10 research outputs found

    Dynamic Assessment of Baroreflex Control of Heart Rate During Induction of Propofol Anesthesia Using a Point Process Method

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    In this article, we present a point process method to assess dynamic baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) by estimating the baroreflex gain as focal component of a simplified closed-loop model of the cardiovascular system. Specifically, an inverse Gaussian probability distribution is used to model the heartbeat interval, whereas the instantaneous mean is identified by linear and bilinear bivariate regressions on both the previous R−R intervals (RR) and blood pressure (BP) beat-to-beat measures. The instantaneous baroreflex gain is estimated as the feedback branch of the loop with a point-process filter, while the RRBP feedforward transfer function representing heart contractility and vasculature effects is simultaneously estimated by a recursive least-squares filter. These two closed-loop gains provide a direct assessment of baroreflex control of heart rate (HR). In addition, the dynamic coherence, cross bispectrum, and their power ratio can also be estimated. All statistical indices provide a valuable quantitative assessment of the interaction between heartbeat dynamics and hemodynamics. To illustrate the application, we have applied the proposed point process model to experimental recordings from 11 healthy subjects in order to monitor cardiovascular regulation under propofol anesthesia. We present quantitative results during transient periods, as well as statistical analyses on steady-state epochs before and after propofol administration. Our findings validate the ability of the algorithm to provide a reliable and fast-tracking assessment of BRS, and show a clear overall reduction in baroreflex gain from the baseline period to the start of propofol anesthesia, confirming that instantaneous evaluation of arterial baroreflex control of HR may yield important implications in clinical practice, particularly during anesthesia and in postoperative care.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-HL084502)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K25-NS05758)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP2- OD006454)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant T32NS048005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant T32NS048005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-DA015644)Massachusetts General Hospital (Clinical Research Center, UL1 Grant RR025758

    A cumulant based algorithm for the identification of input-output quadratic systems

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    The identification of a special class of polynomial models is pursued in this paper. In particular a parameter estimation algorithm is developed for the identification of an input-output quadratic model excited by a zero mean white Gaussian input and with the output corrupted by additive measurement noise. Input-output crosscumulants up to the fifth order are employed and the identification problem of the unknown model parameters is reduced to the solution of successive triangular linear systems of equations that are solved at each step of the algorithm. Simulation studies are carried out and the proposed methodology is compared with two least squares type identification algorithms, the output error method and a combination of the instrumental variables and the output error approach. The proposed cumulant based algorithm and the output error method are tested with real data produced by a robotic manipulator. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Identification of input-output bilinear system using cumulants

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    This paper is concerned with the identification of a discrete input-output bilinear system driven by an independent identically distributed (iid) stochastic input and corrupted by measurement noise. A novel algorithmic procedure for the direct computation of the unknown model parameters is developed based on crosscumulant information up to third order. Simulations and comparisons with a least squares type identification method are provided

    Strong stability of discrete-time systems

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    The paper introduces a new notion of stability for internal (state-space) autonomous system descriptions in discrete-time, referred to as strong stability which extends a parallel notion introduced in the continuous-time case. This is a stronger notion of stability compared to alternative definitions (asymptotic, Lyapunov), which prohibits systems described by natural coordinates to have overshooting responses for arbitrary initial conditions in state-space. Three finer notions of strong stability are introduced and necessary and sufficient conditions are established for each one of them. The class of discrete-time systems for which strong and asymptotic stability coincide is characterized and links between the skewness of the eigen-frame and the violation of strong stability property are obtained. Connections between the notions of strong stability in the continuous and discrete-domains are briefly discussed. Finally strong stabilization problems under state and output feedback are studied. The results of the paper are illustrated with a numerical example. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Hankel-norm approximation of FIR filters: A descriptor-systems based approach

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    We propose a new method for approximating a matrix finite impulse response (FIR) filter by an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter of lower McMillan degree. This is based on a technique for approximating discrete-time descriptor systems and requires only standard linear algebraic routines, while avoiding altogether the solution of two matrix Lyapunov equations which is computationally expensive. Both the optimal and the suboptimal cases are addressed using a unified treatment. A detailed solution is developed in state-space or polynomial form, using only the Markov parameters of the FIR filter which is approximated. The method is finally applied to the design of scalar IIR filters with specified magnitude frequency-response tolerances and approximately linear-phase characteristics. A priori bounds on the magnitude and phase errors are obtained which may be used to select the reduced-order IIR filter order which satisfies the specified design tolerances. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated with a numerical example. Additional applications of the method are also briefly discussed. © 2010 Taylor & Francis

    Detection of Olfactory Traces by Orthogonal Gas Identification Technologies - DOGGIES

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    Border security is one of the key challenges to be taken up by Europe in the following years. In particular, the deployment of practical efficient means to detect hidden persons and illegal substances at border crossing points is instrumental in avoiding terrorism, human trafficking or smuggling