220 research outputs found

    Cavity solitons in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    We investigate a control of the motion of localized structures of light by means of delay feedback in the transverse section of a broad area nonlinear optical system. The delayed feedback is found to induce a spontaneous motion of a solitary localized structure that is stationary and stable in the absence of feedback. We focus our analysis on an experimentally relevant system namely the Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL). In the absence of the delay feedback we present experimental evidence of stationary localized structures in a 80 Ό\mum aperture VCSEL. The spontaneous formation of localized structures takes place above the lasing threshold and under optical injection. Then, we consider the effect of the time-delayed optical feedback and investigate analytically the role of the phase of the feedback and the carrier lifetime on the self-mobility properties of the localized structures. We show that these two parameters affect strongly the space time dynamics of two-dimensional localized structures. We derive an analytical formula for the threshold associated with drift instability of localized structures and a normal form equation describing the slow time evolution of the speed of the moving structure.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

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    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD, www.i-hd.eu) has been formed as one of the key sustainable entities arising from the Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (IMI-JU-115189) and SemanticHealthNet (FP7-288408) projects, in collaboration with several other European projects and initiatives supported by the European Commission. i~HD is a European not-for-profit body, registered in Belgium through Royal Assent. i~HD has been established to tackle areas of challenge in the successful scaling up of innovations that critically rely on high-quality and interoperable health data. It will specifically address obstacles and opportunities to using health data by collating, developing, and promoting best practices in information governance and in semantic interoperability. It will help to sustain and propagate the results of health information and communication technology (ICT) research that enables better use of health data, assessing and optimizing their novel value wherever possible. i~HD has been formed after wide consultation and engagement of many stakeholders to develop methods, solutions, and services that can help to maximize the value obtained by all stakeholders from health data. It will support innovations in health maintenance, health care delivery, and knowledge discovery while ensuring compliance with all legal prerequisites, especially regarding the insurance of patient's privacy protection. It is bringing multiple stakeholder groups together so as to ensure that future solutions serve their collective needs and can be readily adopted affordably and at scale

    Using Multiple Sources of Knowledge to Investigate Northern Environmental Change: Regional Ecological Impacts of a Storm Surge in the Outer Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.

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    Field data, remote sensing, and Inuvialuit knowledge were synthesized to document regional ecological change in the outer Mackenzie Delta and to explore the timing, causes, and implications of this phenomenon. In September 1999, a large magnitude storm surge inundated low-lying areas of the outer Mackenzie Delta. The storm was among the most intense on record and resulted in the highest water levels ever measured at the delta front. Synthesis of scientific and Inuvialuit knowledge indicates that flooding during the 1999 storm surge increased soil salinity and caused widespread vegetation death. Vegetation cover was significantly reduced in areas affected by the surge and was inversely related to soil salinity. Change detection analysis, using remotely sensed imagery bracketing the 1999 storm event, indicates severe impacts on at least 13 200 ha of terrestrial vegetation in the outer delta. Inuvialuit knowledge identifying the 1999 surge as anomalous is corroborated by geochemical profiles of permafrost and by a recently published paleo-environmental study, which indicates that storm surge impacts of this magnitude have not previously occurred during the last millennium. Almost a decade after the 1999 storm surge event, ecological recovery has been minimal. This broad-scale vegetation change is likely to have significant implications for wildlife and must be considered in regional ecosystem planning and in the assessment and monitoring of the cumulative impacts of development. Our investigations show that Inuvialuit were aware of the 1999 storm surge and the environmental impacts several years before the scientific and regulatory communities recognized their significance. This study highlights the need for multidisciplinary and locally informed approaches to identifying and understanding Arctic environmental change.La synthĂšse des donnĂ©es d’exploitation et de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection de mĂȘme que des connaissances des Inuvialuit a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e afin de rĂ©pertorier les changements Ă©cologiques enregistrĂ©s dans la rĂ©gion extĂ©rieure du delta du Mackenzie et d’explorer la temporisation, les causes et les incidences de ce phĂ©nomĂšne. En septembre 1999, une onde de tempĂȘte de grande magnitude a inondĂ© les zones de faible Ă©lĂ©vation de l’extĂ©rieur du delta du Mackenzie. Il s’agit de la tempĂȘte la plus intense Ă  n’avoir jamais Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©e, ce qui s’est traduit par les niveaux d’eau les plus Ă©levĂ©s Ă  n’avoir jamais Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s Ă  la hauteur du delta. La synthĂšse des donnĂ©es scientifiques et des connaissances des Inuvialuit nous montre que l’inondation de 1999 a eu pour effet d’augmenter la salinitĂ© du sol et a entraĂźnĂ© la mort de la vĂ©gĂ©tation Ă  grande Ă©chelle. La couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©duite considĂ©rablement dans les zones visĂ©es par l’onde et Ă©tait inversement reliĂ©e Ă  la salinitĂ© du sol. L’analyse des dĂ©tections de changement effectuĂ©e au moyen de l’imagerie tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tectĂ©e dans le cas de la tempĂȘte de 1999 laisse entrevoir de fortes incidences sur au moins 13 200 hectares de vĂ©gĂ©tation terrestre dans l’extĂ©rieur du delta. Les connaissances des Inuvialuit, qui affirment que l’onde de 1999 Ă©tait anormale, sont corroborĂ©es par les profils gĂ©ochimiques du pergĂ©lisol ainsi que par une Ă©tude palĂ©oenvironnementale qui indique que des incidences de cette ampleur dĂ©coulant d’une onde de tempĂȘte ne se sont pas produites Ă  un autre moment donnĂ© du dernier millĂ©naire. PrĂšs d’une dĂ©cennie aprĂšs l’onde de tempĂȘte de 1999, le rĂ©tablissement Ă©cologique Ă©tait minime. Ce changement de vĂ©gĂ©tation Ă  grande Ă©chelle aura vraisemblablement d’importantes incidences sur la faune et doit entrer en considĂ©ration dans la planification de l’écosystĂšme rĂ©gional ainsi que dans l’évaluation et la surveillance des incidences cumulatives des travaux d’amĂ©nagement et de mise en valeur. Nos enquĂȘtes nous ont permis de constater que les Inuvialuit Ă©taient conscients des incidences environnementales de l’onde de tempĂȘte de 1999 plusieurs annĂ©es avant que les scientifiques et le personnel s’occupant de la rĂ©glementation ne reconnaissent leur importance. Cette Ă©tude fait ressortir la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’avoir des mĂ©thodes multidisciplinaires et de faire appel aux gens de la rĂ©gion pour dĂ©terminer et comprendre les changements environnementaux dans l’Arctique

