8,432 research outputs found

    Flow field prediction and analysis, Project Fire

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    Flow field prediction and analysis - Fire projec

    Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field calculations based on the non-crossing approximation and its generalizations

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    We solve the impurity problem which arises within nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory for the Hubbard model by means of a self-consistent perturbation expansion around the atomic limit. While the lowest order, known as the non-crossing approximation (NCA), is reliable only when the interaction U is much larger than the bandwidth, low-order corrections to the NCA turn out to be sufficient to reproduce numerically exact Monte Carlo results in a wide parameter range that covers the insulating phase and the metal-insulator crossover regime at not too low temperatures. As an application of the perturbative strong-coupling impurity solver we investigate the response of the double occupancy in the Mott insulating phase of the Hubbard model to a dynamical change of the interaction or the hopping, a technique which has been used as a probe of the Mott insulating state in ultracold fermionic gases.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Extractable Work from Correlations

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    Work and quantum correlations are two fundamental resources in thermodynamics and quantum information theory. In this work we study how to use correlations among quantum systems to optimally store work. We analyse this question for isolated quantum ensembles, where the work can be naturally divided into two contributions: a local contribution from each system, and a global contribution originating from correlations among systems. We focus on the latter and consider quantum systems which are locally thermal, thus from which any extractable work can only come from correlations. We compute the maximum extractable work for general entangled states, separable states, and states with fixed entropy. Our results show that while entanglement gives an advantage for small quantum ensembles, this gain vanishes for a large number of systems.Comment: 5+6 pages; 1 figure. Some minor changes, close to published versio

    Potential Neutrino Signals from Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources

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    The recent progress made in Galactic gamma-ray astronomy using the High Energy Stereoskopic System (H.E.S.S.) instrument provides for the first time a population of Galactic TeV gamma-rays, and hence potential neutrino sources, for which the neutrino flux can be estimated. Using the energy spectra and source morphologies measured by H.E.S.S., together with new parameterisations of pion production and decay in hadronic interactions, we estimate the signal and background rates expected for these sources in a first-generation water Cherenkov detector (ANTARES) and a next-generation neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea, KM3NeT, with an instrumented volume of 1 km^3. We find that the brightest gamma-ray sources produce neutrino rates above 1 TeV, comparable to the background from atmospheric neutrinos. The expected event rates of the brightest sources in the ANTARES detector make a detection unlikely. However, for a 1 km^3 KM3NeT detector, event rates of a few neutrinos per year from these sources are expected, and the detection of individual sources seems possible. Although generally these estimates should be taken as flux upper limits, we discuss the conditions and type of gamma-ray sources for which the neutrino flux predictions can be considered robust.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; v2: ERROR in energy scale of KM3NeT effective neutrino area corrected which resulted in event rates being about a factor 3 too low; v3: grammatical changes and update of references after receiving proof

    Thermodynamic cost of creating correlations

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    We investigate the fundamental limitations imposed by thermodynamics for creating correlations. Considering a collection of initially uncorrelated thermal quantum systems, we ask how much classical and quantum correlations can be obtained via a cyclic Hamiltonian process. We derive bounds on both the mutual information and entanglement of formation, as a function of the temperature of the systems and the available energy. While for a finite number of systems there is a maximal temperature allowing for the creation of entanglement, we show that genuine multipartite entanglement---the strongest form of entanglement in multipartite systems---can be created at any temperature when sufficiently many systems are considered. This approach may find applications, e.g. in quantum information processing, for physical platforms in which thermodynamic considerations cannot be ignored.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, substantially rewritten with some new result

    Linear Theory of Electron-Plasma Waves at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    The dynamics of electron-plasma waves are described at arbitrary collisionality by considering the full Coulomb collision operator. The description is based on a Hermite-Laguerre decomposition of the velocity dependence of the electron distribution function. The damping rate, frequency, and eigenmode spectrum of electron-plasma waves are found as functions of the collision frequency and wavelength. A comparison is made between the collisionless Landau damping limit, the Lenard-Bernstein and Dougherty collision operators, and the electron-ion collision operator, finding large deviations in the damping rates and eigenmode spectra. A purely damped entropy mode, characteristic of a plasma where pitch-angle scattering effects are dominant with respect to collisionless effects, is shown to emerge numerically, and its dispersion relation is analytically derived. It is shown that such a mode is absent when simplified collision operators are used, and that like-particle collisions strongly influence the damping rate of the entropy mode.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on Journal of Plasma Physic
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