223 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Experiments on a Supersonic Linear Cascade For ORC Applications

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    A novel experiment has been conceived at Politecnico di Milano for the study of the flow within and downstream of supersonic cascades of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. This paper documents the first phase of the research, focused on the preliminary tests and studies performed by operating the facility with nitrogen as working fluid, to demonstrate the technical relevance of the experiment and the validity of the measurement system in a simplified thermodynamic condition. The set of measured data includes, beside the inlet total thermodynamic state, eight static pressure values obtained via taps manufactured on the test section rear end-wall, both within the bladed and semi-bladed region of the cascade, as well as a total pressure probe to retrieve the cascade performance. A double-passage Schlieren equipment was also employed to visualize the density gradients. Experiments show an outstanding repeatability, indicate a quasi -steady cascade operation during the blow-down process for all the pressure signal considered, and demonstrate a remarkable periodicity among two consecutive channels also in off-design conditions. Experimental data were also compared with CFD simulations, resulting in an excellent agreement for the pressure data acquired both within and downstream of the cascade

    Experimental and numerical analysis of supersonic blade profiles developed for highly loaded impulse type steam turbine stages

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    The paper describes the results of a numerical and experimental research program addressing the aerodynamic investigation on the performance of blade profiles specifically developed for application in highly loaded impulse type turbine stages. The industrial requirements driving toward the adoption of highly loaded stage solutions are presented, along with an estimation of the profiles operating parameters. Two stator vanes and one rotor blade profile have been developed and extensively tested by means of flow field measurements and schlieren visualization in a transonic blow-down wind tunnel for linear cascades. Experimental results for the relevant operating conditions are presented, providing validation data for the CFD model used for blade design and evidencing that the main goals of the design optimization procedure have been achieved

    Experimental Observation of Non-Ideal Nozzle Flow of Siloxane Vapor MDM

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    The first experimental results from the Test-Rig for Organic Vapors (TROVA) at Politecnico di Milano are reported. The facility implements an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) where the expansion process takes place within a straight axis convergent-divergent nozzle, which is the simplest geometry representative of an ORC turbine blade passage. In order to reduce the required input thermal power, a batch operating mode was selected for the plant. Experimental runs with air allowed to verify the throttling valve operation and the measurement techniques, which include total pressure and temperature measurements in the settling chamber, static pressure measurements along the nozzle axis. A double-passage Schlieren technique is used to visualize the flow field in the nozzle throat and divergent section and to determine the position of shock waves within the flow field. The first experimental observation of non-ideal nozzle flows are presented for the expansion of siloxane fluid MDM (C8H24O2Si3, octamethyltrisiloxane) for vapor expansion in the close proximity of the liquid-vapor saturation curve, at relatively low pressure of operation. A supersonic flow is attained within the divergent section of the nozzle, as demonstrated by the observation of an oblique shock wave at the throat section, where a 0.1 mm recessed step is located. Schlieren visualizations are limited by the occurrence of condensation along the mirror side of the nozzle. Pressure measurements are compatible with the observed flow field

    Experimental observation of non-ideal expanding flows of Siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications

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    Abstract Extensive experimental results characterizing the supersonic expansion of an organic vapor in non-ideal conditions are reported in this paper for the first time. The collected data also allowed the assessment of the accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) tools employed to predict the non-ideal behavior of such flows, including the consistency of thermodynamic models adopted. The investigation has been carried out on the converging-diverging nozzle test section of the Test Rig for Organic VApors (TROVA), at the Laboratory of Compressible fluid-dynamics for Renewable Energy Application (CREA) of Politecnico di Milano. Supersonic nozzle flow was chosen as the simplest one of significance for organic Rankine cycle (ORC) turbine channels. The working fluid under scrutiny is Siloxane MDM, a widely employed compound for high temperature ORCs. MDM vapor expands through the TROVA nozzle at moderate non-ideal conditions in the close proximity of the vapor saturation curve. This is the region where ORC expanders typically operate, thus proving the relevance of the investigation for the ORC community. Indeed, detailed experimental data representative of typical ORC expansions were lacking in the open literature up to date. Two different nozzle geometries, featuring exit Mach number of 2.0 and 1.5 respectively, were tested, exploring a wide range of thermodynamic inlet conditions and diverse levels of non-ideality, from moderate non-ideal state, indicated by a compressibility factor Z = Pv/RT ≃ 0.80, to dilute gas conditions, Z ≥ 0.97. Maximum operating total pressure and temperature are Pt ≃ 5 bar and T T ≃ 250 °C. The nozzle flow is characterized in terms of total pressure, total temperature, static pressure at discrete locations along the nozzle axis, and schlieren imaging. In contrast to the well known case of polytropic ideal gas, the vapor expansion through the nozzle is found to be dependent on the inlet conditions, thus proving the non-ideal character of the flow. This influence is found to be consistent with the one predicted by the quasi-1D theory coupled with simple non-ideal gas models. Experimental data at the nozzle centerline are compared with those resulting from a two-dimensional viscous CFD calculation carried out using the SU2 software suite and the improved Peng Robinson Stryjek Vera (iPRSV) thermodynamic model. A very good accordance is found, demonstrating the high accuracy of the applied tools

    The 4 K outer cryostat for the CUORE experiment: construction and quality control

