147 research outputs found

    Optical fiber-to-chip assembly process for ultra-low loss photonic devices based on silicon nitride for space applications

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    [EN] In this work, we demonstrate an efficient fiber array-to-chip assembly process with a high number of input/output ports. The proposed approach is based on using a pre-alignment coupling structure to separately align the input and output ports. The assembling process has been experimentally validated in photonic integrated circuits fabricated with an ultra-low-loss waveguide technology based on silicon nitride, which features propagation losses as low as 9.5 dB/m. The developed technology is expected to extend the use of integrated photonics for space applicationsThis work was supported by EU-funded H2020 project RETINA under grant agreement n° 821943Brimont, ACJ.; Zurita Herranz, D.; Duarte, VC.; Mengual, T.; Chmielak, B.; Suckow, S.; Giesecke, A.... (2020). Optical fiber-to-chip assembly process for ultra-low loss photonic devices based on silicon nitride for space applications. 1-3. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1786581

    Functional and clinical studies reveal pathophysiological complexity of CLCN4-related neurodevelopmental condition

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    Missense and truncating variants in the X-chromosome-linked CLCN4 gene, resulting in reduced or complete loss-of-function (LOF) of the encoded chloride/proton exchanger ClC-4, were recently demonstrated to cause a neurocognitive phenotype in both males and females. Through international clinical matchmaking and interrogation of public variant databases we assembled a database of 90 rare CLCN4 missense variants in 90 families: 41 unique and 18 recurrent variants in 49 families. For 43 families, including 22 males and 33 females, we collated detailed clinical and segregation data. To confirm causality of variants and to obtain insight into disease mechanisms, we investigated the effect on electrophysiological properties of 59 of the variants in Xenopus oocytes using extended voltage and pH ranges. Detailed analyses revealed new pathophysiological mechanisms: 25% (15/59) of variants demonstrated LOF, characterized by a “shift” of the voltage-dependent activation to more positive voltages, and nine variants resulted in a toxic gain-of-function, associated with a disrupted gate allowing inward transport at negative voltages. Functional results were not always in line with in silico pathogenicity scores, highlighting the complexity of pathogenicity assessment for accurate genetic counselling. The complex neurocognitive and psychiatric manifestations of this condition, and hitherto under-recognized impacts on growth, gastrointestinal function, and motor control are discussed. Including published cases, we summarize features in 122 individuals from 67 families with CLCN4-related neurodevelopmental condition and suggest future research directions with the aim of improving the integrated care for individuals with this diagnosis

    Efficient organic carbon burial in the Bengal fan sustained by the Himalayan erosional system

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    Author Posting. © Nature Publishing Group, 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 450 (2007): 407-410, doi:10.1038/nature06273.Continental erosion controls atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on geological timescales through silicate weathering, riverine transport and subsequent burial of organic carbon in oceanic sediments. The efficiency of organic carbon deposition in sedimentary basins is however limited by the organic carbon load capacity of the sediments and organic carbon oxidation in continental margins. At the global scale, previous studies have suggested that about 70 per cent of riverine organic carbon is returned to the atmosphere, such as in the Amazon basin. Here we present a comprehensive organic carbon budget for the Himalayan erosional system, including source rocks, river sediments and marine sediments buried in the Bengal fan. We show that organic carbon export is controlled by sediment properties, and that oxidative loss is negligible during transport and deposition to the ocean. Our results indicate that 70 to 85 per cent of the organic carbon is recent organic matter captured during transport, which serves as a net sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The amount of organic carbon deposited in the Bengal basin represents about 10 to 20 per cent of the total terrestrial organic carbon buried in oceanic sediments. High erosion rates in the Himalayas generate high sedimentation rates and low oxygen availability in the Bay of Bengal that sustain the observed extreme organic carbon burial efficiency. Active orogenic systems generate enhanced physical erosion and the resulting organic carbon burial buffers atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, thereby exerting a negative feedback on climate over geological timescales

    In Vivo Diagnostic Imaging Using Micro-CT: Sequential and Comparative Evaluation of Rodent Models for Hepatic/Brain Ischemia and Stroke

