255 research outputs found

    The principles and methods of the appraisal of commercialization projects of the Universities innovations

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    The article deals with the summing up of the foreign experience and modern Russian tools of the appraisal of commercialization new technologies, worked up at UniversitiesyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Nonlocal Scalar Quantum Field Theory: Functional Integration, Basis Functions Representation and Strong Coupling Expansion

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    Nonlocal QFT of one-component scalar field φ\varphi in DD-dimensional Euclidean spacetime is considered. The generating functional (GF) of complete Green functions Z\mathcal{Z} as a functional of external source jj, coupling constant gg, and spatial measure dμd\mu is studied. An expression for GF Z\mathcal{Z} in terms of the abstract integral over the primary field φ\varphi is given. An expression for GF Z\mathcal{Z} in terms of integrals over the primary field and separable Hilbert space (HS) is obtained by means of a separable expansion of the free theory inverse propagator L^\hat{L} over the separable HS basis. The classification of functional integration measures D[φ]\mathcal{D}\left[\varphi\right] is formulated, according to which trivial and two nontrivial versions of GF Z\mathcal{Z} are obtained. Nontrivial versions of GF Z\mathcal{Z} are expressed in terms of 11-norm and 00-norm, respectively. The definition of the 00-norm generator Ψ\varPsi is suggested. Simple cases of sharp and smooth generators are considered. Expressions for GF Z\mathcal{Z} in terms of integrals over the separable HS with new integrands are obtained. For polynomial theories φ2n,n=2,3,4,,\varphi^{2n},\, n=2,3,4,\ldots, and for the nonpolynomial theory sinh4φ\sinh^{4}\varphi, integrals over the separable HS in terms of a power series over the inverse coupling constant 1/g1/\sqrt{g} for both norms (11-norm and 00-norm) are calculated. Critical values of model parameters when a phase transition occurs are found numerically. A generalization of the theory to the case of the uncountable integral over HS is formulated. A comparison of two GFs Z\mathcal{Z}, one in the case of uncountable HS integral and one obtained using the Parseval-Plancherel identity, is given.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; v2: significant additions in the text; prepared for the special issue "QCD and Hadron Structure" of the journal Particles; v3: minimal corrections; v4: paragraphs added related to Reviewer comment

    Open Ground Collections of Saint Petersburg Botanic Garden for the Benefit of Botanic and Environmental Education

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    Botanic gardens with their rich collections and scientific resources have a unique potential that attracts the attention of the society to the problems of preserving biodiversity, ensuring environmental education, conserving nature, providing leisure, serving the place for relaxation and entertainment. One of the oldest Botanic gardens of Russia is the Saint Petersburg Botanic Garden of the Komarov Botanic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences demonstrates the experience of utilizing the open ground collections for Botanic and environmental education. The experts share various aspects of interaction between a Botanic garden and its visitors. The paper provides examples of excursions and other forms of work on the open ground. The paper analyzes the experience of foreign colleagues related to the motivation for visiting Botanic gardens by different age and social groups. The authors provide data of sociological surveys of visitors and the analysis of their motives to visit the Saint Petersburg Botanic Garden in particular. It also shows the growth of interest in the open ground collections

    The principles and methods of the appraisal of commercialization projects of the Universities innovations

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    The article deals with the summing up of the foreign experience and modern Russian tools of the appraisal of commercialization new technologies, worked up at UniversitiesyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Self-Diffusion in Random-Tiling Quasicrystals

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    The first explicit realization of the conjecture that phason dynamics leads to self-diffusion in quasicrystals is presented for the icosahedral Ammann tilings. On short time scales, the transport is found to be subdiffusive with the exponent β0.57(1)\beta\approx0.57(1), while on long time scales it is consistent with normal diffusion that is up to an order of magnitude larger than in the typical room temperature vacancy-assisted self-diffusion. No simple finite-size scaling is found, suggesting anomalous corrections to normal diffusion, or existence of at least two independent length scales.Comment: 11 pages + 2 figures, COMPRESSED postscript figures available by anonymous ftp to black_hole.physics.ubc.ca directory outgoing/diffuse (use bi for binary mode to transfer), REVTeX 3.0, CTP-TAMU 21/9

    Proactive monitoring system for investment projects: mathematical support

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    Using mathematical based evaluation systems will help ranking investment projects to select the best and most promising among the available. Based on the study, the author sees it best to apply mathematical models and concentrate on conceptual investment projects for reducing monitoring and evaluation costs, as well as initial development costs. Optimal ways to form expert groups for investment project proactive monitoring is offered in conclusio

    Exact Solution of an Octagonal Random Tiling Model

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    We consider the two-dimensional random tiling model introduced by Cockayne, i.e. the ensemble of all possible coverings of the plane without gaps or overlaps with squares and various hexagons. At the appropriate relative densities the correlations have eight-fold rotational symmetry. We reformulate the model in terms of a random tiling ensemble with identical rectangles and isosceles triangles. The partition function of this model can be calculated by diagonalizing a transfer matrix using the Bethe Ansatz (BA). The BA equations can be solved providing {\em exact} values of the entropy and elastic constants.Comment: 4 pages,3 Postscript figures, uses revte

    Analysis of heat-cogeneration turbine unit operation in schemes of preliminary treatment of makeup water

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    The new scheme of preliminary treatment of makeup water of various technological purposes at parallel work of turbine units with heat release to external consumers has been offered. Variants of work of one of the existing and offered schemes are compared and analyzed. Use of the developed scheme in comparison with the existing one allows cutting fuel consumption up to 15...16 % or 31 thousand tons of equivalent fuel per heating season

    Decision-Making for the Supply Chain Management in Conditions of Economic Turbulence

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    Abstract— The decision-making process for supply chain management is complex and involves multiple people across multiple teams. This article deals with the problem of choosing an optimal management solution in a turbulent economy. We systematise new management risks in the context of a pandemic are systematized. A method for constructing an integral risk assessment function for managerial decision-making is proposed. We identify aneed for an expert community to make more informed decisions has been identified. The research propose a simulation of new management risks in the context of a pandemic is proposed. Specific supply chains are faced with the situation where they have to accept uncertainty but need to develop a strategy that enables them still to match supply and demand. Hence, this research works in this direction and identifies various supply chain strategies to match demand and supply efficiently and effectively

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material