26 research outputs found

    Estimating the efficiency of two algorithms for segmentation of digital radiation images of test objects

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    A mathematical model that describes digital radiation images of test objects is presented. Two algorithms are given for automatic segmentation of digital images distorted by additive noises. The efficiency of the algorithms is estimated based on mathematical modeling

    Analytical approximation of spectrum for pulse X-ray tubes

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    Among the main characteristics of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses the spectral energy characteristics are the most important ones: the spectral distribution of the photon energy, effective and maximum energy of quanta. Knowing the spectral characteristics of the radiation of pulse sources is very important for the practical use of them in non-destructive testing. We have attempted on the analytical approximation of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses spectra obtained in the different experimental papers. The results of the analytical approximation of energy spectrum for pulse X-ray tube are presented. Obtained formulas are adequate to experimental data and can be used by designing pulsed X-ray apparatuses


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    В статье рассмотрено влияние легирования магнием и термической обработки на микроструктуру, параметр решетки твердого раствора, микротвердость и механические свойства сплава АК12.In this article we examine the effect of alloying of magnesium and heat treatment on the microstructure, lattice parameter of the solid, microhardness and mechanical properties of AK12 alloy


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    Исследовано влияние добавок магния к высокотехнологичному сплаву АК12 на жидкотекучесть дисков автомобильных колес, которую определяли по спиральной пробе. Определены температуры фазовых превращений опытных сплавов Al–12Si–(0,15–0,30 %)Mg методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии.The effect of magnesium supplementation to high-tech alloy AK12 on the fluidity of wheel discs which defined the spiral sample. The temperatures of phase transformations experienced alloys Al-12Si-(0,15-0,30%)Mg by differential scanning calorimetry

    A mixed methods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention on guideline implementation in home care nursing

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    Abstract Background Foot ulcers are a significant problem for people with diabetes. Comprehensive assessments of risk factors associated with diabetic foot ulcer are recommended in clinical guidelines to decrease complications such as prolonged healing, gangrene and amputations, and to promote effective management. However, the translation of clinical guidelines into nursing practice remains fragmented and inconsistent, and a recent homecare chart audit showed less than half the recommended risk factors for diabetic foot ulcers were assessed, and peripheral neuropathy (the most significant predictor of complications) was not assessed at all. Strong leadership is consistently described as significant to successfully transfer guidelines into practice. Limited research exists however regarding which leadership behaviours facilitate and support implementation in nursing. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention in community nursing on implementing recommendations from a clinical guideline on the nursing assessment and management of diabetic foot ulcers. Methods Two phase mixed methods design is proposed (ISRCTN 12345678). Phase I: Descriptive qualitative to understand barriers to implementing the guideline recommendations, and to inform the intervention. Phase II: Matched pair cluster randomized controlled trial (n = 4 centers) will evaluate differences in outcomes between two implementation strategies. Primary outcome: Nursing assessments of client risk factors, a composite score of 8 items based on Diabetes/Foot Ulcer guideline recommendations. Intervention: In addition to the organization's 'usual' implementation strategy, a 12 week leadership strategy will be offered to managerial and clinical leaders consisting of: a) printed materials, b) one day interactive workshop to develop a leadership action plan tailored to barriers to support implementation; c) three post-workshop teleconferences. Discussion This study will provide vital information on which leadership strategies are well received to facilitate and support guideline implementation. The anticipated outcomes will provide information to assist with effective management of foot ulcers for people with diabetes. By tracking clinical outcomes associated with guideline implementation, health care administrators will be better informed to influence organizational and policy decision-making to support evidence-based quality care. Findings will be useful to inform the design of future multi-centered trials on various clinical topics to enhance knowledge translation for positive outcomes. Trial Registration Current Control Trials ISRCTN0691089

    Estimating the efficiency of two algorithms for segmentation of digital radiation images of test objects

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    A mathematical model that describes digital radiation images of test objects is presented. Two algorithms are given for automatic segmentation of digital images distorted by additive noises. The efficiency of the algorithms is estimated based on mathematical modeling


