6,659 research outputs found

    Switching and symmetry breaking behaviour of discrete breathers in Josephson ladders

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    We investigate the roto-breathers recently observed in experiments on Josephson ladders subjected to a uniform transverse bias current. We describe the switching mechanism in which the number of rotating junctions increases. In the region close to switching we find that frequency locking, period doubling, quasi-periodic behaviour and symmetry breaking all occur. This suggests that a chaotic dynamic occurs in the switching process. Close to switching the induced flux increases sharply and clearly plays an important role in the switching mechanism. We also find three critical frequencies which are independent of the dissipation constant α\alpha, provided that α\alpha is not too large

    Chaotic transients in the switching of roto-breathers

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    By integrating a set of model equations for Josephson ladder subjected to a uniform transverse bias current we have found almost all of the kinds of breathers described in recent experiments, and closely reproduced their voltage-current characteristics and switching behaviour. Our main result is that a chaotic transient occurs in the switching process. The growth of tiny perturbations during the chaotic transient causes the new breather configuration to be extremely sensitive to the precise history of the initial breather and can also cause the new breather to have a new centre of symmetry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    How Exits from the Labor Force of Death Impact Household Incomes: A Four Country Comparison of Public and Private Income Support

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    Government policies attempt to mitigate the economic risks to households of major life transitions. This paper focuses on two such transitions that social security systems typically insure against—long term exits from the labor market (retirement, disability, unemployment insurance) and the death of a household head or spouse (survivor’s insurance). We examine labor force exits of men at various ages in four countries--Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States—using data from the Cross-National Equivalent File, a matched longitudinal data set. We focus on how average net-of-tax household income changes in the years before and after the event. We find that when one measures the change in economic well-being following a labor market exit by the fraction of lost labor earnings replaced by social security income, the decline in the household’s economic well-being is substantially overstated. When we compare net-of-tax household income before and after a long term exit from the labor market, we find that such drops are much less than those implied by a social security replacement rate and that differences across countries in the average drop are much less than those based on a social security replacement rate. We find the same pattern when we focus on how net-of-tax household income changes in the years before and after the death of a head or spouse. Declines in net-of-tax household income following such a death are much lower than the decline implied by a replacement of the deceased person’s labor earnings and social security benefits by their household’s post-death social security income. But the size of the change in individualized net-of-tax income following the death of a head or spouse is greatly affected by assumptions used to adjust for changes in household size.

    Performance Characteristics and Limitations of the Available Assays for the Detection and Quantitation of Monoclonal Free Light Chains and New Emerging Methodologies

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    Light chain measurements form an essential component of the testing strategy for the detection and monitoring of patients with suspected and/or proven plasma cell disorders. Urine-based electrophoretic assays remain at the centre of the international guidelines for response assessment but the supplementary role of serum-free light chain (FLC) assays in response assessment and the detection of disease progression due to their increased sensitivity has been increasingly recognised since their introduction in 2001. Serum FLC assays have also been shown to be prognostic across the spectrum of plasma cell disorders and are now incorporated into risk stratification scores for patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), smouldering multiple myeloma, and light chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis), as well as being incorporated into the criteria for defining symptomatic multiple myeloma. There are now multiple different commercially available serum FLC assays available with differing performance characteristics, which are discussed in this review, along with the implications of these for patient monitoring. Finally, newer methodologies for the identification and characterisation of monoclonal FLC, including modifications to electrophoretic techniques, mass spectrometry-based assays and Amylite, are also described along with the relevant published data available regarding the performance of each assay

    Is Tsallis thermodynamics nonextensive?

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    Within the Tsallis thermodynamics' framework, and using scaling properties of the entropy, we derive a generalization of the Gibbs-Duhem equation. The analysis suggests a transformation of variables that allows standard thermodynamics to be recovered. Moreover, we also generalize Einstein's formula for the probability of a fluctuation to occur by means of the maximum statistical entropy method. The use of the proposed transformation of variables also shows that fluctuations within Tsallis statistics can be mapped to those of standard statistical mechanics.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revised version, new title, accepted in PR

