21 research outputs found

    Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine

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    Citation: Pidlisnyuk, V., Trögl, J., Stefanovska, T., Shapoval, P., & Erickson, L. (2016). Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 15(1), 77-84. doi:10.1515/nbec-2016-0008The semi-field research on using second-generation biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus for restoration of former military site in Kamenetz-Podilsky, Ukraine was carried out during two vegetation seasons. Despite high metal pollution of soil, in particular, by Fe, Mn, Ti, and Zr, no growth inhibition was observed. The concentrations followed pattern soil > roots > stems > leaves. Accumulation of particular metals in roots was different: Fe, Mn and Ti were accumulated rather palpably after the first vegetation season and less tangible after the second one. Cu, Pb and Zn were less accumulative in both vegetation seasons, and for As and Pb the accumulative concentrations were very small. Accumulations in the aboveground parts of the plant in comparison to roots were significantly lower in case of Fe, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr and even statistically comparable to zero in case of As, Pb and Zr. Calculated translocation ratio of metals in the plant's parts preferably indicated lack of metals' hyper accumulation. Generally, no correlations were observed between concentrations of metals in the soil and in the upper plant's parts. The research confirmed the ability of Miscanthus x giganteus to grow on the military soils predominantly contaminated by metals. © by Josef Trögl 2016

    Multiyear phytoremediation and dynamic of foliar metal(loid)s concentration during application of Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu to polluted soil from Bakar, Croatia

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    The multiyear cultivation of Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu (M.×giganteus) at the soils polluted by metal(loid)s were researched. The biomass parameters and concentrations of elements: Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, and Mo were determined in the plant’s organs at harvest. The same metal(loid)s were monitored in the plant’s leaves throughout three vegetation seasons. The principal component analysis and general linear model approaches were applied for statistical evaluation followed by Box-Cox transformation. The difference in the distribution of elements in the plant, the content of elements in the soil, various regime of uptake to the plant tissues, and the year of vegetation were analyzed as driving factors of the phytoremediation. The results showed that the leading promoter was the factor of the zone, which was the most essential for Ti, Fe, and Cu and the smallest for Mn. The factor of differences in soil pollution was essential for Zn and Mo, much less for As, Sr, andMn, limited for Fe, and was not seen for Ti and Cu. The factor of the interrelation effects of the zone and experiment reflected the different regime of uptake for the plant tissues was seen for two elements: more prominent for Cu and smaller for Ti. While analyzing the dynamic of foliar concentrations of the metal(loid)s during 3 years, two groups were defined. Firstly, Fe, Ni,Mn, and Sr showed stable curves with limited distribution of the plant life cycle. Secondly, As, Zn, Cu, and Mo showed different fluctuations in the curves, which can be attributed to essential influence of those elements to the plant life cycle. Further research will be focused on the application of M.×giganteus to the polluted soil in a bigger scale and comparison results of laboratory and field experiments

    Effect of soil treatments and amendments on the nematode community under miscanthus growing in a lead contaminated military site

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    Applying phytotechnologies with energy crops on lands contaminated with trace elements provides cellulosic biomass and improves soil health. The process can be reflected in changes in the soil nematode community structure. This study assessed the nematode community composition of soil with Miscanthus grown with different agronomic practices. The research was onducted at Fort Riley, Kansas, USA, in soil with aged contamination by Pb at 1000 to 1500 mg/kg. The experimental design was a randomized complete block composed of four replications of five treatments: Control-undisturbed mixed plant cover and four conditions of Miscanthus growth,which consisted of No-till, Till (immediately before planting), Till + P, and Till + biosolids. Analysis of abundance, diversity, and community functional status indicators showed di�erential sensitivity of nematode taxa to agronomic treatments. Significant transformations in the nematode trophic group structure occurred under Miscanthus cultivation compared with the undisturbed mixed plant cover. Shannon and Pielou index response to agronomic treatments illustrated decreasing nematode community diversity with all Miscanthus agronomic conditions. However, agronomic practices led to increasing nematode community maturity, but those e�ects varied between spring and fall seasons. Increasing herbivores and omnivore-predators were the primary drivers of the observed changes in the nematode community due to planting Miscanthus. The nematode ecological structure indicators suggested that growth in Pb-contaminated land using different agronomical practices likely affects essential soil processes. More study is needed to define the effects of pre-plant tillage and amendments to soil nematode communities and Miscanthus yield over multiple growing seasons of this perennial crop

    Phytotechnology with Biomass Production: Sustainable Management of Contaminated Sites

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    Используемые программы Adobe AcrobatThis book explains the concept of using phytotechnology with biomass production to improve soil quality and restore contaminated sites to a useful state that has economic and social value. Phytotechnology with Biomass Production: Sustainable Management of Contaminated Sites focuses on the application of second-generation biofuel crops, primarily Miscanthus, to slightly contaminated or marginal postmilitary and postmining soils. Based on recent and ongoing research from the United States, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Germany, along with case studies from other countries, this is the first comprehensive book on using phytotechnology with biomass production at contaminated sites at a global level.FEATURESFocuses on an important topic of a growing global activity: soil improvement through biomass productionIncludes case studies and success stories from different countries on application of Miscanthus phytotechnology to sites differently contaminated by trace elements, pesticides, and petroleum productsDisВ этой книге объясняется концепция использования фитотехнологий с производством биомассы для улучшения качества почвы и восстановления загрязненных участков до полезного состояния, имеющего экономическую и социальную ценность. Фитотехнология с производством биомассы: устойчивое управление загрязненными участками сосредоточено на применении биотопливных культур второго поколения, в первую очередь мискантуса, на слегка загрязненных или маргинальных почвах после военных действий и минирования. Основанная на недавних и продолжающихся исследованиях, проведенных в Соединенных Штатах, Украине, Чехии и Германии, наряду с тематическими исследованиями из других стран, это первая всеобъемлющая книга об использовании фитотехнологий для производства биомассы на загрязненных участках на глобальном уровне. Фокусируется на важной теме растущей глобальной деятельности: улучшении состояния почв за счет производства биомассы. Включает тематические исследования и истории успеха из разных стран по применению фитотехнологии выра

    Influence of Heat Transfer on the Kinetic Process Involved during the Adsorption of Soluble Organic Substances on to Porous Polymeric Sorbents

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    During adsorption from the gaseous phase on to solid sorbents, it is known that heat transfer generally induces a mass transfer process. The present investigation was concerned with the solution of some questions relating to the heat transfer phenomenon during adsorption from the aqueous phase. In so doing, the thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of the adsorption of benzene derivatives from aqueous solution by polymeric sorbents, i.e. Polysorb 60/100 and sample G-5, have been studied using the method of statistical moments for calculating the heat diffusion contribution to the general mass diffusion process. This method consists of the mathematical analysis of the temperature dependence of the kinetic diffusion curves on the basis of a linear adsorption isotherm. The contribution of the kinetics of heat transfer to the first sum of the moment of the kinetic curve may be defined as: M 1 q / M 1 = M 1 q / ( M 1 D + M 1 q ) where M lq is that part of the first moment which represents heat diffusion and M ID is the diffusion part of the first moment. The results obtained for the different systems investigated show the existence of a heat transfer effect on the kinetic adsorption process. This effect which retards the heat transfer process may be expressed in terms of the final rate of heat dispersion. The external contribution of heat transfer to the general mass transfer has been evaluated as 3–11% for various research systems. It has been shown that the evaluated contribution of the heat transfer is larger during adsorption by hydrophilic polymeric sorbents than when hydrophobic ones are employed. This fact may be connected with the different chemical composition and density of the sorbents


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    <p>An urgent task of modern agriculture and biotechnology is the development of new environmentally friendly plant growth regulators to increase the growth and yield of plants and protect them from abiotic and biotic stress factors. Synthetic plant growth regulators Ivin, Methyur and Kamethur based on pyridine and pyrimidine derivatives are the most promising environmentally friendly biologically active compounds. Our laboratory, field and in vitro studies have proven their high efficiency in growing important agricultural, industrial, and floricultural crops. These synthetic plant growth regulators exhibit high growth-regulating activity when used at low non-toxic to human and animal health concentrations ranging from 10-5M to 10-8M. The practical use of synthetic plant growth regulators Ivin, Methyur and Kamethur for intensifying the growth and development of agricultural, industrial, and floricultural crops, increasing their productivity, and improving crop adaptation to stress factors is proposed.</p&gt

    Metals uptake behaviour in Miscanthus x giganteus plant during growth at the contaminated soil from the military site in Sliač, Slovakia

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    Peculiarities of metals uptake by the biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus were explored during plant growth at soil from the military site (Sliač, Slovakia). The experiment was carried out in greenhouse during two vegetation seasons. Research soil was predominantly elevated in Fe and Ti, while other metals (As, Cu, Mn, Sr, Zn and Zr) were presented at order of magnitude lower concentrations. No inhibition of plant growth was observed. The calculated Bioconcentration Factor showed that levels of metals’ accumulation by plant roots, stems and leaves were independent of metals’ concentrations in the soil. The accumulation of metals by stems and leaves was much lower than by roots. As, Zr, Ti were almost not accumulated by stems and leaves during both seasons; accumulation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Sr was not essential which confi rmed that biomass of M. x giganteus might be processed for the energy purpose

    Metals uptake behaviour in Miscanthus x giganteus

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    Peculiarities of metals uptake by the biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus were explored during plant growth at soil from the military site (Sliač, Slovakia). The experiment was carried out in greenhouse during two vegetation seasons. Research soil was predominantly elevated in Fe and Ti, while other metals (As, Cu, Mn, Sr, Zn and Zr) were presented at order of magnitude lower concentrations. No inhibition of plant growth was observed. The calculated Bioconcentration Factor showed that levels of metals’ accumulation by plant roots, stems and leaves were independent of metals’ concentrations in the soil. The accumulation of metals by stems and leaves was much lower than by roots. As, Zr, Ti were almost not accumulated by stems and leaves during both seasons; accumulation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Sr was not essential which confi rmed that biomass of M. x giganteus might be processed for the energy purpose

    Metals uptake behaviour in Miscanthus x giganteus plant during growth at the contaminated soil from the military site in Sliač, Slovakia

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    Peculiarities of metals uptake by the biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus were explored during plant growth at soil from the military site (Sliač, Slovakia). The experiment was carried out in greenhouse during two vegetation seasons. Research soil was predominantly elevated in Fe and Ti, while other metals (As, Cu, Mn, Sr, Zn and Zr) were presented at order of magnitude lower concentrations. No inhibition of plant growth was observed. The calculated Bioconcentration Factor showed that levels of metals’ accumulation by plant roots, stems and leaves were independent of metals’ concentrations in the soil. The accumulation of metals by stems and leaves was much lower than by roots. As, Zr, Ti were almost not accumulated by stems and leaves during both seasons; accumulation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Sr was not essential which confirmed that biomass of M. x giganteus might be processed for the energy purpose