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    The external shell of the CUORE cryostat is a large cryogen-free system designed to host the dilution refrigerator and the bolometers of the CUORE experiment in a low radioactivity environment. The three vessels that form the outer shell were produced and delivered to the Gran Sasso underground Laboratories in July 2012. In this paper, we describe the production techniques and the validation tests done at the production site in 2012.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; to appear in NIM

    Performance and midspan wake measurements on a H-Darrieus in controlled conditions

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    Performance and wake measurements on a H-Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine are discussed on the basis of an extensive experimental campaign performed at the large scale, high speed wind tunnel of the Politecnico di Milano (IT). The paper proposes a combined mechanical and fluid-dynamic investigation by virtue of an advanced measurement system that allows to reconstruct both phase-resolved thrust and torque acting on the machine and the phase-resolved multi-dimensional velocity field in the wake. The aerodynamic torque is presented as a function of the azimuthal angle of revolution, while the velocity field in the wake is fully characterized by means of a point to point detailed measurement on the midspan plane, where the influence of both blade support struts and tip vortices is negligible. Particular care is taken in the description of the experimental setup as well as in the presentation of the measurements. The here proposed achievements can be considered as a benchmark for the validation of several classes of computational tools

    Wind tunnel testing of the DeepWind demonstrator in design and tilted operating conditions

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    The DeepWind Project aims at investigating the feasibility of a new floating vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) concept, whose purpose is to exploit wind resources at deep-water offshore sites.The results of an extensive experimental campaign on the DeepWind reduced scale demonstrator are here presented for different wind speeds and rotor angular velocities, including also skewed flow operation due to a tilted rotor arrangement. To accomplish this, after being instrumented to measure aerodynamic power and thrust (both in streamwise and transversal directions), a troposkien three-bladed rotor was installed on a high precision test bench, whose axis was suitable to be inclined up to 15° with respect to the design (i.e. upright) operating condition.The experiments were performed at the large scale, high speed wind tunnel of the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), using a "free jet" (open channel) configuration. The velocity field in the wake of the rotor was also fully characterized by means of an instrumented traversing system, to investigate the flow distribution downstream of the test section.Special care is taken in the description of the experimental set-up and of the measured data, so that the present results can be used as a benchmark for the validation of simulation models

    Gemcitabine-releasing mesenchymal stromal cells inhibit in vitro proliferation of human pancreatic carcinoma cells

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    BACKGROUND AIMS: Pancreatic cancer (pCa) is a tumor characterized by a fibrotic state and associated with a poor prognosis. The observation that mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) migrate toward inflammatory micro-environments and engraft into tumor stroma after systemic administration suggested new therapeutic approaches with the use of engineered MSCs to deliver and produce anti-cancer molecules directly within the tumor. Previously, we demonstrated that without any genetic modifications, MSCs are able to deliver anti-cancer drugs. MSCs loaded with paclitaxel by exposure to high concentrations release the drug both in vitro and in vivo, inhibiting tumor proliferation. On the basis of these observations, we evaluated the ability of MSCs (from bone marrow and pancreas) to uptake and release gemcitabine (GCB), a drug widely used in pCa treatment. METHODS: MSCs were primed by 24-h exposure to 2000 ng/mL of GCB. The anti-tumor potential of primed MSCs was then investigated by in vitro anti-proliferation assays with the use of CFPAC-1, a pancreatic tumor cell line sensitive to GCB. The uptake/release ability was confirmed by means of high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. A cell-cycle study and secretome evaluation were also conducted to better understand the characteristics of primed MSCs. RESULTS: GCB-releasing MSCs inhibit the growth of a human pCa cell line in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: The use of MSCs as a "trojan horse" can open the way to a new pCa therapeutic approach; GCB-loaded MSCs that integrate into the tumor mass could deliver much higher concentrations of the drug in situ than can be achieved by intravenous injection

    Decreased humoral immune response in the bronchi of rapid decliners with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Identification of COPD patients with a rapid decline in FEV1 is of particular interest for prognostic and therapeutic reasons. Objective: To determine the expression of markers of inflammation in COPD patients with rapid functional decline in comparison to slow or no decliners. Methods: In COPD patients monitored for at least 3 years (mean ± SD: 5.8 ± 3 years) for lung functional decline, the expression and localization of inflammatory markers was measured in bronchial biopsies of patients with no lung functional decline (FEV1% + 30 ± 43 ml/year, n = 21), slow (FEV1% ml/year, − 40 ± 19, n = 14) and rapid decline (FEV1% ml/year, − 112 ± 53, n = 15) using immunohistochemistry. ELISA test was used for polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) quantitation “in vitro”. Results: The expression of secretory IgA was significantly reduced in bronchial epithelium (p = 0.011) and plasma cell numbers was significantly reduced in the bronchial lamina propria (p = 0.017) of rapid decliners compared to no decliners. Bronchial inflammatory cell infiltration, CD4, CD8, CD68, CD20, NK, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells, pIgR, was not changed in epithelium and lamina propria of rapid decliners compared to other groups. Plasma cells/mm2 correlated positively with scored total IgA in lamina propria of all patients. “In vitro” stimulation of 16HBE cells with LPS (10 μg/ml) and IL-8 (10 ng/ml) induced a significant increase while H2O2 (100 μM) significantly decreased pIgR epithelial expression. Conclusion: These data show an impaired humoral immune response in rapid decliners with COPD, marked by reduced epithelial secretory IgA and plasma cell numbers in the bronchial lamina propria. These findings may help in the prognostic stratification and treatment of COPD