912 research outputs found

    Система маркування екранного насильства: проблеми і перспективи

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    Автором проделана работа по изучению различных теоретических подходов к исследованию экранной жестокости (эксперимент А. Бандуры, исследование фонда  теоретической и экспериментальной науки им. Т. Пейна о влиянии насилия на поведение подростков, теория культивации Дж. Гербнера, гипотеза катарсиса Д. Заллмана и Р. Гибсона). В статье определены основные дефиниции и обозначены отличительные черты системы рейтингов от системы пиктограмм. Рассмотрены основные модели классификаций, а также проблематизирован украинский подход контроля над информационным пространством. Существующая система рейтингов акцентирует внимание на возрастных ограничениях и не учитывает смысловые характеристики, которые эффективно используются в системах стран Запада. На основе проведенного качественного контент-анализа аудиовизуальных документов разработана система визуальной маркировки насилия в медиа контенте. Она включает три основных вида экранной жестокости (физический, сексуальный, символический), каждый из которых имеет обозначение в виде пиктограммы и разделяется на четыре уровня (без насилия, низкий, средний и высокий уровни насилия). Каждому уровню соответствует определенная цветовая пиктограмма. В этой статье подробно описан каждый из видов и уровней насилия, а также примеры из кинематографа. Кроме этого, проанализированы факторы, при которых данная система может успешно функционировать (родители, дети, вещатели).Violence is so widespread on modern screens that it becomes to be especially important in the discourse of the humanitarian knowledge. Significantly actual is the problem of the impact of media content on the audience and ways of its effective regulation. In this connection, the need to create a system of control over the information space comes to the fore. In Ukraine there is no adequate model of the estimation of media content. As to our opinion, the existing rating system focuses the attention on age limitations and does not take into account the semantic characteristics that are used effectively in systems of Western countries. The problem of individuals’ protection from interaction with the content, which contains violence, can not be solved by the restriction of the access to information, but instead the situation of temptation to get what is tabooed is created. Despite the obvious usefulness of classification systems, the question of their modern low effectiveness arises, when it comes to the individuals’ protection from the undesirable audiovisual information. Attempts to revise the criteria for an objective analysis of media content were, in particular, the motivation for the creation of an alternative classification system, based on the principle of informing with the help of pictograms. A serious work on the study of various theoretical approaches to the research of the screen cruelty has been made by the author (the experiment by A. Bandura, the study by T. Payne’s fund of theoretical and experimental science on the impact of the violence on adolescent behavior, Gerbner’s cultivation theory, the hypothesis of catharsis by D. Zallman and R Gibson). It has been established that an individual who has not received the sufficient social experience and education level is at risk. There comes a threat of influence of factors capable, which can deform ideas about the world around us. Main definitions have been made in the article and the distinctive features of the rating system against the system of pictograms have been described. The main models of classifications have been considered, and the Ukrainian approach to the control over information space has been described. System of visual labeling of violence in media content has been developed on the basis of made high-quality content analysis of audiovisual documents. It includes three main types of screen violence (physical, sexual, symbolic), each of which has a special pictogram and is divided into four levels (without violence, low, medium and high level of violence). Each level there corresponds to a certain color pictogram. This article describes in detail each of the types and levels of violence. Examples from the cinematography have been described in details in the article. In addition, the factors under which this system can function successfully (parents, children, broadcasters) have been analyzed.Автором проведена робота з вивчення різних теоретичних підходів до дослідження екранної жорстокості (експеримент А. Бандури, дослідження фонду теоретичної і експериментальної науки ім. Т. Пейна про вплив насильства на поведінку підлітків, теорія культивації Дж. Гербнера, гіпотеза катарсису Д. Заллмана і Р . Гібсона). У статті визначено основні дефініції та позначені відмінні риси системи рейтингів від системи піктограм. Розглянуто основні моделі класифікацій, а також проаналізовано український підхід контролю над інформаційним простором. Існуюча система рейтингів акцентує увагу на вікові обмеження і не враховує смислові характеристики, які ефективно використовуються в системах країн Заходу. На основі проведеного якісного контент-аналізу аудіовізуальних документів розроблена система візуального маркування насильства в медіа контенті. Вона включає три основних види екранної жорстокості (фізичний, сексуальний, символічний), кожен з яких має позначення у вигляді піктограми і розділяється на чотири рівні (без насильства, низький, середній і високий рівні насильства). Кожному рівню відповідає певна кольорова піктограма. У цій статті описується кожен з видів і рівнів насильства, а також наведені приклади з кінематографа. Крім цього, проаналізовано чинники, при яких дана система може успішно функціонувати (батьки, діти, мовники)

