospects for the use of carbon adsorption therapy for the treatment of acute radiation sickness and cytostatic myelosuppression are discussed


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    The theoretical description for ecopipam electrochemical determination, assisted by cobalt(III) oxyhydroxide has been given. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that, despite of the electrochemical instabilities, more probable to occur than for the similar systems, the cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide is an efficient electrode modifier for ecopipam determination. The electroanalytical process is diffusion-controlled


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    The algorithm of detection of direct contour lines base on euclidean form factor is presented. The essence of the algorithm is the detection of direct contour lines as a result of a comparison with unity of the value of the euclidean form factor, taking into account the sum of the euclidean distances between neighbors pixels forming the contour line, when its length is calculate. The developed algorithm makes it possible to increase the stability of the allocation of lines and the speed of response in comparison with the Hough algorithm is show. Разработан алгоритм выделения прямых контурных линий на основе евклидова форм-фактора. Сущность алгоритма заключается в детектировании прямых контурных линий в результате сравнения с единицей значения евклидова форм-фактора, учитывающего сумму эвклидовых расстояний между смежными пикселами, образующими контурную линию, при расчете ее длины. Показано, что разработанный алгоритм позволяет повысить стабильность выделения линий и быстродействие по сравнению с алгоритмом Хафа

    Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT

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    This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. Since 1998, digital receivers performing on-the-fly dynamic spectrum calculations or waveform data recording without data loss have been used at the UTR-2 radio telescope, the URAN VLBI system, and the GURT new generation radio telescope. Here we detail these receivers developed for operation in the strong interference environment that prevails in the decameter wavelength range. Data collected with these receivers allowed us to discover numerous radio astronomical objects and phenomena at low frequencies, a summary of which is also presented.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure