3 research outputs found

    Networking Imagery As a Means of Communication in Social Media

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    During the last decade, new media have become aggregators of visual content which translates socio-cultural meanings, practices of vision and techniques of watching and communication styles in real-time. Nowadays it is possible to analyze a multitude of universes existing on the Internet, diverse in their content, with unique voices and their particular ways of visual self-presentation on a cyber space. With the development  of social media, visual practices replace “networking talks”, and these practices fix polyphony, polystylism, and the fragmented nature of modern times, while at the same time being the expression of collective and individual needs. Visual users’ content has acquired a new status: it has turned from a means of representing and documenting events into a means of “pure communicating” with the help of which information is shortened and simplified, and interaction is constructed in line with social expectations and norms. In general, it indicates the ongoing cultural transformations associated with the transition from representational system of culture to presentational online culture. Keywords: online communication, social networks, visuality, media studie

    Networking Imagery as A Means of Communication in Social Media

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    During the last decade, new media have become aggregators of visual content which translates socio-cultural meanings, practices of vision and techniques of watching and communication styles in real-time. Nowadays it is possible to analyze a multitude of universes existing on the Internet, diverse in their content, with unique voices and their particular ways of visual self-presentation on a cyber space. With the development  of social media, visual practices replace “networking talks”, and these practices fix polyphony, polystylism, and the fragmented nature of modern times, while at the same time being the expression of collective and individual needs. Visual users' content has acquired a new status: it has turned from a means of representing and documenting events into a means of “pure communicating” with the help of which information is shortened and simplified, and interaction is constructed in line with social expectations and norms. In general, it indicates the ongoing cultural transformations associated with the transition from representational system of culture to presentational online culture. Keywords: online communication, social networks, visuality, media studie

    Трансформация повседневности в современном медиаобществе

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    Characteristic features of modern society – emerging of new forms of sociality, network communication – have given rise to “rediscovery” of everydayness initiated by modern human sciences. The search of new foundations for everyday reality studies came to replace metaphysical constructs of the previous age. Admitting polyvariety of the world, its being heterogeneous, social theory disclosed a complex structure of everydayness, its inability to be narrowed down to a certain abstract characteristics. Since it is in the man’s everyday world where transformations typical for the society manifest themselves, manifoldness of individual experiences and practices has become the subject matter of interdisciplinary analysis. Currently, with the development of new media and the increased contact density in daily life not only the nature of social communication has changed, but also the impact areas of visual information. Visibility has become an important part of everyday life, its images represent the lifestyle and types of relations, design the perception and the structure of the human consciousness, their particular way of seeing the world. In the epoch of “media reality”, everydayness is losing its stability and sustainability being ceaselessly exposed to superfast, mobile visual images. They act as a kind of patterns, models of everyday behaviour. Due to “technical repeatability” images can integrate into our life in no time replacing immediate experience, giving rise to the phenomenon of reality simulation. Through constructing and replacing reality, simplifying communication language, visual images are becoming, in essence, some universal cultural code and generate new ways of social interaction and communication acting herewith as a condition for social communities formationСовременное общество характеризуется появлением новых форм социальности, сетевых способов коммуникации, которые привели к «переоткрытию» повседневности в современном гуманитарном знании. На смену метафизическим конструкциям прошлого века пришел поиск новых оснований для изучения «реальности» повседневности. Признавая поливариантность мира, его неоднородность, социальная теория открыла сложную структуру повседневности, ее несводимость к некой абстрактной характеристике. Поскольку именно в повседневном мире человека проявляются присущие обществу трансформации, то множественность его опыта, практик стали предметом междисциплинарного анализа. В настоящее время с развитием новых медиа и возросшей плотностью контактов в повседневной жизни произошло изменение не только самой природы социальной коммуникации, но и сферы воздействия визуальной информации. Визуальность стала важной частью повседневной жизни человека, ее образы репрезентируют стиль жизни и способы взаимоотношений, конструируют восприятие и структуру сознания человека как особый способ его видения мира. В эпоху «реальности медиа» повседневность утрачивает свою устойчивость и стабильность, непрерывно подвергаясь трансформации под влиянием сверхскоростных, мобильных визуальных образов. Визуальные образы выступают в роли своеобразных паттернов, образцов повседневных действий. Благодаря «технической воспроизводимости» образы быстро интегрируются в повседневную жизнь, замещая непосредственный опыт, порождая феномен симуляции реальности. Конструируя и подменяя реальность, упрощая язык общения, визуальные образы, по сути, становятся своеобразным универсальным культурным кодом, порождая новые способы социального взаимодействия и коммуникации, выступая при этом условием формирования социальных общносте