37 research outputs found
Closest horizons of Hsp70 engagement to manage neurodegeneration
Our review seeks to elucidate the current state-of-the-art in studies of 70-kilodalton-weighed heat shock proteins (Hsp70) in neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). The family has already been shown to play a crucial role in pathological aggregation for a wide spectrum of brain pathologies. However, a slender boundary between a big body of fundamental data and its implementation has only recently been crossed. Currently, we are witnessing an anticipated advancement in the domain with dozens of studies published every month. In this review, we briefly summarize scattered results regarding the role of Hsp70 in the most common NDs including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We also bridge translational studies and clinical trials to portray the output for medical practice. Available options to regulate Hsp70 activity in NDs are outlined, too
Closest horizons of Hsp70 engagement to manage neurodegeneration
Our review seeks to elucidate the current state-of-the-art in studies of 70-kilodalton-weighed heat shock proteins (Hsp70) in neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). The family has already been shown to play a crucial role in pathological aggregation for a wide spectrum of brain pathologies. However, a slender boundary between a big body of fundamental data and its implementation has only recently been crossed. Currently, we are witnessing an anticipated advancement in the domain with dozens of studies published every month. In this review, we briefly summarize scattered results regarding the role of Hsp70 in the most common NDs including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We also bridge translational studies and clinical trials to portray the output for medical practice. Available options to regulate Hsp70 activity in NDs are outlined, too
О фосфатных производных соли Чугаева
Pt(IV) chloropentaammine phosphate was studied in details using IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal and elemental analysis. Crystal structure of the complex was solved from powder diffraction data. 195Pt and 14N NMR spectra of [Pt(NH3)5Cl]3+cation were obtained and interpreted for the first time.С использованием методов ИК и электронной спектроскопии, РФА, ДТА и элементного анализа детально изучены фосфорнокислые соли хлоропентаммина Pt(IV). Разрешена кристаллическая структура солей. Впервые для хлоропентаммина Pt(IV) получены спектры ЯМР на ядрах 195Pt и 14N
Roadmap on holography
From its inception holography has proven an extremely productive and attractive area of research. While specific technical applications give rise to 'hot topics', and three-dimensional (3D) visualisation comes in and out of fashion, the core principals involved continue to lead to exciting innovations in a wide range of areas. We humbly submit that it is impossible, in any journal document of this type, to fully reflect current and potential activity; however, our valiant contributors have produced a series of documents that go no small way to neatly capture progress across a wide range of core activities. As editors we have attempted to spread our net wide in order to illustrate the breadth of international activity. In relation to this we believe we have been at least partially successful.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain) under projects FIS2017-82919-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) and FIS2015-66570-P (MINECO/FEDER), and by Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under project PROMETEO II/2015/015
Roadmap on holography
From its inception holography has proven an extremely productive and attractive area of research. While specific technical applications give rise to 'hot topics', and three-dimensional (3D) visualisation comes in and out of fashion, the core principals involved continue to lead to exciting innovations in a wide range of areas. We humbly submit that it is impossible, in any journal document of this type, to fully reflect current and potential activity; however, our valiant contributors have produced a series of documents that go no small way to neatly capture progress across a wide range of core activities. As editors we have attempted to spread our net wide in order to illustrate the breadth of international activity. In relation to this we believe we have been at least partially successful
Централізоване і локальне правове регулювання трудових відносин: проблеми співвідношення та розвитку
The current state of centralized and local legal regulation of labor relations in Ukraine has been studied and its shortcomings have been identified. The points of view of scientists regarding the essence of centralized and local legal regulation of labor relations have been analyzed.
It has been indicated that Ukraine, positioning itself as a social, legal state and a future member of the European Union, should centrally establish social standards in the field of labor that correspond to those adopted in the European Union, while not reducing the existing level of existing social guarantees, as well as ensure them proper implementation and protection. Centralized legal regulation of labor relations in Ukraine should be based on a modern codified normative legal act, which will ensure a full-fledged comprehensive regulation of labor relations, implementation and protection of the rights of employees, compliance with the interests of employers, and also contribute to the development of local rulemaking.
It has been justified that the focus on the protection of the employee's rights should continue to be the conceptual line of the centralized legal regulation of labor relations. The idea of balancing the interests of the employee and the employer is acceptable under certain conditions at the local level when concluding collective agreements, where it takes the form of a compromise. Here, balancing the interests of employees and employers can exist to the extent permitted by labor law.
