785 research outputs found

    Prediction of huge X-ray Faraday rotation at the Gd N_4,5 threshold

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    X-ray absorption spectra in a wide energy range around the 4d-4f excitation threshold of Gd were recorded by total electron yield from in-plane magnetized Gd metal films. Matching the experimental spectra to tabulated absorption data reveals unprecedented short light absorption lengths down to 3 nm. The associated real parts of the refractive index for circularly polarized light propagating parallel or antiparallel to the Gd magnetization, determined through the Kramers-Kronig transformation, correspond to a magneto-optical Faraday rotation of 0.7 degrees per atomic layer. This finding shall allow the study of magnetic structure and magnetization dynamics of lanthanide elements in nanosize systems and dilute alloys.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B, Brief Reports. Minor change

    Rashba Effect at Magnetic Metal Surfaces

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    We give experimental and theoretical evidence of the Rashba effect at the magnetic rare-earth metal surface Gd(0001). The Rashba effect is substantially enhanced and the Rashba parameter changes its sign when a metal-oxide surface layer is formed. The experimental observations are quantitatively described by ab initio calculations that give a detailed account of the near-surface charge density gradients causing the Rashba effect. Since the sign of the Rashba splitting depends on the magnetization direction, the findings open up new opportunities for the study of surface and interface magnetism.Comment: 4 Fig

    Revealing the atomic structure of the buffer layer between SiC(0001) and epitaxial graphene

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    On the SiC(0001) surface (the silicon face of SiC), epitaxial graphene is obtained by sublimation of Si from the substrate. The graphene film is separated from the bulk by a carbon-rich interface layer (hereafter called the buffer layer) which in part covalently binds to the substrate. Its structural and electronic properties are currently under debate. In the present work we report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies of the buffer layer and of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene (QFMLG) that is obtained by decoupling the buffer layer from the SiC(0001) substrate by means of hydrogen intercalation. Atomic resolution STM images of the buffer layer reveal that, within the periodic structural corrugation of this interfacial layer, the arrangement of atoms is topologically identical to that of graphene. After hydrogen intercalation, we show that the resulting QFMLG is relieved from the periodic corrugation and presents no detectable defect sites

    Phase formation in hole- and electron-doped rare-earth nickelate single crystals

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    The recent discovery of superconductivity in hole-doped infinite-layer nickelates has triggered a great interest in the synthesis of novel nickelate phases, which have primarily been examined in thin film samples. Here, we report the high-pressure optical floating zone (OFZ) growth of various perovskite and perovskite-derived rare-earth nickelate single-crystals, and investigate the effects of hole-, electron-, and self-doping. For hole-doping with Ca and Sr, we observe phase separations during the growth process when a substitution level of 8% is exceeded. A similar trend emerges for electron-doping with Ce and Zr. Employing lower doping levels allows us to grow sizeable crystals in the perovskite phase, which exhibit significantly different electronic and magnetic properties than the undoped parent compounds, such as a decreased resistivity and a suppressed magnetic response. Our insights into the doping-dependent phase formation and the resulting properties of the synthesized crystals reveal limitations and opportunities for the exploration and manipulation of electronic states in rare-earth nickelates

    Large area quasi-free standing monolayer graphene on 3C-SiC(111)

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    Large scale, homogeneous quasi-free standing monolayer graphene is obtained on cubic silicon carbide, i.e. the 3C-SiC(111) surface, which represents an appealing and cost effective platform for graphene growth. The quasi-free monolayer is produced by intercalation of hydrogen under the interfacial, (6root3x6root3)R30-reconstructed carbon layer. After intercalation, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) reveals sharp linear pi-bands. The decoupling of graphene from the substrate is identified by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) demonstrate that homogeneous monolayer domains extend over areas of hundreds of square-micrometers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Copyright (2011) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physic

    Comparison of magnetron sputtering and ion beam sputtering on dispersive mirrors

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    Deterministic direct growth of WS2 on CVD graphene arrays

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    The combination of the exciting properties of graphene with those of monolayer tungsten disulfide (WS2) makes this heterostack of great interest for electronic, optoelectronic and spintronic applications. The scalable synthesis of graphene/WS2 heterostructures on technologically attractive substrates like SiO2 would greatly facilitate the implementation of novel two-dimensional (2D) devices. In this work, we report the direct growth of monolayer WS2 via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on single-crystal graphene arrays on SiO2. Remarkably, spectroscopic and microscopic characterization reveals that WS2 grows only on top of the graphene crystals so that the vertical heterostack is selectively obtained in a bottom-up fashion. Spectroscopic characterization indicates that, after WS2 synthesis, graphene undergoes compressive strain and hole doping. Tailored experiments show that such hole doping is caused by the modification of the SiO2 stoichiometry at the graphene/SiO2 interface during the WS2 growth. Electrical transport measurements reveal that the heterostructure behaves like an electron-blocking layer at large positive gate voltage, which makes it a suitable candidate for the development of unipolar optoelectronic components

    Spin-orbit splitting of image states

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    We quantify the effect of the spin-orbit interaction on the Rydberg-like series of image state electrons at the (111) and (001) surface of Ir, Pt and Au. Using relativistic multiple-scattering methods we find Rashba-like dispersions with Delta E(K)=gamma K with values of gamma for n=1 states in the range 38-88 meV Angstrom. Extending the phase-accumulation model to include spin-orbit scattering we find that the splittings vary like 1/(n+a)^3 where a is the quantum defect and that they are related to the probability of spin-flip scattering at the surface. The splittings should be observable experimentally being larger in magnitude than some exchange-splittings that have been resolved by inverse photoemission, and are comparable to linewidths from inelastic lifetimes.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    A new polymorphic material? Structural degeneracy of ZrMn_2

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    Based on density functional calculations, we propose that ZrMn_2 is a polymorphic material. We predict that at low temperatures the cubic C15, and the hexagonal C14 and C36 structures of the Laves phase compound ZrMn_2 are nearly equally stable within 0.3 kJmol^{-1} or 30 K. This degeneracy occurs when the Mn atoms magnetize spontaneously in a ferromagnetic arrangement forming the states of lowest energy. From the temperature dependent free energies at T approx 160K we predict a transition from the most stable C15 to the C14 structure, which is the experimentally observed structure at elevated temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure