85 research outputs found

    Community structure and functional diversity of soil nematodes from Udupi district, Karnataka, India

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    Nematodes constitute the most significant, most numerous, and diversified set of multicellular organisms on the earth. They live in various environments and exhibit a wide range of behavioural patterns. In the soil food web, they can be found at various trophic levels as herbivores (plant parasitic nematodes), bacterivores, fungivores, omnivores, and predators. As there were fewer studies on nematode ecology in the Udupi region, the present study aims to study the community structure and functional diversity of soil nematodes. Soil samples were collected following opportunistic random sampling employing a soil auger and were stored at 40C until transported to the laboratory. Nematodes were isolated from soil, killed, fixed, dehydrated, and displayed on a glass slide after isolation. The standard keys were used to identify the individual to genera level. 62 genera of soil nematodes belonging to 26 families and 7 orders were identified. Predator were the most prevalent communities. Various statistical indices for assessing nematode population ecology and nematodes specific indices were also calculated and it indicated a significant abundance of large plant parasitic nematodes. The region exhibits low levels of labile organic carbon and nutrient enrichment (Enrichment Index (EI):14.06 to 21.22). Despite this, the soil food web in the region is well-structured, indicated by Structure Index (SI) (85.51 to 89.74). Prevalence of fungal decomposition dominance and the soil appears to be minimally disturbed, as indicated by high channel index values and low Basal Index (BI) values, respectively

    Strain improvement for the production of antioxidant activity from Bacillus sp. by induced stress

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    In the present study, water samples were collected from different beaches in Chennai such as Marina beach, Elliott beach, VGP Golden beach and Kovalam beach to evaluate the best source for antioxidants. The bacteria were isolated on Starch Casein Agar media and screened for the antimicrobial activity. Among 11 isolates, 5 isolates showed antimicrobial potential which were further evaluated for the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging activity. Among 5 isolates, one sample showed significant DPPH scavenging activity with half minimal inhibitory concentration of (IC50)344.754µg/mL. The maximum antioxidant production was observed at pH 7 and at temperature of 37ºC with an IC50 of 188.66µg/mL and 293.76µg/mL respectively. The potent antioxidant producing strain was subjected for mutagenesis. In physical mutagenesis, the organism exposed for UV light for 25 minutes showed maximum antioxidant production with an IC50 of 133.55µg/mL. This mutant strain was then subjected for chemical mutagenesis with the addition of different concentrations of Ethidium bromide such as 10µL, 20µL, 30µL, 40µL and 50µL. The mutant strain obtained with the addition of 20µL Ethidium bromide (EtBr) showed significant antioxidant activity with an IC50 of 325.4µg/mL. The sample was purified by solvent extraction method and was evaluated for antioxidant production. The analyte was subjected to HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) analysis to avince the presence of antioxidants. The ethyl acetate extract showed the total phenolic content of 0.892 mg GAE/g of dry extract. It also showed the total flavonoid content of 0.522mg RE/g of dry extract

    Isolation, Purification and Biochemical Characterization of CGTase from Bacillus halodurans

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    A novel Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) producer, Bacillus halodurans was isolated from soil obtained from sugarcane fi elds. CGTase was produced in bulk through submerged batch fermentation in Horikoshi’s Media II. Soluble starch was used as carbon source and a combination of yeast extract and peptone were used as nitrogen source in the media, along with MgSO4.7H2O, K2HPO4 and Na2CO3, as they were found to be ideal for CGTase production. The enzyme was purified through acetone precipitation and starch adsorption methods, which proved to be simple and effi cient methods of purifi cation. Starch adsorption purifi ed sample was found to be homogenous on performing SDS-PAGE and the yield of the method was 49.44% with fold purifi cation of 17.34. The enzyme had appreciable affi nity for starch with a Km of 1.1mM and a turnover number of 10.9s-1 and was found to have an apparent molecular weight of ≈33 KDa. CGTase had two pH optima at pH 7.0 and pH 9.0 and a temperature optimum of 600C. There was no effect of metal-chelating agents on enzyme activity indicating that the enzyme is not a metalloenzyme, however it is a metal-activated enzyme as activity was enhanced by Mn²+. Inhibitory effects of group specific reagents indicate that serine and histidine residues may be involved in enzyme activity. The microorganism isolated grows in a wide range of temperatures, pH and salt concentrations, which are useful attributes in industrial applications requiring versatile organisms. The enzyme isolated also has appreciable activity at higher temperature and pH and is easily purified; making it valuable for use in industry

    Cure from the rhizomes: the medicine behind the Indian saffron Curcumin

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    Indian system of medicine has always focused on cure from the nature. Plant products from the Indian household have been used as medicine to cure myriad of ailments since ancestral times. Curcumin is a polyphenol, an active ingredient found in turmeric. In Southeast Asia, turmeric has been used as a coloring, flavoring and as a therapeutic agent. The use of turmeric to treat ailments dates back to the times of Charaka and Shushrutha. It has been widely used as an antiseptic for cuts, burns, and bruises, and as an antibacterial agent. Modern medicine has begun to understand its importance in recent times. Unfortunately its poor solubility, limited absorption and enhanced metabolism limits its bioavailability for its extended therapeutic use. Integration of nanotechnology in drug design and development has led the way to development of nanocurcumin with improved pharmacological properties. A precise understanding of effective dose, safety, and mechanism of action is required for the rational use of turmeric in the treatment of human diseases. This review focuses on the molecular actions of curcumin and its possibility to be used as a therapeutic agent in conditions affecting oral mucosa

