107 research outputs found

    Impact of technological blockchain paradigm on the movement of intellectual property in the digital space

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    The article is dedicated to investigate the problem of influence of cutting edge digital technology on the virtual and real legal relations, related to the movement and the turnover of intellectual property. Using the method of analyzing modern definitions of blockchain, and relying on the political-economic theory of social redistribution of wealth, authors define the term blockchain and its principles as a technological paradigm. Authors conclude the fact that blockchain can be used to guarantee intellectual property rights and it should be accepted at the national level. As a mechanism of a trusted environment, blockchain allows to reduce transaction costs and increase the level of commercialization of intellectual property.peer-reviewe

    Dynamics of СО2 evolution bу plants at low pressure

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    Dynamics of СО2 evolut:ion at low pressure was studied in barley, maize, реа, wheat and pine seedlings using the gas exchange system with laser photoacoust:ic spectrometer. The СО2 evolut:ion from plant surfaces to environment increased with decreasing air pressure. Simultaneously the changes in act:ivities of phosphoenolpyruvat


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    Purpose of the study: To investigate the role and clinical inflammatory (IL-17A, IL-23, IL-33) and anti-inflammatory (IL-35) cytokines in patients with of form without erythema of Borrelia infection. Materials and methods: We studied 30 patients with of form without erythema of Lyme borreliosis. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological, medical history, clinical and laboratory, serological data. The blood serum interleukins level was detected from patients at admission to the infectious hospital and on the 10th day of hospitalization, as well as from 30 healthy donors. Groups of investigated persons were matched by sex and age. Blood serum analysis was carried out in the laboratory of directed regulation inter microbe interactions in the exo- and endoecological systems in Kirov State Medical University. Statistical analysis was performed using StatSoft Statistica v 10.0. Results: Patients with form without erythema of Lyme borreliosis oft have lesions of the respiratory system (60,0%), nervous system (53,3%), cardiac disorders (40,0%), rarely – liver disease (26,7%), joints (10,0%). In blood serum of patients with form without erythema at admission and at hospital discharge concentrations of IL-17A, IL-23, IL-33 are authentically higher compared with healthy donors. The content of anti-inflammatory IL-35 in patients with a form without erythema during hospitalization and at discharge is authentically lower than in healthy donors. Conclusion: Patients with form without erythema of Lyme borreliosis have early combined Th1-Th2 immune response (increased content of blood serum IL-23 and IL-33). Elevated concentrations of IL-17A and IL-33 serum in patients with form without erythema indicate the presence of autoimmune or allergic reactions. Patients with form without erythema have inflammatory processes limited moderately by inflammatory reactions on the part of Treg-system (lack of IL-35 production).Цель: изучить клиническую картину и роль провоспалительных (IL-17A, IL-23, IL-33) и противовоспалительных (IL-35) цитокинов у пациентов с безэритемной формой боррелиозной инфекции. Материалы и методы: исследованы 30 пациентов с безэритемной формой Лайм-боррелиоза. Диагноз основывался на эпидемиологических, анамнестических, клинико-лабораторных, серологических данных. Определен уровень интерлейкинов сыворотки крови у больных при поступлении в инфекционный стационар и на 10-е сутки госпитализации, а также у 30 здоровых доноров. Группы исследуемых лиц были сопоставимы по полу и возрасту. Анализ сыворотки крови проводился в лаборатории направленного регулирования межмикробных взаимодействий в экзо- и эндоэкологических системах Кировского государственного медицинского университета. Статистическая обработка данных проводилась с использованием StatSoft Statistica v 10.0. Результаты: при безэритемной форме Лаймборрелиоза часто встречаются поражения дыхательной системы (60,0%), нервной системы (53,3%), нарушения сердечной деятельности (40,0%), реже — патология печени (26,7%), суставов (10,0%). В сыворотке крови пациентов с безэритемной формой при госпитализации и при выписке достоверно увеличены концентрации IL-17A, IL-23, IL-33 по сравнению со здоровыми донорами. Содержание противовоспалительного IL-35 у пациентов с безэритемной формой в периоде госпитализации и при выписке из стационара достоверно ниже показателей здоровых доноров. Заключение: у пациентов с безэритемной формой Лайм-боррелиоза установлен ранний комбинированный Th1-Th2 иммунный ответ (повышенное содержание IL-23 и IL-33 сыворотки крови). Повышенные концентрации сывороточных IL-17A и IL-33 у пациентов с безэритемной формой указывают на наличие аутоиммунных и аллергических реакций. У пациентов с безэритемной формой течение воспалительных процессов умеренно ограничивается противовоспалительными реакциями со стороны Treg-системы (недостаточная продукция IL-35)