    The techniques of aestheticization of screen violence

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    The relevance of the topic is defined to variety of spectacular images of violence on the screen, and insufficient knowledge of the problems in the Ukrainian scientific discourse. Touching the information space, individuals are inevitably faced with a variety of images of violence. In the process of reception of screen images of cruelty to the fore entertainment and attraction of external form. As a rule, the desire for violence negates aesthetization images in the minds of the moral imperatives of the viewer and removes the visual taboo. The violence is so widespread in modern screens, acquires special importance, providing a strong emotional impact on the viewer. The author carried out serious work on the study of various theoretical approaches to the study of on-screen violence. In the article the basic definitions and distinguishing features are marked on-screen violence. On the basis of the qualitative content analysis of audiovisual documents and focused interviews highlighted four ways aestheticization of violence: romantization, carnivalization, absurdization and uglytizatio. They are clearly seen in the structure of genre cinema and practically applicable in the author’s cinema due to the uniqueness of narrative line and the realization of personal intentions of the director, who find themselves outside the genre cliches

    Origin of Natural Gas of the Giant Urengoy Deposit

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    Рассмотрены геологическое строение и происхождение мелового (неоком-сеноманского) комплекса Уренгойского месторождения Надым-Пурской нефтегазоносной области. Характерной особенностью этой области является развитие мощного неоком-сеноманского комплекса. Данная территория в период от валанжина до сеномана испытывала преимущественно континентальный режим осадконакопления, когда существовали благоприятные условия для захоронения большого количества растительных остатков исходного материала для массы угольного вещества, содержащегося в породах комплекса. Наличие повышенных концентраций угольного вещества явилось важнейшим генетическим признаком, по которому континентальная толща апт-сеноманского возраста отнесена к типичной угленосной формации. В работе приведена вертикальная и региональная зональность распределения фазового состояния углеводородов, позволяющая прогнозировать фазовое состояние, количественную и качественную характеристики скоплений углеводородов.This article presents the discussion on the geological structure and origin of the large Cretaceous Neocomian-Cenomanian Complex, which is characteristic for Urengoy deposit of Nadym-Pur Oil and Gas Province. In period from the Valanginian to Cenomanian, this territory experienced predominantly continental depositional regime, provided the favorable conditions for accumulation of large amount of plant remnants, which were a raw material for the coal strata of the complex. The presence of high concentration of organic substance was the most important genetic characteristics of Aptian-Cenomanian continental strata that constitute a typical coal-bearing formation. The analysis of obtained information allowed to predict the phase state of hydrocarbon accumulation at the area

    The Potential of Gaming Rationality in Future Thinking

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    Благодарности: автор выражает свою благодарность научному руководителю и сотрудникам лаборатории философии образования Института образования ТГУ за неоценимый вклад в настоящее исследование.Acknowledgments: The author expresses his gratitude to the supervisor and staff of the Laboratory of Philosophy of Education Institute of education TSU for their invaluable contribution to this study.Статья рассматривает проблему мышления о будущем в условиях сверхсложности актуальной реальности и постмодернистского поворота философской мысли. Статья предлагает увидеть процесс конструирования «образа будущего» через призму игрового дискурса и геймификации.Article considers futures thinking problem in conditions of overcomplexity and postmodern turn of philosophy. Article suggests a new perspective of “futures thinking” through gamification and game studies discourse


