317 research outputs found

    4-colored graphs and knot/link complements

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    A representation for compact 3-manifolds with non-empty non-spherical boundary via 4-colored graphs (i.e., 4-regular graphs endowed with a proper edge-coloration with four colors) has been recently introduced by two of the authors, and an initial classification of such manifolds has been obtained up to 8 vertices of the representing graphs. Computer experiments show that the number of graphs/manifolds grows very quickly as the number of vertices increases. As a consequence, we have focused on the case of orientable 3-manifolds with toric boundary, which contains the important case of complements of knots and links in the 3-sphere. In this paper we obtain the complete catalogation/classification of these 3-manifolds up to 12 vertices of the associated graphs, showing the diagrams of the involved knots and links. For the particular case of complements of knots, the research has been extended up to 16 vertices.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; changes in Lemma 6, Corollaries 7 and


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    Several types of cells actively involved in atherosclerosis undergo a metabolic reprogramming that comprises an accelerated glycolytic flux to the detriment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. This phenomenon, known as the Warburg effect, allows cells to produce ample energy and biomass with negligible oxygen consumption, resulting in uncontrolled high-speed proliferation. This phenotypic dysfunction underlies both inflammation and angiogenesis, two processes that are foundation of the pathological behaviour of the plaque and promote its destabilisation. The preponderant kinase domain of inducible PFKFB3 enzyme catalyses the synthesis of F2,6P, which simultaneously promotes glycolysis and inhibits gluconeogenesis. PFKFB3 has been found to be one of the most abundant and overly expressed isoenzymes in the Warburg effect, suggesting its key role in the pathology. From a clinical perspective, PFKFB3 represents an emerging biological target, and its inhibition would be an innovative therapeutic strategy for the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions. Our study revolves around the identification of new PFKFB3 kinase inhibitors. The rational design was carried out with the aid of computational methods, based on the 3D-structures of both PFKFB3 protein and known active ligands. In particular, two classes of inhibitors were used as reference ligands for the development of two distinct virtual screening workflows that led to the identification of two generations of candidate inhibitors. The first hierarchical workflow consisted of a pharmacophore-based library filtration, followed by molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulations, whereas the second consisted of a ligand- optimisation process based on the design of a focussed synthesisable library of analogues that were submitted to molecular docking along with a concomitant similarity search for scaffold hopping. The first- and the second-generation candidate compounds, which were predicted to have good in silico affinity towards PFKFB3, were synthesised and biologically evaluated through kinase assay, providing further insights about these selected drug-like molecules and new structure-activity relationship information

    First report of Erysiphe corylacearum causing powdery mildew on Corylus avellana in Spain

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    In the Mediterranean basin area, powdery mildew disease on hazelnut is commonly caused by Phyllactinia guttata. The disease occurs in late summer-autumn causing limited damage or economic impact. In April 2021, an unusual outbreak of the disease was observed on lower leaves of hazelnuts (cvs, Negret and San Giovanni) leading to rapid leaf desiccation in two commercial orchards (Camí de la Serra and Mas de la Coma), both located at La Selva del Camp, Tarragona, in north-eastern Spain. Unlike P. guttata, roundish spots of white mycelium appeared on the adaxial side of the leaves (Figure 1). Fruit was also infected and damaged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Accurate and rapid technique for leaf area measurment in medlar (Mespilus germanica L.)

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    A model to estimate medlar (Mespilus germanica) leaf area across genotypes was obtained by means of linear measurements in 2005-06

    Airborne pollen: a potential warning alert for tickborne encephalitis risk

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    The circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEv) depends on population dynamics of host tick and rodents, which in turn depend on nutrient resources. Tree seeds are the main food for rodents, and their fluctuating production is strongly correlated to pollen abundance. Our study aims to fill the gap and investigate whether airborne pollen is directly associated to recorded TBEv human cases in the Alpine biogeographical region. Materials and Methods We focused our study within the province of Trento (northern Italy, 6,000km2, 500,000 inhabitants). The territory is included in the Alpine biogeographical region (EEA Report No 1/2002) and the main forest tree species growing within a 5-km radius from the pollen sampler are represented by hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), spruce (Picea abies L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra J. F. Arnold), downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.), manna ash (Fraxinus ornus L.), and hazel (Corylus avellana L.). Airborne pollen concentration has been monitored since 1989 at Fondazione Edmund Mach, in San Michele all’Adige (Latitude 46.19 N, Longitude 11.13 E, 220 m a.s.l.), while TBEv human cases have been recorded since 1992 by the local Public Health Agency. Airborne pollen was sampled by a Hirst-type trap, processed, and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). First, we statistically investigated the association between the annual total pollen concentration of the dominant arboreal plant taxa and the annual number of TBEv human cases (1989-2020) with different time lags by univariate linear models. Consequently, we built a full model by considering all significant covariates, we computed all possible sub-models and finally we selected the best (the one with the lowest Akaike’s Information Criterion score). Results and Discussion We found a significant positive association between pollen abundances for beech (p=0.04), oak p=0.012), hop hornbeam (p=0.013) and TBEv human cases with a two-year lag (Figure 1). All other lags and taxa resulted in non-significant relationships. Subsequently, we identified the best model, which considered only hop-hornbeam and oak pollen quantities, both with positive coefficients, consistently with the univariate analysis. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at quantifying the potential relationship between airborne pollen abundances of tree species and TBEv infections, based on a three-decade time series of data. If validated at a larger spatial scale, pollen data might therefore be used to realize an early warning system for the risk of TBEv transmission, two years in advance. Moreover, as pollen monitoring is routinely performed worldwide at multiple sites and provides quantitative measures, the association between pollen abundances and TBEv infections could be replicated in different biogeographical regions

