13 research outputs found

    Clinical pharmacist assessment in monitoring and resolving the adverse drug reaction in bipolar disorder patients: A prospective, observational study at tertiary care teaching hospital

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse drug reaction (ADR) is a noxious, unintended effect of the drug which may occur due to pharmacotherapy of the disease. Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness represented by mania, depression and cyclic episode. The treatment of Bipolar disorder is lifelong. Hence, there are increased chances of ADRs. METHODOLOGY: An observational, prospective study was performed on 286 patients, to identify, monitor, and resolve the ADR with bipolar disorder patients. The patients aged 18–65 years of either gender or diagnosed with bipolar disorder were enrolled in the study. Patient-related data had been collected from the patient record; probability of ADR was measured by Naranjo scale and severity by Hartwig scale. Descriptive statistics had been used for study data interpretation. RESULTS: A total of 286 patients were enrolled in the study, of which 27 patients suspected with ADR. Among all the ADR, nonallergic side effect suffered ADR were 88.1%. Of which, the most common ADR were hand tremor and hypothyroidism, which were associated with lithium (81.4%) followed by valproate (11.1%). On causality assessment, 44.4% cases were probable and possible. In most cases, severity of ADR was founded at Level III with 74.7% and Level II with 25.9%. The rate of acceptance of pharmacist intervention by a psychiatrist has been found to be 74.7%. The major cause of ADR was a drug/dose selection (74.07%). CONCLUSION: ADRs occur most frequently in bipolar disorder. The incidence of drug-related noxious effect can be minimized by the prior identification, monitoring, and reporting. Thus, the clinical pharmacist can play a key role in pharmacovigilance of ADR

    Hodnocení vlivu změny molarity aktivátoru žulového odpadního prášku  na mechanické vlastnosti mletého granulovaného vysokopecního geopolymerního betonu na bázi strusky

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    Industrial waste such as Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBS) and Granite Waste Powder (GWP) is available in huge quantities in several states of India. These ingredients have no recognized application and are usually shed in landfills. This process and these materials are sources of severe environmental pollution. This industrial waste has been utilized as a binder for geopolymers, which is our primary focus. This paper presents the investigation of the optimum percentage of granite waste powder as a binder, specifically, the effect of molar and alkaline to binder (A/B) ratio on the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete (GPC). Additionally, this study involves the use of admixture SP-340 for better performance of workability. Current work focuses on investigating the effect of a change in molarity that results in strength development in geopolymer concrete. The limits for the present work were: GGBS partially replaced by GWP up to 30%; molar ranging from 12 to 18 with the interval of 2 M; and A/B ratio of 0.30. For 16 M of GPC, a maximum slump was observed for GWP with 60 mm compared to other molar concentration. For 16 M of GPC, a maximum compressive strength (CS) was observed for GWP with 20%, of 33.95 MPa. For 16 M of GPC, a maximum STS was observed for GWP, with 20%, of 3.15 MPa. For 16 M of GPC, a maximum FS was observed for GWP, with 20%, of 4.79 MPa. Geopolymer concrete has better strength properties than conventional concrete. GPC is $13.70 costlier than conventional concrete per cubic meter.Průmyslový odpad, jako je mletá granulovaná vysokopecní struska (GGBS) a žulový odpadní prášek (GWP) jsou k dispozici ve velkém množství v několika státech Indie. Tyto přísady nemají žádné uznané aplikace a obvykle se ukládají na skládky. Tyto materiály jsou zdroje vážného znečištění životního prostředí. Tento průmyslový odpad byl využit jako pojivo pro geopolymery, na které se primárně zaměřujeme. Tento článek prezentuje zkoumání optimálního procenta žulového odpadu jako pojiva, konkrétně vliv molárního a alkalického poměru k pojivu (A/B) na mechanické vlastnosti geopolymerního betonu (GPC). Kromě toho tato studie zahrnuje použití příměsi SP-340 pro lepší zpracovatelnost. Současná práce se zaměřuje na zkoumání vlivu změny molarity, která má za následek vývoj pevnosti v geopolymerním betonu. Limity pro tuto práci byly: GGBS částečně nahrazeny GWP až do výše 30 %; molární v rozmezí od 12 do 18 s intervalem M 2; a poměr A/B 0,30. Pro M 16 GPC byl pozorován maximální pokles pro GWP s 60 mm ve srovnání s jinou molární koncentrací. Pro M 16 GPC, maximální pevnost v tlaku (CS) byla pozorována pro GWP s 20 %, 33,95 MPa. Pro M 16 GPC bylo pozorováno maximum STS pro GWP, s 20 %, 3,15 MPa. Pro M 16 GPC bylo pozorováno maximum FS pro GWP, s 20 %, 4,79 MPa. Geopolymerní beton má lepší pevnostní vlastnosti než klasický beton. GPC je o 13,70 USD dražší než konvenční beton na metr krychlový

    Nanoceramic Composites for Nuclear Radiation Attenuation

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    The development of radiation attenuation materials with lean cross-sections is the need of the hour. However, the inherent threat of radiations accompanying these processes is of major concern. Thus, in an attempt to shield unnecessary radiations, several novel materials have been fabricated alongside the conventional materials available. Yet, there is a need for cost-effective, efficient shielding materials that have good mechanical strength and effective shielding properties. The present work investigates ceramic composite behaviors and radiation shielding capacity reinforced with lead oxide nano-powder. Developed nano-lead-based cement composites were subjected to mechanical tests to determine flexural and compressive strengths to check their suitability for structural applications. Further, the gamma attenuation test of the composites was conducted to determine their neutron absorption capacity. The addition of nano-leadoxide in the control beams was varied from 0.7 to 0.95 and 1 wt.% of the ceramic matrix. The percentage of nano-leadoxide that gives the best results in both enhanced properties and economic aspects was determined to be 0.6 wt.% of the cement