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    This paper presents the results of petrographic, lithogeochemical, and U-Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons in deep core sediments from the Vendian terrigenous sequences of the Nepa and Tira formations in the interior of the Siberian Platform. The section of the Nepa formation is characterized by a terrigenous sediment, the Tira Formation is composed mainly of carbonate rocks. The terrigenous rocks of the Nepa formation are composed of ill-sorted and poorly rounded clasts. Towards the higher part of the section of the Tira formation, there is observed an increase in the degree of sorting and roundness of detrital grains. It has been established that clastic rocks of the lower Nepа subformation are the products derived from rocks of mixed (acidic, basic) composition. The terrigenous rocks of the upper Nepa Subformation and the Tira formation accumulated mainly due to acid decomposition of rocks. The U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) geochronological studies of detrital zircons from terrigenous rocks of the Nepa and Tira formations led to the conclusion that the sedimentary basin of these formations was contributred to by both the Archean-Early Proterozoic rocks in the basement of the Siberian Platform and the adjacent areas of the Central Asian foldbelt. It is assumed that the sediments of the lower Nepa subformation deposited in the residual basin, formed by joining of terrains and island arcs in the Paleoasian Ocean to the southern margin of the Siberian Platform during the Vendian accretionary-collisional events. This was followed by a transformation into a peripheral sedimentary basin and an occurrence of a transgression of the sea, which favored the accumulation of terrigenous-carbonate rocks of the Tira formation


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    We have studied terrigenous-carbonate rocks in the area near the Sayan mountains in the Irkutsk Region (Russia), specifically at the Shaman Cliff, being the stratotype area of rocks that belong to the Moty group. The cliff’s lower part is composed of sandstones, which fragments gradually decrease in size upward the cross-section. The middle and upper parts are composed of sandy dolomites and dolomites, respectively. In terms of material characteristics, the terrigenous rocks correspond to arkoses. According to the genetic typification, the arkoses are composed of destructed primary igneous rocks. The terrigenous-carbonate rocks contain a carbonate component that gradually increases in the upper part of the cross-section. In the Shaman Cliff cross-section, we distinguish 32 lithological units and eight lithologicalgenetic types of deposits. Paleogeodynamic conditions are reconstructed for the formation of the sedimentation basin. Our study of the Shaman formation reveals specific features of the lithological facies, which suggest that these rocks accumulated in a coastal environment affected by tides. In the study area, clastic materials were mainly removed from an orogen that formed due to the Vendian accretion-collision events in the southern folded frame of the Siberian platform. Dolomites composing the upper part of the cliff are attributed to the Irkutsk formation of the Moty group. Their lithological features give evidence of shallow-marine conditions of their formation, without any supply of clastic material, which contributed to mass dispersal of the Cambrian biota described in [Marusin et al., 2021]. It is our first initiative to draw a boundary between the Shaman and Irkutsk formations of the Moty Group along the base of the carbonate eluvial breccia unit that marks the stratigraphic break. In the cross-section, this boundary represents the border between the Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian.Our conclusions are generally consistent with the ideas of most researchers about the Late Vendian evolution of the southern margin of the Siberian platform. The results of our study can be used in further investigation of this area and provide a basis for correlating the studied strata with the same-age reference cross-sections of other regions in Siberia

    Mathematical simulation application for research of nonuniform distributed-parameter circuit transients

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    This paper considers the simulation capability of nonuniform distributed-parameter circuit transients by using MatLab Simulink. This approach is capable of determining currents and voltages of nodes for power networks of any configurations and modes. The paper contains results of nonuniform line simulations in idle, short-circuit and load modes

    Luminescent coordination polymers based on Ca²⁺ and octahedral cluster anions [{M₆Clⁱ₈}Clᵃ₆}²⁻ (M = Mo, W) : synthesis and thermal stability studies

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    Luminescent coordination polymers (CPs) based of inexpensive stable precursors are attractive materials for applications. Here we report the synthesis and evaluation of the stability and photophysical characteristics of the first examples of phosphorescent CPs based on octahedral molybdenum and tungsten cluster anions. Specifically 1D CP trans-[{Ca(OPPh₃)₄}{{M₆Clⁱ₈}Clᵃ₆}]∞ (M = Mo, W) can be obtained either directly at increased temperature or via intermediate phases [cis-Ca(OPPh₃)₄(H₂O)₂][{M₆Clⁱ₈}Clᵃ₆]∙2CH₃CN that are stable at room-temperature, but convert to the titled CP at temperatures above 100 °C