    Key issues in rigorous accuracy assessment of land cover products

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    © 2019 Accuracy assessment and land cover mapping have been inexorably linked throughout the first 50 years of publication of Remote Sensing of Environment. The earliest developers of land-cover maps recognized the importance of evaluating the quality of their maps, and the methods and reporting format of these early accuracy assessments included features that would be familiar to practitioners today. Specifically, practitioners have consistently recognized the importance of obtaining high quality reference data to which the map is compared, the need for sampling to collect these reference data, and the role of an error matrix and accuracy measures derived from the error matrix to summarize the accuracy information. Over the past half century these techniques have undergone refinements to place accuracy assessment on a more scientifically credible footing. We describe the current status of accuracy assessment that has emerged from nearly 50 years of practice and identify opportunities for future advances. The article is organized by the three major components of accuracy assessment, the sampling design, response design, and analysis, focusing on good practice methodology that contributes to a rigorous, informative, and honest assessment. The long history of research and applications underlying the current practice of accuracy assessment has advanced the field to a mature state. However, documentation of accuracy assessment methods needs to be improved to enhance reproducibility and transparency, and improved methods are required to address new challenges created by advanced technology that has expanded the capacity to map land cover extensively in space and intensively in time

    A new early Silurian prioniodontid conodont with three P elements from Iran and associated species

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    Copyright © 2015 P. Männik et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Mechanism of Reconnection on Kinetic Scales Based on Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Observations

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    We examine the role that ions and electrons play in reconnection using observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission on kinetic ion and electron scales, which are much shorter than magnetohydrodynamic scales. This study reports observations with unprecedented high resolution that MMS provides for magnetic eld (7.8 ms) and plasma (30 ms for electrons and 150 ms for ions). We analyze and compare approaches to the magnetopause in 2016 November, to the electron diffusion region in the magnetotail in 2017 July followed by a current sheet crossing in 2018 July. Besides magnetic eld reversals, changes in the direction of the ow velocity, and ion and electron heating, MMS observed large uctuations in the electron ow speeds in the magnetotail. As expected from numerical simulations, we have veried that when the eld lines and plasma become decoupled a large reconnecting electric eld related to the Hall current (110 mV/m) is responsible for fast reconnection in the ion diffusion region. Although inertial accelerating forces remain moderate (12 mV/m), the electric elds resulting from the divergence of the full electron pressure tensor provide the main contribution to the generalized Ohms law at the neutral sheet (as large as 200 mV/m). In our view, this illustrates that when ions decouple electron physics dominates. The results obtained on kinetic scales may be useful for better understanding the physical mechanisms governing reconnection processes in various magnetized laboratory and space plasmas

    Findings from an online survey of family carer experience of the management of challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities, with a focus on the use of psychotropic medication

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    Background: There is relatively little published data that report the experiences and views of family carers of people with intellectual disabilities who display challenging behaviour who are prescribed psychotropic medication. / Materials and methods: An online structured questionnaire was created by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, a UK charity, and family carers of people with intellectual disability. Questions concerned the management of challenging behaviour and asked family carers about their experiences and views on the use of psychotropic medication. Responses were gathered between August and October 2016. Results are summarised using descriptive and inferential statistics and descriptive analysis of free‐text comments. / Findings: Ninety‐nine family carers completed the survey. Family carers reported gaps in the holistic and proactive management of challenging behaviour. Whilst some felt involved in decisions around psychotropic medication prescribing, others described feeling marginalised and lacking information and influence. The decision to prescribe psychotropic medication evoked complex emotions in family carers and medication use was associated with mixed outcomes in those prescribed. Family carers identified areas of good practice and those areas where they believe improvements are needed. / Conclusions: Psychotropic medication should be only one option in a multimodal approach to challenging behaviour, but this may not always be reflected in current practice. Greater effort needs to be made to ensure that services are equipped to provide optimum care and to embed shared decision‐making into routine practice

    Two-dimensional ranking of Wikipedia articles

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    The Library of Babel, described by Jorge Luis Borges, stores an enormous amount of information. The Library exists {\it ab aeterno}. Wikipedia, a free online encyclopaedia, becomes a modern analogue of such a Library. Information retrieval and ranking of Wikipedia articles become the challenge of modern society. While PageRank highlights very well known nodes with many ingoing links, CheiRank highlights very communicative nodes with many outgoing links. In this way the ranking becomes two-dimensional. Using CheiRank and PageRank we analyze the properties of two-dimensional ranking of all Wikipedia English articles and show that it gives their reliable classification with rich and nontrivial features. Detailed studies are done for countries, universities, personalities, physicists, chess players, Dow-Jones companies and other categories.Comment: RevTex 9 pages, data, discussion added, more data at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/QWLIB/2drankwikipedia