6,878 research outputs found

    Modulation of human corticospinal excitability by paired associative stimulation in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and effects of Riluzole

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    BACKGROUND Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes an impairment in both the upper and lower motor neurons. The recent description of numerous non-motor signs points to an involvement of the neocortex networks that is more complex than was previously believed. Paired associative stimulation (PAS), a combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and peripheral nerve stimulation, can enhance motor output in the contralateral hand through an NMDA-mediated sensorimotor mechanism. OBJECTIVE To describe the effects of PAS on ALS patients before and after Riluzole intake compared with healthy subjects. METHODS PAS was used to detect differences between 24 newly-diagnosed ALS patients and 25 age-matched healthy controls. MEP amplitude from the abductor pollicis brevis was considered before PAS, immediately after (T0) and after 10 (T10), 20 (T20), 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) minutes. Statistical significance was calculated using RM-ANOVA. RESULTS In healthy controls, PAS significantly increased MEP amplitude at T10, T20 and T30 (p < 0.05). In ALS patients, a significant increase in MEP amplitude was also observed after 60 min (p < 0.05), thus demonstrating NMDA-mediated enhanced facilitatory plasticity. After two weeks of riluzole intake, no MEP amplitude increase was evident after PAS at any time point. In three monomelic-onset ALS patients, sensorimotor facilitation was evident only in the hemisphere corresponding to the affected side and appeared in the opposite hemisphere when the patients manifested contralateral symptoms. CONCLUSIONS PAS may be considered a useful tool when investigating NMDA-mediated neocortical networks in ALS patients and the modulation of such networks after anti-glutamatergic drug intake

    Principal Semantic Components of Language and the Measurement of Meaning

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    Metric systems for semantics, or semantic cognitive maps, are allocations of words or other representations in a metric space based on their meaning. Existing methods for semantic mapping, such as Latent Semantic Analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation, are based on paradigms involving dissimilarity metrics. They typically do not take into account relations of antonymy and yield a large number of domain-specific semantic dimensions. Here, using a novel self-organization approach, we construct a low-dimensional, context-independent semantic map of natural language that represents simultaneously synonymy and antonymy. Emergent semantics of the map principal components are clearly identifiable: the first three correspond to the meanings of “good/bad” (valence), “calm/excited” (arousal), and “open/closed” (freedom), respectively. The semantic map is sufficiently robust to allow the automated extraction of synonyms and antonyms not originally in the dictionaries used to construct the map and to predict connotation from their coordinates. The map geometric characteristics include a limited number (∌4) of statistically significant dimensions, a bimodal distribution of the first component, increasing kurtosis of subsequent (unimodal) components, and a U-shaped maximum-spread planar projection. Both the semantic content and the main geometric features of the map are consistent between dictionaries (Microsoft Word and Princeton's WordNet), among Western languages (English, French, German, and Spanish), and with previously established psychometric measures. By defining the semantics of its dimensions, the constructed map provides a foundational metric system for the quantitative analysis of word meaning. Language can be viewed as a cumulative product of human experiences. Therefore, the extracted principal semantic dimensions may be useful to characterize the general semantic dimensions of the content of mental states. This is a fundamental step toward a universal metric system for semantics of human experiences, which is necessary for developing a rigorous science of the mind

    Virtual spring damper method for nonholonomic robotic swarm self-organization and leader following

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a method for self-organization and leader following of nonholonomic robotic swarm based on spring damper mesh. By self-organization of swarm robots we mean the emergence of order in a swarm as the result of interactions among the single robots. In other words the self-organization of swarm robots mimics some natural behavior of social animals like ants among others. The dynamics of two-wheel robot is derived, and a relation between virtual forces and robot control inputs is defined in order to establish stable swarm formation. Two cases of swarm control are analyzed. In the first case the swarm cohesion is achieved by virtual spring damper mesh connecting nearest neighboring robots without designated leader. In the second case we introduce a swarm leader interacting with nearest and second neighbors allowing the swarm to follow the leader. The paper ends with numeric simulation for performance evaluation of the proposed control method

    Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites

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    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological sites are important activities necessary to prevent damage or to perform restoration on cultural heritage. Standard techniques, like mapping and digitizing, are typically used to document the status of such sites. While these task are normally accomplished manually by humans, this is not possible when dealing with hard-to-access areas. For example, due to the possibility of structural collapses, underground tunnels like catacombs are considered highly unstable environments. Moreover, they are full of radioactive gas radon that limits the presence of people only for few minutes. The progress recently made in the artificial intelligence and robotics field opened new possibilities for mobile robots to be used in locations where humans are not allowed to enter. The ROVINA project aims at developing autonomous mobile robots to make faster, cheaper and safer the monitoring of archaeological sites. ROVINA will be evaluated on the catacombs of Priscilla (in Rome) and S. Gennaro (in Naples)

    Real-time risk analysis for hybrid earthquake early warning systems

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    Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS), based on real-time prediction of ground motion or structural response measures, may play a role in reducing vulnerability and/or exposition of buildings and lifelines. In fact, recently seismologists developed efficient methods for rapid estimation of event features by means of limited information of the P-waves. Then, when an event is occurring, probabilistic distributions of magnitude and source-to-site distance are available and the prediction of the ground motion at the site, conditioned to the seismic network measures, may be performed in analogy with the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). Consequently the structural performance may be obtained by the Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis (PSDA), and used for real-time risk management purposes. However, such prediction is performed in very uncertain conditions which have to be taken into proper account to limit false and missed alarms. In the present study, real-time risk analysis for early warning purposes is discussed. The magnitude estimation is performed via the Bayesian approach, while the earthquake localization is based on the Voronoi cells. To test the procedure it was applied, by simulation, to the EEWS under development in the Campanian region (southern Italy). The results lead to the conclusion that the PSHA, conditioned to the EEWS, correctly predicts the hazard at the site and that the false/missed alarm probabilities may be controlled by set up of an appropriate decisional rule and alarm threshold

