297 research outputs found

    Phase rigidity and avoided level crossings in the complex energy plane

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    We consider the effective Hamiltonian of an open quantum system, its biorthogonal eigenfunctions ϕλ\phi_\lambda and define the value rλ=(ϕλϕλ)/r_\lambda = (\phi_\lambda|\phi_\lambda)/ that characterizes the phase rigidity of the eigenfunctions ϕλ\phi_\lambda. In the scenario with avoided level crossings, rλr_\lambda varies between 1 and 0 due to the mutual influence of neighboring resonances. The variation of rλr_\lambda may be considered as an internal property of an {\it open} quantum system. In the literature, the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the scattering wave function ΨCE\Psi^E_C is considered. Since ΨCE\Psi^E_C can be represented in the interior of the system by the ϕλ\phi_\lambda, the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the ΨCE\Psi^E_C is related to the rλr_\lambda and therefore also to the mutual influence of neighboring resonances. As a consequence, the reduction of the phase rigidity ρ\rho to values smaller than 1 should be considered, at least partly, as an internal property of an open quantum system in the overlapping regime. The relation to measurable values such as the transmission through a quantum dot, follows from the fact that the transmission is, in any case, resonant with respect to the effective Hamiltonian. We illustrate the relation between phase rigidity ρ\rho and transmission numerically for small open cavities.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Особенности и последствия импортозамещения в России

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    The article discusses the features of the import substitution policy and reveals both positive and negative effects on food self-sufficiency of the population of Russia in the sanctions period. The study identified the direct effect of economic sanctions and imposed embargoes (loss of income, rise in prices for food products, reduction in the food basket), as well as the attitude of the population to the policy of food import substitution. The results of the sociological survey in the form of a volunteer survey of the population on the example of a particular region by the method of handout questionnaire are presented. It is concluded that a reorientation to the consumption of domestic food items occurred in the region while reducing the consumption of certain food items.El artículo analiza las características de la política de sustitución de importaciones e identifica consecuencias positivas y negativas para la autosuficiencia alimentaria de la población Rusa durante el período de las sanciones. El estudio reveló el impacto directo de las sanciones económicas y los embargos (pérdida de ingresos, aumento de los precios de los alimentos, reducción de la canasta de alimentos), así como las actitudes públicas hacia la política de sustitución de importaciones de alimentos. Presenta los resultados de una encuesta sociológica en forma de una encuesta voluntaria a la población sobre el ejemplo de una región específica por el método de distribución de cuestionarios. Se concluye que la región se ha desplazado al consumo de alimentos domésticos al tiempo que reduce el consumo de ciertos alimentos.В статье рассматриваются особенности политики импортозамещения и выявляются как положительные, так и отрицательные последствия для продовольственной самообеспеченности населения России в период санкций. В исследовании было выявлено прямое влияние экономических санкций и введенных эмбарго (потеря доходов, рост цен на продукты питания, сокращение продовольственной корзины), а также отношение населения к политике импортозамещения продовольствия. Представлены результаты социологического опроса в виде волонтерского опроса населения на примере конкретного региона методом раздаточного анкетирования. Сделан вывод о том, что в регионе произошла переориентация на потребление внутренних продуктов питания при одновременном сокращении потребления определенных продуктов питания

    Thermo-optic hysteresis with bound states in the continuum

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    We consider thermo-optic hysteresis in a silicon structure supporting bound state in the continuum. Taking into account radiative heat transfer as a major cooling mechanism we constructed a non-linear model describing the optical response. It is shown that the thermo-optic hysteresis can be obtained with low intensities of incident light I01 W/m2I_0\approx 1~\rm{W/m^2} at the red edge of the visible under the critical coupling condition

    Health-saving technologies in the educational process

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    The main task of implementing health-saving technologies – such organization the educational process at all levels so that bigh-schooling and upbringing wald not bi education harmpl for students healthГлавная задача реализации здоровьесберегающих технологий - такая организация образовательного пространства на всех уровнях, при котором качественное обучение, развитие, воспитание обучающихся не сопровождается нанесением ущерба их здоровь

    Semiclassical theory of weak antilocalization and spin relaxation in ballistic quantum dots

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    We develop a semiclassical theory for spin-dependent quantum transport in ballistic quantum dots. The theory is based on the semiclassical Landauer formula, that we generalize to include spin-orbit and Zeeman interaction. Within this approach, the orbital degrees of freedom are treated semiclassically, while the spin dynamics is computed quantum mechanically. Employing this method, we calculate the quantum correction to the conductance in quantum dots with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. We find a strong sensitivity of the quantum correction to the underlying classical dynamics of the system. In particular, a suppression of weak antilocalization in integrable systems is observed. These results are attributed to the qualitatively different types of spin relaxation in integrable and chaotic quantum cavities.Comment: 20 page


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    The work describes the tendencies of foreign capital inflow in Russia’s economy. It also discloses the specificity of direct foreign investments realization in corporate structures by giving an example of tobacco industry. Despite anti-tobacco measures the market of tobacco products does not degrade and tobacco companies remain attractive for investors. Identification of the factors of the social-economic situation is under way. It is marked that along with the final processing of raw tobacco stock it is especially important to attract investments in tobacco farming in rural territories of Russia’s regions. The recovery of home raw stock areas of South and North-Caucasian Federal Okrugs will allow to cultivate tobacco that is competitive in the international market. Based on the analysis of regulations in raw tobacco production in different countries of the world, economic estimation is performed on the expediency of growing tobacco plantations in the southern regions of Russia. The influence of tobacco subcomplex development intensification is shown. The paper justifies the importance to disseminate Russia’s good practice of international cooperation in tobacco business to other industries.Описываются тенденции притока иностранного капитала в  российскую экономику. Раскрыта специфика осуществления прямых иностранных инвестиций в корпоративные структуры на примере табачной промышленности. Несмотря на антитабачные меры рынок табачной продукции не деградирует, а  табачные компании остаются привлекательными для инвесторов. Выявляются факторы сложившейся социально-экономической ситуации. Отмечается, что наряду с конечной переработкой табачного сырья особую актуальность приобретает привлечение инвестиций и  в  развитие табаководства на сельских территориях российских регионов. Восстановление отечественных сырьевых зон Южного и  Северо-Кавказского федеральных округов позволит возделывать табак, конкурентоспособный на международном рынке. На основе анализа закономерностей производства табачного сырья в различных странах мира произведена экономическая оценка целесообразности выращивания табачных плантаций в южных регионах России. Показано влияние на мезоэкономику интенсификации развития табачного подкомплеса. Обосновывается необходимость распространения опыта международного сотрудничества России в табачном бизнесе на другие отрасли АПК

    Effect of Quadratic Zeeman Energy on the Vortex of Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The spinor Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic gases has been experimentally realized by a number of groups. Further, theoretical proposals of the possible vortex states have been sugessted. This paper studies the effects of the quadratic Zeeman energy on the vortex states. This energy was ignored in previous theoretical studies, although it exists in experimental systems. We present phase diagrams of various vortex states taking into account the quadratic Zeeman energy. The vortex states are calculated by the Gross-Pitaevskii equations. Several new kinds of vortex states are found. It is also found that the quadratic Zeeman energy affects the direction of total magnetization and causes a significant change in the phase diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp