1,029 research outputs found

    Quantum Buckling

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    We study the mechanical buckling of a two dimensional membrane coated with a thin layer of superfluid. It is seen that a singularity (vortex or anti-vortex defect) in the phase of the quantum order parameter, distorts the membrane metric into a negative conical singularity surface, irrespective of the defect sign. The defect-curvature coupling and the observed instability is in striking contrast with classical elasticity where, the in-plane strain induced by positive (negative) disclinations is screened by a corresponding positive (negative) conical singularity surface. Defining a dimensionless ratio between superfluid stiffness and membrane bending modulus, we derive conditions under which the quantum buckling instability occurs. An ansatz for the resulting shape of the buckled membrane is analytically and numerically confirmed

    Soliton attenuation and emergent hydrodynamics in fragile matter

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    Disordered packings of soft grains are fragile mechanical systems that loose rigidity upon lowering the external pressure towards zero. At zero pressure, we find that any infinitesimal strain-impulse propagates initially as a non-linear solitary wave progressively attenuated by disorder. We demonstrate that the particle fluctuations generated by the solitary-wave decay, can be viewed as a granular analogue of temperature. Their presence is manifested by two emergent macroscopic properties absent in the unperturbed granular packing: a finite pressure that scales with the injected energy (akin to a granular temperature) and an anomalous viscosity that arises even when the microscopic mechanisms of energy dissipation are negligible. Consistent with the interpretation of this state as a fluid-like thermalized state, the shear modulus remains zero. Further, we follow in detail the attenuation of the initial solitary wave identifying two distinct regimes : an initial exponential decay, followed by a longer power law decay and suggest simple models to explain these two regimes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figure

    Impact of fiscal policy shocks on the Indian economy

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    Impact of Fiscal Policy Shocks on the Indian Economy Swati Yadav , V.Upadhyay , Seema Sharma Abstract In this paper, we analyse the impact of fiscal shocks on the Indian economy using structural vector autoregression (SVAR) methodology. The study uses quarterly data for the period 1997Q1 to 2009Q2. Two different identification schemes have been used to assess the effects of shocks to government spending and tax revenues on output. The recursive scheme is based on the Cholesky decomposition and the second identification scheme Blanchard & Perrotti (1999) technique of using information on tax system to identify the SVAR model. We find that the impulse responses obtained from both identification schemes behave in a similar fashion but the value of multipliers differs. Also the shock to tax variable has a bigger impact on GDP than the government spending shock. In the extended four variable VAR model the effects of fiscal shocks on private consumption has been assessed using the recursive identification scheme. Findings indicate that the tax variable has larger impact on private consumption as compared to the government spending variable. In the short run the impact of expansionary fiscal shocks follow Keynesian tradition but the long run response is mixed.SVAR, Fiscal shocks, Multipliers

    Growth and production of groundnut

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    The groundnut or peanut is one of the important legume crops of tropical and semiarid tropical countries, where it provides a major source of edible oil and vegetable protein. Groundnut kernels contain 47-53% oil and 25-36% protein. The crop is cultivated between 40ºN to 40ºS of the equator. Groundnut is a self pollinated crop whereby flowers are produced above ground and, after fertilization, pegs move towards the soil, and seed-containing pods are formed and developed underneath the soil. The productivity of groundnuts varies from 3500 kg/ha in the United States of America to 2500 kg/ha in South America, 1600 kg/ha in Asia, and less than 800 kg/ha in Africa. This is due mainly to various abiotic and biotic constraints. Abiotic stresses of prime importance include temperature extremes, drought stress, soil factors such as alkalinity, poor soil fertility and nutrient deficiencies. Groundnuts grow best in light textured sandy loam soils with neutral pH. Optimum temperature for their growth and development ranges from 28 to 30 ºC; the crop requires about 500-600 mm of well distributed rainfall. The main yield limiting factors in semiarid regions are drought and high temperature stress. The stages of reproductive development prior to flowering, at flowering and at early pod development, are particularly sensitive to these constraints. Apart from N, P and K, other nutrient deficiencies causing significant yield losses are Ca, Fe and B. Biotic stresses mainly include pests, diseases and weeds. Among insects pests pod borers, aphids and mites are of importance. The most important diseases are leaf spots, rusts and the toxin-producing fungus Aspergillus

    The comparative study of fibrin degradation products in normal pregnancy and pregnancy induced hypertension

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    Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a multisystem disorder and is characterized by changes in haemostatic system. The assessment of the coagulation parameters of the patients of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is important because it helps to diagnose the severity of the disease, and to predict the outcome. There is no universal agreement as to the need for further investigations if the platelet count comes normal. Hence in such cases it is always prudent to get the coagulation profile. D dimer of such patients is done to diagnose the cases of coagulation failure early and to manage it efficiently. The objectives of the study to compare the Fibrin Degradation Products in term normal pregnancy, pre eclamptic and eclamptic patients, to assess the severity of pregnancy induced hypertension and to detect coagulation failure early and manage before it worsens.Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli during the period of March 2014 to February 2015 on 100 patients between 37-42 weeks of gestation. 50 controls were well matched with the study population which included a total of 50 patients with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Pregnant women with known bleeding disorders, on anticoagulant therapy, with abruptio placentae, with IUD, in labour and with established DIC were excluded.The blood coagulation parameters which were compared between the control and the study population were Bleeding time (BT), Platelet Count, Clotting time (CT), Prothrombin time (PT), Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and D-dimer.Results: The BT, CT, PT, aPTT values were nearly identical in all the groups. The platelet count showed a decreasing trend from normal control to eclampsia group. The D dimer showed an increasing trend from the normal control to eclampsia group. D dimer level was raised in all patients who were in sub clinical and clinical coagulation failure.Conclusions: This study shows that even with the normal routine coagulation parameters, D dimer was significantly elevated in both subclinical and clinical DIC. So, D dimer can be used as a specific tool in early diagnosis and deciding appropriate management of PIH

    Geotechnical Problems Encountered During the Excavation of Underground Cavities for Varahi Hydro Electric Project

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    Varahi river in Karnataka State, India originates on the Western Ghats and is harnessed for power generation by constructing three dams. The water is conveyed through two inclined pressure shaft to the underground power house below the Ghats. The underground power house of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project executed by the Karnataka Power Corporation has 2 units of 135 MW each in the first stage with a provision to add two more identical units. Three underground cavities are excavated parallel to one another for housing the rotary valves, generators and the transformers respectively and are at a gee-static head of about 230 m. The paper deals with a case history of the excavation practice and the stabilisation measures adopted during the excavation of the cavities for housing the underground power house complex of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project in Karnataka, India

    Double coin in esophagus at same location and same alignment - a rare occurrence: a case report

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    Coin is the most common foreign body swallowed by pediatric age group. The multiple coin swallowing is extremely rare and very few cases had been reported in English literature. Most of them were present at different site and had different alignment in the esophagus. The location of the coin (trachea vs. esophagus) is commonly determined by the alignment of the coin on radiographic studies. A 4-year-girl was presented to us with history of coin ingestions one day back without any respiratory distress. On radiological study there was suspicion of two coins on same location and alignment. The diagnosis was confirmed after removal. The both coin was removed successfully by esophagoscopy. Unexpected second foreign bodies in pediatric esophageal coin ingestions are rare and it is mandatory to do post operative radiography after removal to exclude duplex coin or tracheal coin. We are presenting this case because of its rarity, difficulty in diagnosis especially when proper history is not available

    Single-Stage Repair versus Traditional Repair of High Anorectal Malformations, Functional Results’ Correlation with Kelly’s Score and Postoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings

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    Introduction: Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) is the standard treatment for anorectal malformations. In the present study, the clinical evaluation of anal continence was carried out using Kelly’s scoring system and the results of primary PSARP or abdomino-PSARP were compared with the traditional three-stage procedure and the functional outcome was correlated with the findings of MRI, which was used as an objective method of evaluation.Patients and methods: A total of 40 patients with intermediate and high anorectal malformations were studied and were divided into two groups on the basis of a random number table. The patients in group A were treated with a single-stage operation, whereas the patients in group B were treated with a standard staged operation (either PSARP or abdominoperineal pull-through). After clinical evaluation using the Kelly score, patients were divided into three clinical groups irrespective of whether they were operated in one stage or in three stages. All patients were subjected to MRI at the age of 3 years and the findings were correlated with the clinical scoring system.Result: Patients were categorized according to their Kelly’s scores as follows: group 1: clinically good (score 5–6); group 2: clinically fair (score 3–4); and group 3: clinically poor (score 0–2). The proportions of good development of the muscles (puborectalis, external sphincter muscle, and levator muscle hammock) were 78.9% in group 1, 40% in group 2, and none in group 3. Development of muscles was found to be a significant factor for anal continence. Other significant factors for anal continence are rectal diameter and anorectal angle.Conclusion: Clinical assessment using the Kelly score was similar for the single-stage operation and the staged procedure, and this was supported by MRI findings. Therefore, we recommend the single-stage procedure to achieve a better outcome in intermediate and high anorectal malformation.Keywords: Anorectal Malformations, MRI, Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplast

    Jejunal atresia presenting with mesenteric cyst in a neonate: a case report

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    Jejunoileal atresia is a congenital anomaly that is characterized clinically by bilious vomiting and abdominal distension. It has been associated with various congenital anomalies but its association with mesenteric cyst has only been reported sporadically. As this is a very rare entity, it is being reported with a brief review of literature

    Investigation of complete and incomplete fusion in 7^{7}Li+124^{124}Sn reaction around Coulomb barrier energies

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    The complete and incomplete fusion cross sections for 7^{7}Li+124^{124}Sn reaction were measured using online and offline characteristic γ\gamma-ray detection techniques. The complete fusion (CF) cross sections at energies above the Coulomb barrier were found to be suppressed by ∼\sim 26 \% compared to the coupled channel calculations. This suppression observed in complete fusion cross sections is found to be commensurate with the measured total incomplete fusion (ICF) cross sections. There is a distinct feature observed in the ICF cross sections, i.e., t\textit{t}-capture is found to be dominant than α\alpha-capture at all the measured energies. A simultaneous explanation of complete, incomplete and total fusion (TF) data was also obtained from the calculations based on Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel method with short range imaginary potentials. The cross section ratios of CF/TF and ICF/TF obtained from the data as well as the calculations showed the dominance of ICF at below barrier energies and CF at above barrier energies.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
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