220 research outputs found

    Magneto-gyrotropic effects in semiconductor quantum wells (review)

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    Magneto-gyrotropic photogalvanic effects in quantum wells are reviewed. We discuss experimental data, results of phenomenological analysis and microscopic models of these effects. The current flow is driven by spin-dependent scattering in low-dimensional structures gyrotropic media resulted in asymmetry of photoexcitation and relaxation processes. Several applications of the effects are also considered.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Gravitational Couplings of Intrinsic Spin

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    The gravitational couplings of intrinsic spin are briefly reviewed. A consequence of the Dirac equation in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is considered in detail, namely, the difference in the energy of a spin-1/2 particle polarized vertically up and down near the surface of a rotating body is Ωsinθ\hbar\Omega\sin\theta. Here θ\theta is the latitude and Ω=2GJ/(c2R3)\Omega = 2GJ/(c^2 R^3), where JJ and RR are, respectively, the angular momentum and radius of the body. It seems that this relativistic quantum gravitational effect could be measurable in the foreseeable future.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 16 page

    Geoantineutrino Spectrum, 3He/4He-ratio Distribution in the Earth's Interior and Slow Nuclear Burning on the Boundary of the Liquid and Solid Phases of the Earth's Core

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    The description problem of geoantineutrino spectrum and reactor antineutrino experimental spectrum in KamLAND, which takes place for antineutrino energy \~2.8 MeV, and also the experimental results of the interaction of uranium dioxide and carbide with iron-nickel and silicaalumina melts at high pressure (5-10 GP?) and temperature (1600-2200C) have motivated us to consider the possible consequences of the assumption made by V.Anisichkin and coauthors that there is an actinid shell on boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core. We have shown that the activation of a natural nuclear reactor operating as the solitary waves of nuclear burning in 238U- and/or 232Th-medium (in particular, the neutron- fission progressive wave of Feoktistov and/or Teller-Ishikawa-Wood) can be such a physical consequence. The simplified model of the kinetics of accumulation and burnup in U-Pu fuel cycle of Feoktistov is developed. The results of the numerical simulation of neutron-fission wave in two-phase UO2/Fe medium on a surface of the Earth's solid core are presented. The georeactor model of 3He origin and the 3He/4He-ratio distribution in the Earth's interior is offered. It is shown that the 3He/4He ratio distribution can be the natural quantitative criterion of georeactor thermal power. On the basis of O'Nions-Evensen-Hamilton geochemical model of mantle differentiation and the crust growth supplied by actinid shell on the boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core as a nuclear energy source (georeactor with power of 30 TW), the tentative estimation of geoantineutrino intensity and geoantineutrino spectrum on the Earth surface are given.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. Added text, formulas, figures and references. Corrected equations. Changed content of some section

    The Hamiltonian Structure of the Second Painleve Hierarchy

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    In this paper we study the Hamiltonian structure of the second Painleve hierarchy, an infinite sequence of nonlinear ordinary differential equations containing PII as its simplest equation. The n-th element of the hierarchy is a non linear ODE of order 2n in the independent variable zz depending on n parameters denoted by t1,...,tn1{t}_1,...,{t}_{n-1} and αn\alpha_n. We introduce new canonical coordinates and obtain Hamiltonians for the zz and t1,...,tn1t_1,...,t_{n-1} evolutions. We give explicit formulae for these Hamiltonians showing that they are polynomials in our canonical coordinates

    Класифікація екосел і шляхи їхньої еволюції

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    Classification of ecovillages is provided. The ways of their evolution are described.Приводится классификация экосел. Раскрываются пути их эволюции.Класифікація екосел і шляхи їхньої еволюці


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    The influence of cathode excavation of cathodic arc evaporator on thickness uniformity and erosion products angle distribution

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    Cathodic arc evaporators are used for coating with functional films. Prolonged or buttend evaporators may be used for this purposes. In butt-end evaporator the cathode spots move continuously on the cathode work surface and evaporate cathode material. High depth excavation profile forms on the cathode work surface while the thick coating precipitation (tens or hundreds of microns). The cathode excavation profile is shaped like a “cup” with high walls for electrostatic discharge stabilization systems with axial magnetic fields. Cathode spots move on the bottom of the “cup”. It is very likely that high “cup” walls are formed as a result of lasting work time influence on the uniformity of precipitated films.In the present work the influence of excavation profile walls height on the uniformity of precipitated coating was carried out. The high profile walls are formed due to lasting work of DC vacuum arc evaporator. The cathode material used for tests was 3003 aluminum alloy. The extended substrate was placed parallel to the cathode work surface. Thickness distribution along the substrate length with the new cathode was obtained after 6 hours and after 12 hours of continuous operation.The thickness distribution of precipitated coating showed that the cathode excavation has an influence on the angular distribution of the matter escaping the cathode. It can be clearly seen from the normalized dependence coating thickness vs the distance from the substrate center. Also the angular distribution of the matter flow from the cathode depending on the cathode working time was obtained. It was shown that matter flow from the cathode differs from the LambertKnudsen law. The more the cathode excavation the more this difference.So, cathode excavation profile has an influence on the uniformity of precipitated coating and it is necessary to take in account the cathode excavation profile while coating the thick films.</p