120 research outputs found

    Terahertz radiation due to random grating coupled surface plasmon polaritons

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    We report on terahertz (THz) radiation under electrical pumping from a degenerate semiconductor possessing an electron accumulation layer. In InN, the random grating formed by topographical defects provides high-efficiency coupling of surface plasmon polaritons supported by the accumulation layer to the THz emission. The principal emission band occupies the 2-6 THz spectral range. We establish a link between the shape of emission spectra and the structural factor of the random grating and show that the change of slope of power dependencies is characteristic for temperature-dependent plasmonic mechanisms. The super-linear rise of a THz emission intensity on applied electric power provides advantage of such materials in emission yield.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Circular photon drag effect in bulk tellurium

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    The circular photon drag effect is observed in a bulk semiconductor. The photocurrent caused by a transfer of both translational and angular momenta of light to charge carriers is detected in tellurium in the mid-infrared frequency range. Dependencies of the photocurrent on the light polarization and on the incidence angle agree with the symmetry analysis of the circular photon drag effect. Microscopic models of the effect are developed for both intra- and inter-subband optical absorption in the valence band of tellurium. The shift contribution to the circular photon drag current is calculated. An observed decrease of the circular photon drag current with increase of the photon energy is explained by the theory for inter-subband optical transitions. Theoretical estimates of the circular photon drag current agree with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Opto-Electronic Characterization of Three Dimensional Topological Insulators

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    We demonstrate that the terahertz/infrared radiation induced photogalvanic effect, which is sensitive to the surface symmetry and scattering details, can be applied to study the high frequency conductivity of the surface states in (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 based three dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TI). In particular, measuring the polarization dependence of the photogalvanic current and scanning with a micrometre sized beam spot across the sample, provides access to (i) topographical inhomogeneity's in the electronic properties of the surface states and (ii) the local domain orientation. An important advantage of the proposed method is that it can be applied to study TIs at room temperature and even in materials with a high electron density of bulk carriers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Helicity-dependent photocurrents in graphene layers excited by mid-infrared radiation of a CO2_2-laser

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    We report the study of the helicity driven photocurrents in graphene excited by mid-infrared light of a CO2_2-laser. Illuminating an unbiased monolayer sheet of graphene with circularly polarized radiation generates -- under oblique incidence -- an electric current perpendicular to the plane of incidence, whose sign is reversed by switching the radiation helicity. We show that the current is caused by the interplay of the circular acac Hall effect and the circular photogalvanic effect. Studying the frequency dependence of the current in graphene layers grown on the SiC substrate we observe that the current exhibits a resonance at frequencies matching the longitudinal optical phonon in SiC

    Impurity breakdown and terahertz luminescence in n-GaN epilayers under external electric field

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    We report on the observation and experimental studies of impurity breakdown and terahertz luminescence in n-GaN epilayers under external electric field. The terahertz electroluminescence is observed in a wide range of doping levels (at noncompensated donor density from 4.5×10[sup 16] to 3.4×10[sup 18] cm[sup −3]). Spectra of terahertz luminescence and photoconductivity are studied by means of Fourier transform spectrometry. Distinctive features of the spectra can be assigned to intracenter electron transitions between excited and ground states of silicon and oxygen donors and to hot electron transitions to the donor states.Peer reviewe

    CRIS – service for input, storage and analysis of the biodiversity data of the cryptogams

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    Here we describe Cryptogamic Russian Information System (CRIS), a web service cataloguing the biodiversity of cryptogams: cyanobacteria, fungi (including lichens), and bryophytes. CRIS incorporates a wide spectrum of data types, allowing for greater ease of use. It is possible to print the labels for herbarium collections, to input literature references, media files, etc., using CRIS which has a flexible interface and specific technical abilities. Currently, CRIS contains ~ 90,000 herbarium records, including 67,861 records of bryophytes, 12,486 records of lichens and 3,800 records of cyanobacteria. Data analysis of the different taxonomic groups is provided below. Perspectives and directions for the future development of CRIS are discussed

    Fast detector of the ellipticity of infrared and terahertz radiation based on HgTe quantum well structures

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    We report a fast, room temperature detection scheme for the polarization ellipticity of laser radiation, with a bandwidth that stretches from the infrared to the terahertz range. The device consists of two elements, one in front of the other, that detect the polarization ellipticity and the azimuthal angle of the ellipse. The elements respectively utilise the circular photogalvanic effect in a narrow gap semiconductor and the linear photogalvanic effect in a bulk piezoelectric semiconductor. For the former we characterized both a HgTe quantum well and bulk Te, and for the latter, bulk GaAs. In contrast with optical methods our device is an easy to handle all-electric approach, which we demonstrated by applying a large number of different lasers from low power, continuous wave systems to high power, pulsed sources.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Spin photocurrents and circular photon drag effect in (110)-grown quantum well structures

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    We report on the study of spin photocurrents in (110)-grown quantum well structures. Investigated effects comprise the circular photogalvanic effect and so far not observed circular photon drag effect. The experimental data can be described by an analytical expression derived from a phenomenological theory. A microscopic model of the circular photon drag effect is developed demonstrating that the generated current has spin dependent origin.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure