67 research outputs found

    Injection Locking of a Trapped-Ion Phonon Laser

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    We report on injection locking of optically excited mechanical oscillations of a single, trapped ion. The injection locking dynamics are studied by analyzing the oscillator spectrum with a spatially selective Fourier transform technique and the oscillator phase with stroboscopic imaging. In both cases we find excellent agreement with theory inside and outside the locking range. We attain injection locking with forces as low as 5(1)×10^(-24)  N so this system appears promising for the detection of ultraweak oscillating forces

    Frequency Metrology on single trapped ions in the weak binding limit: The 3s1/2-3p3/2 transition in 24-Mg+

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    We demonstrate a method for precision spectroscopy on trapped ions in the limit of unresolved motional sidebands. By sympathetic cooling of a chain of crystallized ions we suppress adverse temperature variations induced by the spectroscopy laser that usually lead to a distorted line profle and obtain a Voigt profile with negligible distortions. We applied the method to measure the absolute frequency of the astrophysically relevant D2 transition in single 24-Mg+ ions and find 1072082934.33(16)MHz, a nearly 400fold improvement over previous results. Further, we find the excited state lifetime to be 3.84(10) ns.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Sub-milliKelvin spatial thermometry of a single Doppler cooled ion in a Paul trap

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    We report on observations of thermal motion of a single, Doppler-cooled ion along the axis of a linear radio-frequency quadrupole trap. We show that for a harmonic potential the thermal occupation of energy levels leads to Gaussian distribution of the ion's axial position. The dependence of the spatial thermal spread on the trap potential is used for precise calibration of our imaging system's point spread function and sub-milliKelvin thermometry. We employ this technique to investigate the laser detuning dependence of the Doppler temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Precision spectroscopy of the 3s-3p fine structure doublet in Mg+

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    We apply a recently demonstrated method for precision spectroscopy on strong transitions in trapped ions to measure both fine structure components of the 3s-3p transition in 24-Mg+ and 26-Mg+. We deduce absolute frequency reference data for transition frequencies, isotope shifts and fine structure splittings that are in particular useful for comparison with quasar absorption spectra, which test possible space-time variations of the fine structure constant. The measurement accuracy improves previous literature values, when existing, by more than two orders of magnitude

    An ion-trap phonon laser

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    Cooling of atoms and ions using a red-detuned laser has had a profound impact on science and technology. In this work simultaneous laser cooling and blue-detuned laser pumping of a Mg+ ion in a Paul trap is studied. Blue-detuned pumping is conventionally referred to as the heating regime, and in early work, remarkably complex behaviors (bistability and limit cycles) have been associated with this regime. These behaviors have so far not been fully explained. Here, it is shown that blue-detuned pumping, as opposed to heating, causes stimulated emission of center-of-mass phonons, leading to coherent oscillatory motion of the ion in analogy with a laser. Mechanical amplification is calculated as well as the threshold pumping condition for oscillation. A single ion in a linear radio-frequency trap is studied to verify these predictions. Blue-detuned pumping of the magnesium D2 transition at 279.6 nm provides amplification along the long axis of the ion trap so as to excite only axial oscillations. A slightly off-axis, red-detuned beam cools the center-of-mass motion to approximately 1 mK

    Active laser frequency stabilization using neutral praseodymium (Pr)

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    We present a new possibility for the active frequency stabilization of a laser using transitions in neutral praseodymium. Because of its five outer electrons, this element shows a high density of energy levels leading to an extremely line-rich excitation spectrum with more than 25000 known spectral lines ranging from the UV to the infrared. We demonstrate the active frequency stabilization of a diode laser on several praseodymium lines between 1105 and 1123 nm. The excitation signals were recorded in a hollow cathode lamp and observed via laser-induced fluorescence. These signals are strong enough to lock the diode laser onto most of the lines by using standard laser locking techniques. In this way, the frequency drifts of the unlocked laser of more than 30 MHz/h were eliminated and the laser frequency stabilized to within 1.4(1) MHz for averaging times >0.2 s. Frequency quadrupling the stabilized diode laser can produce frequency-stable UV-light in the range from 276 to 281 nm. In particular, using a strong hyperfine component of the praseodymium excitation line E = 16 502.616_7/2 cm^-1 -> E' = 25 442.742_9/2 cm^-1 at lambda = 1118.5397(4) nm makes it possible - after frequency quadruplication - to produce laser radiation at lambda/4 = 279.6349(1) nm, which can be used to excite the D2 line in Mg^+.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Feasibility of Coherent xuv Spectroscopy on the 1S-2S Transition in Singly Ionized Helium

