70 research outputs found

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи з курсу "Організація комп'ютерних мереж"

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    Students are required to produce a term project building upon and complementing the material covered in class. The topic of the project should be related to making Ethernet cable, Network design, network security. A set of suggested projects is attached below. Each of you is required to pair up with another student to form a team of two members for the project. The final result of the project will be a technical report and a presentation. Students participate in computer networking courses during third course. Computer networking projects give students hands-on experience to learn and digest the course materials being taught. These course project also give students practical experience, especially for those who plan to continue their careers within the field

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи по курсу "Алгоритми та структури даних"

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    Guidance for course work on "Algorithms and Data Structures" is a part of methods of the course "Algorithms and Data Structures". Course work is performed in 3 semester. The course work must consolidates theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in the study of lecture and practical parts of the course. The guidance covers the key issues related to the course work, the processing of explanatory notes to course work, and the defense of student work

    Sporadic radio emission connected with a definite manifestation of solar activity in the near Earth space

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    Sporadic radio emission of near Earth space at the frequency of 38 MHz is shown to appear in the event of a rapid development of instabilities in the ionospheric plasma. The instabilities are generated due to primary ionospheric disturbances occurring under the influence of solar chromospheric flares

    Cluster Analysis of the Innovative Potential of Russian Regions

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    One of the main directions of economic development of the Russian Federation is the increasing of the role of innovative production and reorganization of the economic system needed to accelerate the pace of formation of the innovative economy. Despite the tasks set by the strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, the pace of innovative development of the state economy, and accordingly regional economies, is extremely low, and the share of foreign technologies in production processes exceeds 60%. The reformation of the vision of strategic development of innovation economy in Russia is directly connected with defining the actual level of innovative development of regions and formation of mechanisms for the creation of regional and interregional scientific-technical research and innovation infrastructure, which in the long term will provide the current trends of innovative development. Today, the vast majority of regional economies have a high need for new technologies and the formation of the domestic base of scientific and technical production. The needs of the regions are determined not only by the obsolescence of production bases and technological resources, but also by the growing imbalance between the levels of development of regional economies and their isolation. One of the possible options for strategic management of innovative development is the creation the mechanisms of formation regional and interregional innovation and scientific and technical clusters, and, as a consequence, production clusters. However, in order to apply the advantages of cluster development, it is necessary to study the innovative potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which will ensure an effective combination of regional economies. This article presents the results of the cluster analysis of the subjects of the Russian Federation on one of the indicators of the innovative potential of the regional economy, as well as the key trends of innovative development of the subjects of the Russian Federation included in the identified clusters

    Research of the Chinese Project of Creation the Silk Road Economic Belt

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    In the article, the retrospective analysis of the Silk way as multimain cross-border project in a historical context and in modern economic conditions is made. Within the project of «The Silk Road Economic Belt», creation of three transeuroasian economic corridors is considered: northern (China - Central Asia - Russia - Europe), central (China - Central and Western Asia - the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea) and southern (China - Southeast Asia - the Southern Asia - the Indian Ocean). Positive effects from participation in this project of the Russian Federation, includ ing due to economic development of border regions are characterized

    Near Earth space sporadic radio emission busts occurring during sunrise

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    During the period of low solar activity at sunrise the effect of sporadic high frequency near Earth space radio emission was experimentally discovered at middle latitudes. The possible mechanism of its origin is discussed

    Comprehensive mapping of tissue cell architecture via integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomics

