51 research outputs found

    Оптична система виявлення динамічних об'єктів для БПЛА

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    This work presents an optical flow based method for obstacle detection by using a single CCDcamera. Computed optical flow is used to detect dynamic obstacles in front of the camera and toadjust rotor's control to avoid them. The proposed system is based on optical flow estimation with weighted image blocks from the streamed video. Hardware simulation is performed to prove theapplicability of this system. Methods and algorithms described in this paper are versatile enough andcan be implemented for various vehicles with autonomous navigation system. The feasibility of theproposed system for UAVs is discussedВ работе представлена технология на основе метода оптического потока ПЗС-камеры. Оптический поток используется для обнаружения динамических препятствий перед камерой, спомощью которого формируется сигнал управления на облет препятствия. Предлагаемая система основана на оценке оптического потока с взвешенными блоков изображения в потоко-вый видеопоследовательности. Проведенные практические испытания доказывают работоспособность этой системы. Методы и алгоритмы, описанные в данной роботе, являются достаточно универсальными и реализуются в различных областях, которые используют автономную систему навигации. Система разрабатывалась для использования на БПЛАУ роботі представлена технологія на основі методу оптичного потоку ПЗС-камери. Оптичний потік використовується для виявлення динамічних перешкод перед камерою, за допомогою якого формується сигнал управління на обліт перешкоди. Пропонована система заснована наоцінці оптичного потоку з зваженими блоків зображення в потоковій відео послідовності. Проведені практичні випробування доводять робото спроможність цієї системи. Методи і алгоритми, описані в даній роботі, є досить універсальними і реалізуються в різних областях, які використовують автономну систему навігації. Система розробляється для використанняна БПЛ

    Innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology

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    © 2017.This paper analyzes the use of innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology. It looks into specific issues in designing new-style textbooks for institutions of higher learning. The authors examine some of the key requirements for putting together the textual component of textbooks. Based on the research reported in this publication, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: - developing quality educational literature requires factoring in the theoretical tenets of textbook theory, making use of the various resources available within the information environment to expand the volume of learning material and properly organize student learning activity, and encouraging the active participation of college instructors in the development of new-style textbooks; - the efficient organization of student learning activity will be facilitated by the use of a new style of textbook - a textbook which print version will have hyperlinks in the form of pictograms that will be active in its electronic version; - the use of ideas and concepts from systemic and information approaches, supplemented with a psychological-didactic approach, helps to ensure the proper and efficient development of new quality study books and proper assessment of the quality of existing ones

    Innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology

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    © 2017.This paper analyzes the use of innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology. It looks into specific issues in designing new-style textbooks for institutions of higher learning. The authors examine some of the key requirements for putting together the textual component of textbooks. Based on the research reported in this publication, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: - developing quality educational literature requires factoring in the theoretical tenets of textbook theory, making use of the various resources available within the information environment to expand the volume of learning material and properly organize student learning activity, and encouraging the active participation of college instructors in the development of new-style textbooks; - the efficient organization of student learning activity will be facilitated by the use of a new style of textbook - a textbook which print version will have hyperlinks in the form of pictograms that will be active in its electronic version; - the use of ideas and concepts from systemic and information approaches, supplemented with a psychological-didactic approach, helps to ensure the proper and efficient development of new quality study books and proper assessment of the quality of existing ones

    Innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology

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    © 2017.This paper analyzes the use of innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology. It looks into specific issues in designing new-style textbooks for institutions of higher learning. The authors examine some of the key requirements for putting together the textual component of textbooks. Based on the research reported in this publication, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: - developing quality educational literature requires factoring in the theoretical tenets of textbook theory, making use of the various resources available within the information environment to expand the volume of learning material and properly organize student learning activity, and encouraging the active participation of college instructors in the development of new-style textbooks; - the efficient organization of student learning activity will be facilitated by the use of a new style of textbook - a textbook which print version will have hyperlinks in the form of pictograms that will be active in its electronic version; - the use of ideas and concepts from systemic and information approaches, supplemented with a psychological-didactic approach, helps to ensure the proper and efficient development of new quality study books and proper assessment of the quality of existing ones


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    Background: Elaboration of automatized and robotic systems for precision and minimally traumatic surgery is one of the main areas of modern surgery. The concept of the so-called “smart” laser scalpels seems a  promising technical solution in this field. Aim: To develop organizational principles of a  feedback smart surgical laser devices based on CO₂ and fiber lasers. Materials and methods: As laser sources, we used a one mode wave CO₂ laser with a power of up to 25 W, high frequency pumping of the active media and radiation wavelength of 10.6 mcm, as well as a one mode fiber Er laser with a power of up to 5 W and radiation wavelength of 1.54  mcm. The laser device feedback was organized with an autodynic control of laser evaporation of biological tissues. The “smart” laser scalpel effects were studied in the porcine tissues in  vitro. The feedback laser devices were tested on normal and tumor animal tissues (white rats) in vitro and in vivo. Also, we tested the possibility of diagnostics of laser evaporation on human tumor tissues. Results: Taking the one mode CO₂ laser and one mode fiber Er laser as examples, it was shown that an autodynic signal arising during evaporation of various biological tissues has different spectral characteristics. This makes the bases for organization of a  feedback in surgical devices functioning as a  “smart” scalpel. A “smart” surgical feedback device based on CO₂ laser and a  decoy of a  “smart” surgical device based on a fiber Er laser were developed. We studied the possibilities of differential diagnostics of a type of a tissue being evaporated in vitro with the use of the data from laser scalpels. Also, pre-clinical trials of a CO₂ laser-based “smart” surgical device on biological tissues were performed. The trials showed that such a “smart” laser scalpel allows for intra-operative differentiation between normal and tumor tissues that would give the possibility to implement minimally traumatic surgery principles. Conclusion: The method of autodynic diagnostics of laser evaporation of biological tissues allows for development of surgical devices functioning as a “smart” laser. It gives the possibility of a real-time differentiation of various types of tissues, including normal and tumor ones

    Estimation of Accuracy in Determining the Translational Velocity of a Video Camera Using Data From Optical Flow

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    The devised approaches are adapted to the complicated conditions of observation in certain real tasks, and are fully operational in those cases when existing standard algorithms fail to give reliable results. We propose a method for determining dynamic motion parameters based on the algorithm of a dense optical flow using a texture analysis. In order to determine an optical flow, we employed a block mapping method that uses adaptively variable size and adaptive motion vector search strategy with weighting the measurements of image blocks, where each block is matched with a texture indicator. A standard block method for estimating optical flow does not imply the use of weighting of the image blocks. A measure of the image block texturization and, consequently, the reliability of the computed motion vector, is determined on the basis of conditionality number of the information matrix. Based on the calculated optical flow, in order to estimate motion parameters, it is proposed to use the least square method that takes into account noise of the measured data. In this case, the minimization is applied at which a contribution to an error is weighed, greater importance is given to the points where the optical flow speed is larger. This is most useful when the measurement of high speeds is more accurate. The norm that produces the best results depends on the noise properties in the measured optical flow. When estimating parameters of the translational motion velocity of the entire image frame, the proposed method considers textural differences of the underlying surface, as well as noise in the measured data of each image block.We presented simulation results of a UAV motion along different types of the underlying surface and estimated the accuracy of determining translational motion parameters using the optical sensor. Experimental results confirm that the application of a texture analysis when evaluating a motion field improves performance by recruiting a reduced number of vectors, as well as this proves to be more accurate in comparison with traditional block brute-force method