    Azoloazines as Perspective Antiglycating Agents for Therapy of Diabetes Complications

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    This work was supported by Russian Federation Ministry of education and science (grant № 4.6351.2017/8.9) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 18-03-00787)

    Application of modern immunological methods in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

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    Combination of TB and HIV-infection is still the most nowadays important problem, and it connects not only with steady growth of HIV infection, but with difficulties in TB diagnosis. X-ray lung studies often have unusual nature, clinical symptomatology appears when process are hard and spread. At the same time in global practice IGRAtests applying, to which they belong to SPOT.TB test and QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test, they pay great attention to it, particularly among patients with HIV- infection. In study there were data when 41 patients with lung TB were examined, 56 HIV-positive patients with lung TB and 58 healthy donors. When active TB IGRA-test and test with Diaskin test show comparable same results. Against the backdrop of HIV skin tests (Mantoux test with 2 TE and tests with Diaskin test) it was demonstrated direct dependence of level immunosuppression in contrast to IGRA – tests, that allows to carry out these researches in conditions when standard skin tests do not work


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    The article describes the study of comparative efficiency of fenazid (isonicotinoilhydrazine-О,N’) ferrous dihydrate sulphate (II) and isoniazid in drug susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis patients.The high treatment efficiency namely significant improvement and improvement was observed in the patients of Group 1 – 84.1% which could be compared to the standard treatment regimen (85-7%) in Group 2. The total number of adverse reactions in the main group was confidently lower – 18.6% against 33.9%, p < 0.05. Hepatotoxic reactions with 2-3 fold increase of alaninetransferase level was registered significantly less (9.3%) in Group 1 compared to the Group treated with isoniazid

    Therapy of Schizoaffective Disorder and Paranoid Schizophrenia with Episodic Course

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    Background. The use of atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia contributes to the reduction of psychotic, affective, negative and cognitive disorders.Aims. To evaluate the effectiveness of ziprasidone therapy in patients with schizoaffective disorder and paranoid schizophrenia with episodic course.Materials and methods. In accordance with ICD-10 there were 14 (63.6 %) people with schizoaffective disorder (F25), 8 (36.4 %) people with paranoid schizophrenia, episodic course (F20.x1). Treatment with ziprasidone lasted 42 days. The dose of ziprasidone in 6 patients (27.3 %) was 80 mg, in 10 patients (45.5 %) – 120 mg, in 6 patients (27.3 %) – 160 mg. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ziprasidone therapy was carried out using psychometric scales (PANSS, General clinical impression scale to assess the effectiveness of therapy – CGI-S, CGI-I), adverse events were registered with the UKU scale.Results. The number of respondents was 19 (86.3 %) (reduction of the total score on the PANSS scale > 20 % of the pre-treatment level). Ziprasidone was effective in patients with schizoaffective disorder with a significant decrease in total score on PANSS subscales to the 14 th day of therapy (p < 0.05), with paranoid schizophrenia with episodic course – by the 21st day (p < 0.01). According to the CGI-S scale at the end of therapy, “borderline condition” was observed in 10 patients (52.6 %), mild severity – in 3 (15.8 %), normal condition – in 6 (31.6 %). CGI-I scale showed a significant improvement in 10 patients (52.6 %), marked improvement – in 9 patients (47.4 %). Among the mild adverse events that do not require discontinuation of the drug, we noted: weakness – in 3 patients (15.8 %), drowsiness – in 3 (15.8 %), impaired concentration – in 2 (10.5 %), orthostatic dizziness – in 2 (10.5 %), galactorrhea – in 1 (5.3 %).Conclusions. Ziprasidone is an effective antipsychotic drug that has a safe tolerability profile. It can be used in patients with schizoaffective disorders and paranoid schizophrenia with episodic course