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    elocation-id: 2020.11.15.378125elocation-id: 2020.11.15.378125The spatial organization of cell types in tissues fundamentally shapes cellular interactions and function, but the high-throughput spatial mapping of complex tissues remains a challenge. We present сell2location, a principled and versatile Bayesian model that integrates single-cell and spatial transcriptomics to map cell types in situ in a comprehensive manner. We show that сell2location outperforms existing tools in accuracy and comprehensiveness and we demonstrate its utility by mapping two complex tissues. In the mouse brain, we use a new paired single nucleus and spatial RNA-sequencing dataset to map dozens of cell types and identify tissue regions in an automated manner. We discover novel regional astrocyte subtypes including fine subpopulations in the thalamus and hypothalamus. In the human lymph node, we resolve spatially interlaced immune cell states and identify co-located groups of cells underlying tissue organisation. We spatially map a rare pre-germinal centre B-cell population and predict putative cellular interactions relevant to the interferon response. Collectively our results demonstrate how сell2location can serve as a versatile first-line analysis tool to map tissue architectures in a high-throughput manner.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest

    Инновационная дефлекторная почвообрабатывающая лапа

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    When planting, most planters coulters enter the ground from the top. They meet hard clods of soil, jump, changing the depth of planting seeds. Some seeds are thrown to the surface. As a result, the sowing germination, as well as yield, decreases. (Research purpose) To develop an innovative soil-cultivating pointed paw, eliminating the rejection of soil and the formation of unevenness of the surface, as well as increasing the productivity of the cultivator. (Materials and methods) The authors determined the setting parameters of the developed deflector pointed paw with the involvement of mathematical device and taking into account the requirements for the working bodies of soil-cultivating units. (Results and discussion) The authors developed an innovative deflector pointed paw. A triangular deflector was placed over the ploughshare. They determined the optimal angle of deflector inclination in the horizontal plane-15-25 degrees, and the height of the installation of the pointed paw over the blade- in 1.5 times above the depth of soil cultivation. It was found that the rear part of the deflector, which has a serrated shape and curved down, allows to grind the soil, forming a small-lumpy structure. It was shown that the soil, moving along the deflector, in collision with the curved part returns to the surface, closing and leveling the formed furrow. The triangular shape of the rack between the ploughshare and the deflector significantly reduces the clogging of coulters with plant residues. (Conclusions) The authors proved that the leveled soil surface with a finely lumpy structure of the top layer can be obtained using a deflector pointed paw, which eliminates the use of rollers. This reduces the material consumption of the cultivator, fuel consumption, and productivity increases by 50 percent as a result of increasing the speed of soil cultivation to 18 kilometers per hour.При посеве большинство сошников сеялок входят в почву сверху. Они встречают твердые комья почвы, подскакивают, изменяя глубину заделки семян. Некоторые семена выбрасываются на поверхность. В результате снижается посевная всхожесть, а значит, и урожайность. (Цель исследования) Разработать инновационную почвообрабатывающую стрельчатую лапу, исключающую отбрасывание почвы и формирование невыровненной поверхности, а также повышающую производительность культиватора. (Материалы и методы) Определили установочные параметры разработанной дефлекторной стрельчатой лапы с привлечением математического аппарата и учетом требований, предъявляемых к рабочим органам  почвообрабатывающих агрегатов. (Результаты и обсуждение) Разработали инновационную дефлекторную стрельчатую лапу. Расположили дефлектор треугольной формы над лемехом. Определили оптимальный угол наклона дефлектора в горизонтальной плоскости – 15-25 градусов, а высота установки стрельчатой лапы над лезвием – в 1,5 раза превышает глубину обработки почвы. Выяснили, что задняя часть дефлектора, имеющая зубчатую форму и изогнутая вниз, позволяет измельчать почву, формируя мелкокомковатую структуру. Показали, что почва, перемещаясь по дефлектору, при столкновении с изогнутой частью возвращается на поверхность, закрывая и выравнивая образовавшуюся борозду. Треугольная форма стойки между лемехом и дефлектором существенно снижает забиваемость сошников растительными остатками. (Выводы) Доказали, что выровненную поверхность почвы с мелкокомковатой структурой верхнего слоя можно получить, используя дефлекторную стрельчатую лапу, что исключает применение катков. При этом уменьшаются материалоемкость культиватора, расход топлива, а производительность повышается на 50 процентов в результате увеличения скорости обработки почвы до 18 километров в час