Attention has been drawn to the fact that modernity requires ensuring the development of collective contractual regulation of labor relations. The collective agreement, as the main local regulatory act in the field of labor, should comprehensively regulate labor relations within a specific enterprise, institution, organization or individual who uses hired labor. The conclusion of a collective agreement involves the search for a compromise between the employees and the employer in the process of establishing working and rest conditions. The collective agreement must provide for the mechanisms for fulfilling the established obligations and take into account the financial capabilities of the employer, which will make it a real and effective means of legal regulation of labor relations.
It has been proposed to supplement Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Organization of Labor Relations in Martial Law” part 2 with the following content: “During the period of martial law, it is not allowed to suspend the provisions of the collective agreement regarding wages, labor protection, medical care, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men , measures aimed at preventing, countering and stopping mobbing (harassment), prohibition of discrimination”.Досліджено сучасний стан централізованого і локального правового регулювання трудових відносин в Україні та виявлено його недоліки. Проаналізовано погляди науковців щодо сутності централізованого і локального правового регулювання трудових відносин. Доведено, що централізоване правове регулювання трудових відносин в Україні повинно базуватися на сучасному кодифікованому нормативно-правовому акті, який має забезпечувати повноцінне комплексне регулювання трудових відносин, реалізацію та захист прав працівників, дотримання інтересів роботодавців, а також сприяти розвитку локальної нормотворчості. Обґрунтована потреба в розвитку колективного договірного регулювання трудових відносин
До проблеми законодавчого визначення сфери дії законодавства про працю, поняття та ознак трудових відносин
The authors have studied the norms of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Labor Code of Ukraine to Define the Concept of Labor Relations and Features of Their Existence” dated from February 9, 2021 No. 5054. The scholars’ points of view on understanding the competence of labor legislation, concepts and features of labor relations have been studied. The authors have determined the expediency of introducing the norms suggested by the draft Law for inclusion in the Labor Code of Ukraine in relation to the competence of labor legislation, concepts and features of labor relations. Recommendations for solving the identified problems have been formulated.
It has been offered to reflect the main features of labor relations in the concept of “labor relations” contained in Part 1 of the Art. 21 of the Labor Code of Ukraine provided by the draft Law, as well as to introduce a norm in the Art. 21-2 of the Labor Code of Ukraine of the following wording: “Work may be recognized as being performed within the employment relationship, if there are basic features of the employment relationship”.
The main features of labor relations are as follows: 1) personal nature. Personal performance of work by an employee on a specific qualification, profession, position; 2) paid nature. Systematic payment of the salary for the performed works by an employer to an employee; 3) the nature of subordination to an employer. Work is performed by an employee on behalf of, under the guidance and control of an employer.
The authors have suggested own definition of the term of “labor relations”, which is understood as a voluntary two-way communication between an employee and an employer, which involves personal performance of the work by an employee defined and paid by an employer under his guidance and control.
The authors have developed own edition of the Art. 3 of the Labor Code of Ukraine; and have improved the provisions of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Labor Code of Ukraine to Define the Concept of Labor Relations and Features of Their Existence”.Рассмотрены нормы проекта Закона Украины «О внесении изменений в Кодекс законов о труде Украины относительно определения понятия трудовых отношений и признаков их наличия» от 9 февраля 2021 г. № 5054. Исследованы точки зрения ученых относительно сферы действия законодательства о труде, понятия и признаков трудовых отношений. Определена целесообразность введения норм, предлагаемых Проектом к включению в Кодекс законов о труде Украины, относительно сферы действия законодательства о труде, понятия и признаков трудовых отношений. Сформулированы рекомендации по решению выявленных проблем.Розглянуто норми проєкту Закону України «Про внесення змін до Кодексу законів про працю України щодо визначення поняття трудових відносин та ознак їх наявності» від 9 лютого 2021 р. № 5054. Досліджено погляди науковців стосовно сфери дії законодавства про працю, поняття та ознак трудових відносин. Визначено доцільність запровадження норм, пропонованих Проєктом до включення у Кодекс законів про працю України, стосовно сфери дії законодавства про працю, поняття та ознак трудових відносин. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо вирішення виявлених проблем