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    BACKGROUND: There is an increasing need for animal disease models for pathophysiological research and efficient drug screening. However, one of the technical barriers to the effective use of the models is the difficulty of non-invasive and sequential monitoring of the same animals. Micro-CT is a powerful tool for serial diagnostic imaging of animal models. However, soft tissue contrast resolution, particularly in the brain, is insufficient for detailed analysis, unlike the current applications of CT in the clinical arena. We address the soft tissue contrast resolution issue in this report. METHODOLOGY: We performed contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) on mouse models of experimental cerebral infarction and hepatic ischemia. Pathological changes in each lesion were quantified for two weeks by measuring the lesion volume or the ratio of high attenuation area (%HAA), indicative of increased vascular permeability. We also compared brain images of stroke rats and ischemic mice acquired with micro-CT to those acquired with 11.7-T micro-MRI. Histopathological analysis was performed to confirm the diagnosis by CECT. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the models of cerebral infarction, vascular permeability was increased from three days through one week after surgical initiation, which was also confirmed by Evans blue dye leakage. Measurement of volume and %HAA of the liver lesions demonstrated differences in the recovery process between mice with distinct genetic backgrounds. Comparison of CT and MR images acquired from the same stroke rats or ischemic mice indicated that accuracy of volumetric measurement, as well as spatial and contrast resolutions of CT images, was comparable to that obtained with MRI. The imaging results were also consistent with the histological data. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the CECT scanning method is useful in rodents for both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of pathologic lesions in tissues/organs including the brain, and is also suitable for longitudinal observation of the same animals

    In Vivo Evolution of Tumor-Derived Endothelial Cells

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    The growth of a malignant tumor beyond a certain, limited size requires that it first develop an independent blood supply. In addition to providing metabolic support, this neovasculature also allows tumor cells to access the systemic circulation, thus facilitating metastatic dissemination. The neovasculature may originate either from normal blood vessels in close physical proximity to the tumor and/or from the recruitment of bone marrow-derived endothelial cell (EC) precursors. Recent studies have shown that human tumor vasculature ECs may also arise directly from tumor cells themselves and that the two populations have highly similar or identical karyotypes. We now show that, during the course of serial in vivo passage, these tumor-derived ECs (TDECs) progressively acquire more pronounced EC-like properties. These include higher-level expression of EC-specific genes and proteins, a greater capacity for EC-like behavior in vitro, and a markedly enhanced propensity to incorporate into the tumor vasculature. In addition, both vessel density and size are significantly increased in neoplasms derived from mixtures of tumor cells and serially passaged TDECs. A comparison of early- and late-passage TDECs using whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism profiling showed the latter cells to have apparently evolved by a process of clonal expansion of a population with a distinct pattern of interstitial chromosomal gains and losses affecting a relatively small number of genes. The majority of these have established roles in vascular development, tumor suppression or epithelial-mesenchymal transition. These studies provide direct evidence that TDECs have a strong evolutionary capacity as a result of their inherent genomic instability. Consequently such cells might be capable of escaping anti-angiogenic cancer therapies by generating resistant populations

    Genetics of intellectual disability in consanguineous families

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    Autosomal recessive (AR) gene defects are the leading genetic cause of intellectual disability (ID) in countries with frequent parental consanguinity, which account for about 1/7th of the world population. Yet, compared to autosomal dominant de novo mutations, which are the predominant cause of ID in Western countries, the identification of AR-ID genes has lagged behind. Here, we report on whole exome and whole genome sequencing in 404 consanguineous predominantly Iranian families with two or more affected offspring. In 219 of these, we found likely causative variants, involving 77 known and 77 novel AR-ID (candidate) genes, 21 X-linked genes, as well as 9 genes previously implicated in diseases other than ID. This study, the largest of its kind published to date, illustrates that high-throughput DNA sequencing in consanguineous families is a superior strategy for elucidating the thousands of hitherto unknown gene defects underlying AR-ID, and it sheds light on their prevalence