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    The 1S-2S two-photon transition in singly ionized helium is a highly interesting candidate for precision tests of bound-state quantum electrodynamics (QED). With the recent advent of extreme ultraviolet frequency combs, highly coherent quasi-continuous-wave light sources at 61 nm have become available, and precision spectroscopy of this transition now comes into reach for the first time. We discuss quantitatively the feasibility of such an experiment by analyzing excitation and ionization rates, propose an experimental scheme, and explore the potential for QED tests

    Spatial variation in the fine-structure constant -- new results from VLT/UVES

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    (abridged) We present a new analysis of a large sample of quasar absorption-line spectra obtained using UVES (the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph) on the VLT (Very Large Telescope) in Chile. In the VLT sample (154 absorbers), we find evidence that alpha increases with increasing cosmological distance from Earth. However, as previously shown, the Keck sample (141 absorbers) provided evidence for a smaller alpha in the distant absorption clouds. Upon combining the samples an apparent variation of alpha across the sky emerges which is well represented by an angular dipole model pointing in the direction RA=(17.3 +/- 1.0) hr, dec. = (-61 +/- 10) deg, with amplitude (0.97 +0.22/-0.20) x 10^(-5). The dipole model is required at the 4.1 sigma statistical significance level over a simple monopole model where alpha is the same across the sky (but possibly different to the current laboratory value). The data sets reveal a number of remarkable consistencies: various data cuts are consistent and there is consistency in the overlap region of the Keck and VLT samples. Assuming a dipole-only (i.e. no-monopole) model whose amplitude grows proportionally with `lookback-time distance' (r=ct, where t is the lookback time), the amplitude is (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10^(-6) GLyr^(-1) and the model is significant at the 4.2 sigma confidence level over the null model [Delta alpha]/alpha = 0). We apply robustness checks and demonstrate that the dipole effect does not originate from a small subset of the absorbers or spectra. We present an analysis of systematic effects, and are unable to identify any single systematic effect which can emulate the observed variation in alpha.Comment: 47 pages, 35 figures. Accepted for publication by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Please see http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~mmurphy/pub.html for an ASCII version of table A1 and the full set of Voigt profile fits for appendix

    Atomic transition frequencies, isotope shifts, and sensitivity to variation of the fine structure constant for studies of quasar absorption spectra

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    Theories unifying gravity with other interactions suggest spatial and temporal variation of fundamental "constants" in the Universe. A change in the fine structure constant, alpha, could be detected via shifts in the frequencies of atomic transitions in quasar absorption systems. Recent studies using 140 absorption systems from the Keck telescope and 153 from the Very Large Telescope, suggest that alpha varies spatially. That is, in one direction on the sky alpha seems to have been smaller at the time of absorption, while in the opposite direction it seems to have been larger. To continue this study we need accurate laboratory measurements of atomic transition frequencies. The aim of this paper is to provide a compilation of transitions of importance to the search for alpha variation. They are E1 transitions to the ground state in several different atoms and ions, with wavelengths ranging from around 900 - 6000 A, and require an accuracy of better than 10^{-4} A. We discuss isotope shift measurements that are needed in order to resolve systematic effects in the study. The coefficients of sensitivity to alpha-variation (q) are also presented.Comment: Includes updated version of the "alpha line" lis

    Experiments on Dipole-Allowed Transitions in Trapped Ions

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