    Calibration of White Dwarf cooling sequences: theoretical uncertainty

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    White Dwarf luminosities are powerful age indicators, whose calibration should be based on reliable models. We discuss the uncertainty of some chemical and physical parameters and their influence on the age estimated by means of white dwarf cooling sequences. Models at the beginning of the white dwarf sequence have been obtained on the base of progenitor evolutionary tracks computed starting from the zero age horizontal branch and for a typical halo chemical composition (Z=0.0001, Y=0.23). The uncertainties due to nuclear reaction rates, convection, mass loss and initial chemical composition are discussed. Then, various cooling sequences for a typical white dwarf mass (M=0.6 Mo) have been calculated under different assumptions on some input physics, namely: conductive opacity, contribution of the ion-electron interaction to the free energy and microscopic diffusion. Finally we present the evolution of white dwarfs having mass ranging between 0.5 and 0.9 Mo. Much effort has been spent to extend the equation of state down to the low temperature and high density regime. An analysis of the latest improvement in the physics of white dwarf interiors is presented. We conclude that at the faint end of the cooling sequence (log L/Lo=-5.5) the present overall uncertainty on the age is of the order of 20%, which correspond to about 3 Gyr. We suggest that this uncertainty could be substantially reduced by improving our knowledge of the conductive opacity (especially in the partially degenerate regime) and by fixing the internal stratification of C and O.Comment: 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    Continuum and discrete models for structures including (quasi-) inextensible elasticae with a view to the design and modeling of composite reinforcements

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    Inspired by some composite fiber reinforcements used in aeronautical engineering and by the need of conceiving new metamaterials, some discrete models including (quasi-) inextensible elasticae are considered. A class of continuum models approximately describing the macroscopic mechanical behavior of introduced structures is then heuristically proposed. Some of these continuum models can be regarded as a special kind of second-gradient elastic media, in which the higher-gradient elasticity is conferred by the flexural stiffnesses of elasticae constituting the microscopic lattice. The discrete models are studied by means of suitably tailored numerical codes designed to avoid numerical instabilities and locking and a comparison of discrete versus continuum models is attempted. The obtained results show that the theory of generalized continua may be useful in some engineering applications and it plays a relevant role in the mechanics of woven composites. The introduced discrete and continuum models are used to describe the so-called bias extension test on woven fabrics and it is shown that a good choice to correctly reproduce the targeted phenomenology is to use a second gradient continuum theory. However, as discussed throughout the paper, in the context of rigorous micro-macro identification procedures there still remain many open problems to be solved, especially when dealing with systems subjected to particular constraints, such as inextensibility. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Development of a test for recording both visual and auditory reaction times, potentially useful for future studies in patients on opioids therapy

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    Luca Miceli,1 Rym Bednarova,2 Alessandro Rizzardo,1 Valentina Samogin,1 Giorgio Della Rocca1 1Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Udine, 2Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, Hospital of Latisana, Latisana, Udine, Italy Objective: Italian Road Law limits driving while undergoing treatment with certain kinds of medication. Here, we report the results of a test, run as a smartphone application (app), assessing auditory and visual reflexes in a sample of 300 drivers. The scope of the test is to provide both the police force and medication-taking drivers with a tool that can evaluate the individual&rsquo;s capacity to drive safely. Methods: The test is run as an app for Apple iOS and Android mobile operating systems and facilitates four different reaction times to be assessed: simple visual and auditory reaction times and complex visual and auditory reaction times. Reference deciles were created for the test results obtained from a sample of 300 Italian subjects. Results lying within the first three deciles were considered as incompatible with safe driving capabilities. Results: Performance is both age-related (r&gt;0.5) and sex-related (female reaction times were significantly slower than those recorded for male subjects, P&lt;0.05). Only 21% of the subjects were able to perform all four tests correctly. Conclusion: We developed and fine-tuned a test called Safedrive that measures visual and auditory reaction times through a smartphone mobile device; the scope of the test is two-fold: to provide a clinical tool for the assessment of the driving capacity of individuals taking pain relief medication; to promote the sense of social responsibility in drivers who are on medication and provide these individuals with a means of testing their own capacity to drive safely. Keywords: visual reaction time, auditory reaction time, opioids, Safedriv


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    Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS), based on real-time prediction of ground motion or structural response measures, may play a role in reducing vulnerability and/or exposition of buildings and lifelines. In fact, recently seismologists developed efficient methods for rapid estimation of event features by means of limited information of the P-waves. Then, when an event is occurring, probabilistic distributions of magnitude and source-to-site distance are available and the prediction of the ground motion at the site, conditioned to the seismic network measures, may be performed in analogy with the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). Consequently the structural performance may be obtained by the Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis (PSDA), and used for real-time risk management purposes. However, such prediction is performed in very uncertain conditions which have to be taken into proper account to limit false and missed alarms. In the present study, real-time risk analysis for early warning purposes is discussed. The magnitude estimation is performed via the Bayesian approach, while the earthquake localization is based on the Voronoi cells. To test the procedure it was applied, by simulation, to the EEWS under development in the Campanian region (southern Italy). The results lead to the conclusion that the PSHA, conditioned to the EEWS, correctly predicts the hazard at the site and that the false/missed alarm probabilities may be controlled by set up of an appropriate decisional rule and alarm threshold