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    Aim. To evaluate by modelling the economic benefits of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) regression in patients with arterial hypertension (HT) due to therapy with fixed combination of valsartan/amlodipine.  Material and methods. 20 patients (15 females and 5 males, aged 18 to 70 years) with essential HT accompanied by metabolic syndrome with a history of previous ineffective antihypertensive therapy were included into the study. All patients were treated with fixed combination of amlodipine/valsartan in doses of 5/160 and 10/160 mg depending on blood pressure (BP) level. Treatment duration was 24 weeks. Changes in BP level, LVH regression were assessed. Economic evaluation was performed on the basis of modelling with the specialized software Decision Tree 4.xla. Results. Effect of fixed amlodipine/valsartan combination therapy on LVH was used to estimate treatment effectiveness and to build the model. Patients were distributed according to left ventricular (LV) mass (at baseline and after 24 weeks of therapy). Significant decrease in LV mass from 205.8±50.4 to 181.9±45.1 g (p<0.05) was revealed. The model took into account economic and frequency factors for 10 year prognosis: this therapy prevents 36 deaths, 6 strokes, 24 myocardial infarction per 1000 patients. Absence of need in treatment of these prevented events can save 2 516 772.42 RUR for every 1 000 patients. It would reduce the total costs per patient during 10 years. Conclusion. Treatment with amlodipine/valsartan single pill combination has not only clinical advantages, but also pharmacoeconomic benefits. This combination reduces risk of acute myocardial infarction and death more effectively. Treatment with fixed valsartan/amlodipine combination saves maximum years of life with less cost during 10 years. Despite of higher pharmacotherapy costs, fixed valsartan/amlodipine combination reduces total costs due to prevention of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events

    Health status of students in the special medical group

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    To assess the health level of first-year students studying in a special medical group, we researched such indicators as physical development, morbidity, physical training, biological age using the method of V. Sukhov and the health level according to G. L. Apanasenko. The leading positions in the structure of morbidity take diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, the eye and its appendage occupy take. 63% of students have a low level of health, more than half of students have a biological age in the range of 31-40 years. Therefore, the training session must be adapted to the state of health.Для оценки уровня здоровья студентов 1 курса, занимающихся в специальной медицинской группе, изучены показатели физического развития, заболеваемости, физической подготовки, биологический возраст по методике В.Сухова, уровень здоровья по Г.Л.Апанасенко. В структуре заболеваемости ведущие позиции занимают болезни костно-мышечной системы, нервной системы, глаза и его придаточного аппарата. Низкий уровень здоровья имеют 63% студентов, более половины студентов имеют биологический возраст в диапазоне 31-40 лет. Поэтому тренировочное занятие должно быть адаптировано с учетом состояния здоровья

    Antioxidants and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia

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    Аim: development of an algorithm for the use of antioxidant cognitive-behavioral therapy in adult patients with functional dyspepsia.Material and methods. The study included 112 adult patients with functional dyspepsia receiving the antioxidant drug Cytoflavin containing succinic acid, inosine, nicotinamide and riboflavin, and cognitive behavioral therapy according to the method of Beck and Jacobson in addition to the main therapy (prokinetics, proton pump inhibitors, psychotropic drugs).Results. Of the total group, 74 patients had an optimal response to the inclusion of an antioxidant and psychotherapy in the treatment regimen (increased quality of life and reduced anxiety) and 38 patients had the insignificant response. It has been established that the main predictors of the successful use of an extended treatment regimen are the patient's disadaptation in relation to the disease, a recent stress factor, the duration of functional dyspepsia, the presence of an overlap syndrome (combination with other functional gastrointestinal disorders).Conclusions. Based on the collection of a small amount of anamnestic information (the duration of functional dyspepsia, the presence of an acute stress factor in the anamnesis), the assessment of the presence of an overlap syndrome and disadaptation in relation to the patient to his illness, the value of the discriminant function is calculated. After comparing it with a threshold, the probability of a positive response to a combination of antioxidant and cognitive-behavioral therapy is estimated. The developed prediction algorithm is valid (sensitivity — 91 %, specificity — 73 %, accuracy — 84.8 %) and allows to optimize the definition of treatment tactics for a patient with functional dyspepsia