67 research outputs found

    Молекулярно-генетическая характеристика образцов озимой мягкой пшеницы в связи с селекцией на устойчивость к полеганию

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the genomic structure and allelic composition of the dwarfing Rht-B1, Rht-D1 and Rht8 genes in 37 varieties and breeding samples of soft winter wheat in connection with breeding for lodging resistance in the Republic of Belarus. The molecular cytogenetic marking (C-banding) and DNA typing of genotypes were used. As a result, the analysis of the chromosomal composition of the breeding material showed that 21 winter wheat samples are characterized by the standard karyotype with the genomic structure AABBDD (2n = 42). Five variants of translocations affecting the chromosomes 1B, 3B, 5B, 6B, and 7B were revealed in the karyotypes of the remaining samples. It was found that the chromosomes of the 2nd and 4th homologous groups, in which the main dwarfing genes (Rht-B1, Rht-D1, and Rht8) are localized, did not undergo structural changes. Genotyping showed that 45.9 % of the samples contain one of the dwarfing alleles (Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht8c) in their genotype. A combination of two commercially significant alleles (Rht-B1b and Rht8c) in the genotype were identified in one of the winter wheat samples. The genotype with a combination of the Rht-B1a, Rht-D1a and Rht8b alleles occurred with the highest frequency (37.8 %) in the analysed breeding material. The Rht-B1b, Rht-D1a, Rht8b; Rht-B1a, Rht-D1a, Rht8a genotypes showed the frequency of 16.2 %. The Rht-B1a, Rht-D1a, Rht8c; Rht-B1a, Rht-D1b, Rht8b; Rht-B1a, Rht-D1b, Rht8j genotypes were identified in 5.4 % of the samples; the Rht-B1a, Rht-D1b, Rht8а genotypes – in 8.1 % of the samples. The analysis of the plant height, taking into account the karyotyping and genotyping data showed that the targeted selection of the most efficient allelic combinations of dwarfing genes is important for the cultivation region. The studies carried out allow us to suggest that the selection by the overwintering level can contribute to the fixation of the Rht8b allele in the breeding material, which is apparently associated with better winter hardiness in the conditions of Belarus.Цель – анализ геномной структуры и аллельного состава генов короткостебельности Rht-B1, Rht-D1 и Rht8 у 37 сортов и селекционных образцов озимой мягкой пшеницы в связи с селекцией на устойчивость к полеганию в Республике Беларусь. Методы. Молекулярно-цитогенетическое маркирование (С-бэндинг) и ДНК-типирование генотипов. Результаты. В ходе анализа хромосомного состава селекционного материала установлено, что 21 образец озимой пшеницы характеризуется стандартным кариотипом с геномной структурой AABBDD (2n = 42). В кариотипах остальных образцов выявлено пять вариантов транслокаций, затрагивающих хромосомы 1В, 3В, 5В, 6В и 7В. Установлено, что хромосомы 2-й и 4-й гомеологичных групп, в которых локализованы основные гены короткостебельности Rht-B1, Rht-D1 и Rht8, не подверглись структурным изменениям. В результате генотипирования показано, что 45,9 % образцов содержат в генотипе один из аллелей короткостебельности (Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht8с). Сочетание в генотипе двух коммерчески значимых аллелей короткостебельности Rht-B1b и Rht8с выявлено у одного образца озимой пшеницы. С наибольшей частотой (37,8 %) в проанализированном селекционном материале встречался генотип с комбинацией аллелей Rht-B1а, Rht-D1а и Rht8b. С частотой 16,2 % присутствовали генотипы Rht-B1b, Rht-D1а, Rht8b; Rht-B1а, Rht-D1а, Rht8а. Генотипы Rht-B1а, Rht-D1а, Rht8с; Rht-B1а, Rht-D1b, Rht8b; Rht-B1а, Rht-D1b, Rht8j выявлены у 5,4 % образцов, генотип Rht-B1а, Rht-D1b, Rht8а – у 8,1 % образцов. Заключение. Анализ высоты растения с учетом данных кариотипирования и генотипирования показал важность целенаправленного подбора наиболее эффективных для региона возделывания сочетаний аллелей генов короткостебельности. Проведенные исследования позволили предположить, что отбор по уровню перезимовки может способствовать закреплению в селекционном материале аллеля Rht8b, ассоциированного, по-видимому, с лучшей зимостойкостью в условиях Беларуси

    Genetic effects on gene expression across human tissues

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    Characterization of the molecular function of the human genome and its variation across individuals is essential for identifying the cellular mechanisms that underlie human genetic traits and diseases. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project aims to characterize variation in gene expression levels across individuals and diverse tissues of the human body, many of which are not easily accessible. Here we describe genetic effects on gene expression levels across 44 human tissues. We find that local genetic variation affects gene expression levels for the majority of genes, and we further identify inter-chromosomal genetic effects for 93 genes and 112 loci. On the basis of the identified genetic effects, we characterize patterns of tissue specificity, compare local and distal effects, and evaluate the functional properties of the genetic effects. We also demonstrate that multi-tissue, multi-individual data can be used to identify genes and pathways affected by human disease-associated variation, enabling a mechanistic interpretation of gene regulation and the genetic basis of diseas

    Genetic effects on gene expression across human tissues

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    Characterization of the molecular function of the human genome and its variation across individuals is essential for identifying the cellular mechanisms that underlie human genetic traits and diseases. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project aims to characterize variation in gene expression levels across individuals and diverse tissues of the human body, many of which are not easily accessible. Here we describe genetic effects on gene expression levels across 44 human tissues. We find that local genetic variation affects gene expression levels for the majority of genes, and we further identify inter-chromosomal genetic effects for 93 genes and 112 loci. On the basis of the identified genetic effects, we characterize patterns of tissue specificity, compare local and distal effects, and evaluate the functional properties of the genetic effects. We also demonstrate that multi-tissue, multi-individual data can be used to identify genes and pathways affected by human disease-associated variation, enabling a mechanistic interpretation of gene regulation and the genetic basis of disease

    Calcium orthophosphate-based biocomposites and hybrid biomaterials

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    Термообробка поковок з використанням нагріву при куванні.

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    В промышленных условиях опробовано охлаждение флокеночувствительной стали 40ХН с температуры окончания ковки в сыпучем графите. Показано, что при таком режиме охлаждения можно обойтись без общепринятого антифлокеннового отжига, что значительно сокращает технологический цикл изготовления поковок.У промислових умовах випробувано охолодження Флокеночутливість сталь 40ХН з температури закінчення кування в сипучому графіті. Показано, що при такому режимі охолодження можна обійтися без загальноприйнятого антіфлокеннового відпалу, що значно скорочує технологічний цикл виготовлення поковок

    Regional Social Policy as Important Factor of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine

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    In Ukraine, in the conditions of a permanent financial and economic crisis, it is very important to determine the priorities of socio-economic development to ensure the complexity of the national economy and increase its competitiveness. The most ambitious task of the socially oriented economy of the state in the market economy, which is still being formed in Ukraine, is the activity of social protection of all strata of society and the development of an effective social policy strategy. The social policy of the state by its nature should be uniform, however, due to the peculiarities of the social and geographic space of Ukraine, it is heterogeneous. And this is not a deviation from the norm, but the result of contradictory conditions that form the unevenness of the state's social space

    Implied Volatility Functions

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    Despite a high level of standartization of principal approaches for acute coronary syndrome treatment, in acute cardiac care department there often occur cases when therapy is not to be included in present recommendations as they are non-effective and impossible for application. Myocardial infarction is one of those situations especially when it is complicated by cardiogenic shock and ventricular arrhythmia. For overwhelming majority of ‘standard’ situations we apply recommendations with a high level of evidence I or IIa. Below we present a clinical case of treatment for acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation, when non-routine used recommendations with class of evidence IIb were of great importance