    The late flowering of invasive species contributes to the increase of Artemisia allergenic pollen in autumn: an analysis of 25 years of aerobiological data (1995–2019) in Trentino-Alto Adige (Northern Italy)

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    Artemisia pollen is an important aeroallergen in late summer, especially in central and eastern Europe where distinct anemophilous Artemisia spp. produce high amounts of pollen grains. The study aims at: (i) analyzing the temporal pattern of and changes in the Artemisia spp. pollen season; (ii) identifying the Artemisia species responsible for the local airborne pollen load. Daily pollen concentration of Artemisia spp. was analyzed at two sites (BZ and SM) in Trentino-Alto Adige, North Italy, from 1995 to 2019. The analysis of airborne Artemisia pollen concentrations evidences the presence of a bimodal curve, with two peaks, in August and September, respectively. The magnitude of peak concentrations varies across the studied time span for both sites: the maximum concentration at the September peak increases significantly for both the BZ (p < 0.05) and SM (p < 0.001) site. The first peak in the pollen calendar is attributable to native Artemisia species, with A. vulgaris as the most abundant; the second peak is mostly represented by the invasive species A. annua and A. verlotiorum (in constant proportion along the years), which are causing a considerable increase in pollen concentration in the late pollen season in recent years.. The spread of these species can affect human health, increasing the length and severity of allergenic pollen exposure in autumn, as well as plant biodiversity in both natural and cultivated areas, with negative impacts on, e.g., Natura 2000 protected sites and crops

    Integrated optical source of polarization entangled photons at 1310 nm

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    We report the realization of a new polarization entangled photon-pair source based on a titanium-indiffused waveguide integrated on periodically poled lithium niobate pumped by a CW laser at 655nm655 nm. The paired photons are emitted at the telecom wavelength of 1310nm1310 nm within a bandwidth of 0.7nm0.7 nm. The quantum properties of the pairs are measured using a two-photon coalescence experiment showing a visibility of 85%. The evaluated source brightness, on the order of 10510^5 pairs s−1GHz−1mW−1s^{-1} GHz^{-1} mW^{-1}, associated with its compactness and reliability, demonstrates the source's high potential for long-distance quantum communication.Comment: There is a typing mistake in the previous version in the visibility equation. This mistake doesn't change the result

    Multiple Integrated Non-clinical Studies Predict the Safety of Lentivirus-Mediated Gene Therapy for \u3b2-Thalassemia

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    Gene therapy clinical trials require rigorous non-clinical studies in the most relevant models to assess the benefit-to-risk ratio. To support the clinical development of gene therapy for \u3b2-thalassemia, we performed in vitro and in vivo studies for prediction of safety. First we developed newly GLOBE-derived vectors that were tested for their transcriptional activity and potential interference with the expression of surrounding genes. Because these vectors did not show significant advantages, GLOBE lentiviral vector (LV) was elected for further safety characterization. To support the use of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) transduced by GLOBE LV for the treatment of \u3b2-thalassemia, we conducted toxicology, tumorigenicity, and biodistribution studies in compliance with the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice. We demonstrated a lack of toxicity and tumorigenic potential associated with GLOBE LV-transduced cells. Vector integration site (IS) studies demonstrated that both murine and human transduced HSCs retain self-renewal capacity and generate new blood cell progeny in the absence of clonal dominance. Moreover, IS analysis showed an absence of enrichment in cancer-related genes, and the genes targeted by GLOBE LV in human HSCs are well known sites of integration, as seen in other lentiviral gene therapy trials, and have not been associated with clonal expansion. Taken together, these integrated studies provide safety data supporting the clinical application of GLOBE-mediated gene therapy for \u3b2-thalassemia
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