1,655 research outputs found

    Dwelling or duelling in possibilities: how (Ir)relevant are African feminisms?

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    In its four decades of rebirth, the world has debated (enough) the relevance of feminism, but there is, surprisingly, refreshingly emergent dimensions at the turn of the twenty-first century: feminisms from feminism flowing from Africa. The theories or models of Womanism, Stiwanism, Motherism, and Nego-feminism, with their underlying assumptions and values,were all born at various end times of the twentieth century with a common objective of seeking gender justice. This paper examines the crucial question of how relevant these models are to the global practice of woman as human. What propels their separateness, and why didnā€˜t they combine to make a more solid stance on the plight of the African woman? In fact, why canā€˜t they simply identify with the general feminism? Put differently, are they dwelling in the same terrain or are they separable and easily recognisable discourses duelling in possibilities for the woman in Africa in particular and the woman of the globe in general? More specifically, how (ir)relevant are African feminisms?In trying to answer these questions, the paper presents a critical review of the afore-mentioned theories of African feminisms with the goal of providing readers an understanding of what is new in each model, and what is similar or different between the various strands of African feminisms. The paper concludes with the authorā€˜s analysis of the model that holds the best promise or possibilities for African feminism to achieve its seemingly elusive goal of gender equality

    Effect of hydrophobic solutes on the liquid-liquid critical point

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    Jagla ramp particles, interacting through a ramp potential with two characteristic length scales, are known to show in their bulk phase thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies, similar to what is found in water. Jagla particles also exhibit a line of phase transitions separating a low density liquid phase and a high density liquid phase, terminating in a liquid-liquid critical point in a region of the phase diagram that can be studied by simulations. Employing molecular dynamics computer simulations, we study the thermodynamics and the dynamics of solutions of hard spheres (HS) in a solvent formed by Jagla ramp particles. We consider the cases of HS mole fraction x = 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20, and also the case x = 0.50 (a 1:1 mixture of HS and Jagla particles). We find a liquid-liquid critical point, up to the highest HS mole fraction; its position shifts to higher pressures and lower temperatures upon increasing x. We also find that the diffusion coefficient anomalies appear to be preserved for all the mole fractions studied.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. In press (Phys. Rev. E

    Fragile to strong crossover coupled to liquid-liquid transition in hydrophobic solutions

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    Using discrete molecular dynamics simulations we study the relation between the thermodynamic and diffusive behaviors of a primitive model of aqueous solutions of hydrophobic solutes consisting of hard spheres in the Jagla particles solvent, close to the liquid-liquid critical point of the solvent. We find that the fragile-to-strong dynamic transition in the diffusive behavior is always coupled to the low-density/high-density liquid transition. Above the liquid-liquid critical pressure, the diffusivity crossover occurs at the Widom line, the line along which the thermodynamic response functions show maxima. Below the liquid-liquid critical pressure, the diffusivity crossover occurs when the limit of mechanical stability lines are crossed, as indicated by the hysteresis observed when going from high to low temperature and vice versa. These findings show that the strong connection between dynamics and thermodynamics found in bulk water persists in hydrophobic solutions for concentrations from low to moderate, indicating that experiments measuring the relaxation time in aqueous solutions represent a viable route for solving the open questions in the field of supercooled water.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Physical Review

    On the definition of parallel independence in the algebraic approaches to graph transformation

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    Parallel independence between transformation steps is a basic and well-understood notion of the algebraic approaches to graph transformation, and typically guarantees that the two steps can be applied in any order obtaining the same resulting graph, up to isomorphism. The concept has been redefined for several algebraic approaches as variations of a classical ā€œalgebraicā€ condition, requiring that each matching morphism factorizes through the context graphs of the other transformation step. However, looking at some classical papers on the double-pushout approach, one finds that the original definition of parallel independence was formulated in set-theoretical terms, requiring that the intersection of the images of the two left-hand sides in the host graph is contained in the intersection of the two interface graphs. The relationship between this definition and the standard algebraic one is discussed in this position paper, both in the case of left-linear and non-left-linear rules

    Two Algebraic Process Semantics for Contextual Nets

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    We show that the so-called 'Petri nets are monoids' approach initiated by Meseguer and Montanari can be extended from ordinary place/transition Petri nets to contextual nets by considering suitable non-free monoids of places. The algebraic characterizations of net concurrent computations we provide cover both the collective and the individual token philosophy, uniformly along the two interpretations, and coincide with the classical proposals for place/transition Petri nets in the absence of read-arcs

    Graphical Encoding of a Spatial Logic for the pi-Calculus

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    This paper extends our graph-based approach to the verification of spatial properties of Ļ€-calculus specifications. The mechanism is based on an encoding for mobile calculi where each process is mapped into a graph (with interfaces) such that the denotation is fully abstract with respect to the usual structural congruence, i.e., two processes are equivalent exactly when the corresponding encodings yield isomorphic graphs. Behavioral and structural properties of Ļ€-calculus processes expressed in a spatial logic can then be verified on the graphical encoding of a process rather than on its textual representation. In this paper we introduce a modal logic for graphs and define a translation of spatial formulae such that a process verifies a spatial formula exactly when its graphical representation verifies the translated modal graph formula

    Human infrastructure can alter the ecosystem services provided by a migratory ungulate

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    Wild ungulates, through their movement over the landscape, provide key ecosystem functions. Environmental processes such as soil productivity, seed dispersal and carbon sequestration are significantly affected by the presence of large herbivores. However, with the loss of migratory routes due to expanding human infrastructure networks and climate change, landscapes that depend on the movement of these species may experience changes in ecosystem functionality. Nutrient translocation and deposition, which is an important service provided by large herbivores, is of particular interest in alpine agricultural landscapes. Human activities generally have a negative impact on the quality, quantity, and dynamics of soil nutrient in the landscape, particularly nitrogen. Wild ungulates, with their movement and space use, can offset some of these human impacts by restoring concentrations over the landscape. In this project, we aim to map the nitrogen (N) flow derived by large migrating ungulates in a fragmented Alpine ecosystem. To this end, we developed an Agent-Based Model to quantify animal-vectored subsidies balance, based on observed movement of 15 GPS-tracked red deer over two years, and parameterized with population parameters from local monitoring, and species-specific information from literature. Preliminary stoichiometric nutrient budget maps indicate that human infrastructure networks and land use are shaping the movement of red deer, resulting in hotspots of nitrogen intake and uptake. Barrier to movements, caused by anthropogenic land use, has the potential to alter ecosystem services provided by free-ranging animals, particularly important in an ever-changing Alpine environment

    A dynamic assessment of instrument interaction and timing alternatives in the EU low-carbon policy mix design

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    The European Union low-carbon strategy includes a range of complementary policies. Potential interactions between instruments and different timing of their implementation can influence the cost and likelihood of achieving the targets. We test the interactions between the three main pillars of the European Union strategy through a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model (GDynEP) with a time horizon of 2050. Main results are: i) going for the unilateral European Union carbon mitigation target without any complementary technological policy will produce large economic losses; ii) by investing in clean energy technologies (energy efficiency and renewable energy) with a carbon tax revenue recycling mechanism, these losses will decrease substantially; iii) when complementary clean energy technology policies are implemented, the optimal timing of binding targets changes; iv) the higher the public support to clean energy technologies, the larger the economic gains in early adoption of challenging abatement targets. Ā© 2018 Elsevier LtdWe acknowledge financial support received by the EU D.G. Research (research project ā€œCECILIA2050 ā€” Choosing efficient combinations of policy instruments for low-carbon development and innovation to achieve Europ
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