    Matrixes of unconventional micro-optical components molded with etched silicon

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    This paper reports on a process to create microlenses characterized by unconventional footprints, spherical profiles and a wide range of sizes. Fabricated shapes such as squares, rectangles, ellipses, triangles and hexagons are tested alone as well as in matrix with high fulfill factors. The technique is based on molds from which microlenses are fabricated by UV-molding replication. The molds are produced by silicon wet isotropic etching in an acid solution. The process is mainly steered by temperature and etching concentration. The use of the proposed technology opens a wide range of geometries allowing the fabrication of microlenses matrices with high fulfill factors as well as microlenses for beam-shaping

    Bioethical implications of end-of-life decision-making in patients with dementia:a tale of two societies

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    End-of-life decision-making in patients with dementia is a complex topic. Belgium and the Netherlands have been at the forefront of legislative advancement and progressive societal changes concerning the perspectives toward physician-assisted death (PAD). Careful consideration of clinical and social aspects is essential during the end-of-life decision-making process in patients with dementia. Geriatric assent provides the physician, the patient and his family the opportunity to end life with dignity. Unbearable suffering, decisional competence, and awareness of memory deficits are among the clinical considerations that physicians should incorporate during the end-of-life decision-making process. However, as other societies introduce legislature granting the right of PAD, new social determinants should be considered; Mexico City is an example. Current perspectives regarding advance euthanasia directives (AED) and PAD in patients with dementia are evolving. A new perspective that hinges on the role of the family and geriatric assent should help culturally heterogeneous societies in the transition of their public health care policies regarding end-of-life choices.</p

    Broad-scale lake expansion and flooding inundates essential wood bison habitat

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    Understanding the interaction between the response of a complex ecosystem to climate change and the protection of vulnerable wildlife species is essential for conservation efforts. In the Northwest Territories (Canada), the recent movement of the Mackenzie wood bison herd (Bison bison athabascae) out of their designated territory has been postulated as a response to the loss of essential habitat following regional lake expansion. We show that the proportion of this landscape occupied by water doubled since 1986 and the timing of lake expansion corresponds to bison movements out of the Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary. Historical reconstructions using proxy data in dated sediment cores show that the scale of recent lake expansion is unmatched over at least the last several hundred years. We conclude that recent lake expansion represents a fundamental alteration of the structure and function of this ecosystem and its use by Mackenzie wood bison, in response to climate change