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    Abstract.The rapid development of the latest technologies necessitates the widespread use of metal materials with unique properties. The main factors that determine the competitiveness of manufacturers of structural materials are a number of indicators, such as the creation of new effective technologies for the production of materials with a new set of physico-chemical and mechanical properties, the reduction of energy costs for the production of new materials and protective coatings for parts of the ground launch complex. The research is aimed at studying the impact of microparticles on metal targets using mass spectrometry and metallography. Experiments revealed the formation of new elements, in particular manganese, in metal structures as a result of bombardment with microparticles. Experimental data confirmed the possibility of reactions occurring in metal targets during bombardment with microparticles. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed the synthesis of new elements that are of interest for obtaining protective coatings on parts of rocket technology for ground-based launch complexes. The study shows deep structural changes in metals under the influence of microparticles, accompanied by the destabilization of atoms and the formation of new compounds. The formation of new elements, in particular manganese, on the surface of metals after exposure to microparticles was revealed. It is shown that the processes of penetration are provided by the formation of plasma in the contact of a microparticle with a target, which occurs due to quantum mechanical effects that cause the breaking of interatomic bonds. These results open prospects for improving the operational properties of ground launch complexes. Potential applications are proposed, including the use of the effect of plasma formation in the processes of obtaining protective coatings on parts of launch complexes and the development of the theory of ultra-deep penetration of microparticles into solid partitions. The obtained results not only supplement experimental data, but also lay the foundation for new research in the field of rocket engineering and materials science. This study makes a significant contribution to science, providing a deep understanding of the physical processes involved in the collision of microparticles with metal structures. The obtained results open new horizons for rocket engineering and stimulate further research in the field of creating materials with unique properties and application in technological processes.Abstract. Стрімкий розвиток новітніх технологій зумовлює необхідність широкого застосування металевих матеріалів з унікальними властивостями. Основними факторами, що визначають конкурентоспроможність виробників конструкційних матеріалів, є ряд показників, таких як створення нових ефективних технологій виробництва матеріалів з новим комплексом фізико-хімічних і механічних властивостей, зниження енергетичних витрат на виробництво нових матеріалів і захисних покриттів для деталей наземного стартового комплексу. Дослідження спрямоване на вивчення впливу мікрочастинок на металеві мішені за допомогою мас-спектрометрії та металографії. Експерименти виявили утворення нових елементів, зокрема марганцю, в металевих структурах в результаті бомбардування мікрочастинками.Експериментальні дані підтвердили можливість протікання реакцій в металевих мішенях під час бомбардування мікрочастинками. Мас-спектрометричним аналізом виявлено синтез нових елементів, що становлять інтерес для отримання захисних покриттів на деталях ракетної техніки для наземних пускових комплексів. Дослідження свідчить про глибокі структурні зміни в металах під впливом мікрочастинок, що супроводжуються дестабілізацією атомів і утворенням нових сполук. Виявлено утворення нових елементів, зокрема марганцю, на поверхні металів після впливу мікрочастинок. Показано, що процеси проникнення забезпечуються утворенням плазми в контакті мікрочастинки з мішенню, що відбувається за рахунок квантово-механічних ефектів, які спричиняють розрив міжатомних зв'язків.Ці результати відкривають перспективи для покращення експлуатаційних властивостей наземних пускових комплексів. Запропоновано потенційні застосування, серед яких використання ефекту плазмоутворення в процесах отримання захисних покриттів на деталях пускових комплексів та розвиток теорії надглибокого проникнення мікрочастинок у тверді перегородки. Отримані результати не тільки доповнюють дані експериментів, але й закладають основу для нових досліджень в галузі ракетобудування та матеріалознавства. Це дослідження робить значний внесок у науку, забезпечуючи глибоке розуміння фізичних процесів при зіткненні мікрочастинок з металевими конструкціями. Отримані результати відкривають нові горизонти для ракетобудування та стимулюють подальші дослідження в галузі створення матеріалів з унікальними властивостями та застосування в технологічних процесах

    A cumulative sums algorithm for segmentation of digital X‑ray images

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    A mathematical model of digital X-ray image of the test object is presented for the case when the main type of image distortion is the noise due to the quantum nature of the radiation. The new multilevel cumulative sums algorithm for automatic image segmentation is proposed. The algorithm is based on the edge detection of the segments homogeneous in brightness along the image rows and columns by repeatedly applying the cumulative sums procedure. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is compared with the known threshold and Leader algorithms. The comparison was performed on simulated images as well as on the X-ray image of a weld. The mean square errors for the new algorithm were about two and three times less than for the threshold and Leader algorithms, correspondingly

    Analytical approximation of spectrum for pulse X-ray tubes

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    Among the main characteristics of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses the spectral energy characteristics are the most important ones: the spectral distribution of the photon energy, effective and maximum energy of quanta. Knowing the spectral characteristics of the radiation of pulse sources is very important for the practical use of them in non-destructive testing. We have attempted on the analytical approximation of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses spectra obtained in the different experimental papers. The results of the analytical approximation of energy spectrum for pulse X-ray tube are presented. Obtained formulas are adequate to experimental data and can be used by designing pulsed X-ray apparatuses