    An analgesic to bridge the gap between Narcotics and NSAIDs: opiorphin

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    Pain management is an all-time challenge in dentistry. Discontent to pain management is a concern among patients and professionals. Unrelieved pain affects physical and mental well-being contributing to delayed recovery, psychological distress and anxiety. Studies have revealed that chronic pain interferes with normal daily chores of the individual like exercise, sleep, social life and lifestyle. At one end of pain management spectrum are Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) while at the other end are the opioids. These drugs are not without constituent side effects. The quest is for new analgesics with potent and long term analgesia with minimal or no side effects. An analgesic that is intermediate in this spectrum is the need of the hour. Opiorphin is an endogenous peptide isolated from human saliva. Opiorphin produces analgesia, by inhibiting enkephalin (ENK) metabolizing enzymes, thus increasing the half-life of circulating ENKs. Apart from being a potent analgesic it can also be a potential biomarker for various systemic and psychosocial disorders. This review focuses on the pharmacological effects of opiorphin and its potential role as a biomarker in various disease conditions

    Response of coconut seedlings to elevated CO2 and high temperature in drought and high nutrient conditions

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    The interaction effect of climate change variables elevated CO2 and elevated temperature (ET) with drought and nutrients on growth and development of coconut seedlings was studied in an open top chamber (OTC) at Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod. Seedlings were exposed to ambient (normal CO2 and temperature), elevated CO2 (550 and 700 ppm), ET (3 °C above ambient) and ET + elevated CO2 (550 ppm CO2 + 3 °C). In each OTC, a set of seedlings were subjected to drought (50% FC) and another set was maintained at 150 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF). Seedlings in elevated CO2 treatments accumulated significantly higher biomass. It was 1.13 and 1.98 kg seedling-1 with 550 and 700 ppm CO2 respectively as against 1.10 in ambient treatment. It was the least in ET treatment (0.91). The stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (Tr) of plants grown under elevated CO2 was reduced without affecting the photosynthesis. As a consequence, the whole plant WUE of coconut seedlings grown under elevated CO2 was high both under control and drought condition. The WUE significantly reduced both in high temperature and drought stressed plants. Elevated CO2 to certain extent compensated for water stress and high temperature induced reduction in growth of coconut

    Multi-modal approach in management of vulvo-vaginal gingival syndrome − a rare variant of oral lichen planus

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic autoimmune relapsing mucocutaneous disease that significantly affects the patient's quality of life (QoL) and is associated with several etiological factors. Vulvo-vaginal gingival syndrome (VVGS) is characterized as a clinical triad of gingival, vaginal and vulval LP. In previous literature, it has been described as a distinctive pattern of erosive plurimucosal LP. This condition if progressed can lead to multiple complications such as urethral and vaginal stenosis. This case report highlights the management of VVGS using a multidisciplinary strategy that includes dermatological consultation, oral hygiene maintenance, topical steroid application using custom-made trays and photodynamic therapy

    New bounds for Randic and GA indices

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    The main goal of this paper is to present some new lower and upper bounds for the Randic and GA indices in terms of Zagreb and modified Zagreb indices.Selçuk Üniversites

    Caries risk documentation and prevention : eMeasures for dental electronic health records

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    BACKGROUND: Longitudinal patient level dataavailable in the electronic health record (EHR)allows for the development, implementation, and validations of dental quality measures (eMeasures). Objective We report the feasibility and validity of implementing two eMeasures. The eMeasures determined the proportion of patients receiving a caries risk assessment (eCRA) and corresponding appropriate risk-based preventative treatments for patients at elevated risk of caries (appropriateness of care [eAoC]) in two academic institutions and one accountable care organization, in the 2019 reporting year. METHODS: Both eMeasures define the numerator and denominator beginning at the patient level, populations’ specifications, and validated the automated queries. For eCRA, patients who completed a comprehensive or periodic oral evaluation formed the denominator, and patients of any age who received a CRA formed the numerator. The eAoC evaluated the proportion of patients at elevated caries risk who received the corresponding appropriate risk-based preventative treatments. RESULTS: EHR automated queries identified in three sites 269,536 patients who met the inclusion criteria for receiving a CRA. The overall proportion of patients who received a CRA was 94.4% (eCRA). In eAoC, patients at elevated caries risk levels (moderate, high, or extreme) received fluoride preventive treatment ranging from 56 to 93.8%. For patients at high and extreme risk, antimicrobials were prescribed more frequently site 3 (80.6%) than sites 2 (16.7%) and 1 (2.9%). CONCLUSION: Patient-level data available in the EHRs can be used to implement process-ofcare dental eCRA and AoC, eAoC measures identify gaps in clinical practice. EHR-based measures can be useful in improving delivery of evidence-based preventative treatments to reduce risk, prevent tooth decay, and improve oral health.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.http://www.thieme.com/books-main/clinical-informatics/product/4433-aci-applied-clinical-informaticsDental Management Science