139 research outputs found

    The influence of age on tooth supported fixed prosthetic restoration longevity. A systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible influence of age on the longevity of tooth supported fixed prosthetic restorations, using a systematic review process. DATA SOURCES: To identify relevant papers an electronic search was made using various databases (MEDLINE via Pubmed, EMBASE, The Cochrane Register of RCTs, the database of abstracts of Reviews of Effects-DARE), augmented by hand searching of key prosthodontic journals (International Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and Journal of Prosthodontics) and reference cross-check. STUDY SELECTION: Assessment and selection of studies identified were conducted in a two phase procedure, by two independent reviewers utilizing specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The minimum mean follow-up time was set at 5 years. RESULTS: The initial database search yielded 513 relevant titles. After the subsequent filtering process, 22 articles were selected for full-text analysis, finally resulting in 11 studies that met the inclusion criteria. All studies were classified as category C according to the strength of evidence. Meta-analysis was not possible due to the non-uniformity of the data available. The final studies were presented with conflicting results. The majority of the final studies did not report a statistically significant effect of age on fixed prostheses survival, whilst only one study reported poorer prognosis for elderly patients, and two studies reported poorer prognosis for middle-aged patients. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this systematic review showed that increased age of patients should not be considered as a risk factor for the survival of fixed prostheses. Although the majority of studies did not show any effect of age on the survival of fixed prostheses, there was some evidence that middle-aged patients may present with higher failure rates

    Head-on collisions of binary white dwarf--neutron stars: Simulations in full general relativity

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    We simulate head-on collisions from rest at large separation of binary white dwarf -- neutron stars (WDNSs) in full general relativity. Our study serves as a prelude to our analysis of the circular binary WDNS problem. We focus on compact binaries whose total mass exceeds the maximum mass that a cold degenerate star can support, and our goal is to determine the fate of such systems. A fully general relativistic hydrodynamic computation of a realistic WDNS head-on collision is prohibitive due to the large range of dynamical time scales and length scales involved. For this reason, we construct an equation of state (EOS) which captures the main physical features of NSs while, at the same time, scales down the size of WDs. We call these scaled-down WD models "pseudo-WDs (pWDs)". Using pWDs, we can study these systems via a sequence of simulations where the size of the pWD gradually increases toward the realistic case. We perform two sets of simulations; One set studies the effects of the NS mass on the final outcome, when the pWD is kept fixed. The other set studies the effect of the pWD compaction on the final outcome, when the pWD mass and the NS are kept fixed. All simulations show that 14%-18% of the initial total rest mass escapes to infinity. All remnant masses still exceed the maximum rest mass that our cold EOS can support (1.92 solar masses), but no case leads to prompt collapse to a black hole. This outcome arises because the final configurations are hot. All cases settle into spherical, quasiequilibrium configurations consisting of a cold NS core surrounded by a hot mantle, resembling Thorne-Zytkow objects. Extrapolating our results to realistic WD compactions, we predict that the likely outcome of a head-on collision of a realistic, massive WDNS system will be the formation of a quasiequilibrium Thorne-Zytkow-like object.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, matches PRD published version, tests of HRSC schemes with piecewise polytropes adde

    Measuring Drivers’ Physiological Response to Different Vehicle Controllers in Highly Automated Driving (HAD): Opportunities for Establishing Real-Time Values of Driver Discomfort

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    This study investigated how driver discomfort was influenced by different types of automated vehicle (AV) controllers, compared to manual driving, and whether this response changed in different road environments, using heart-rate variability (HRV) and electrodermal activity (EDA). A total of 24 drivers were subjected to manual driving and four AV controllers: two modelled to depict “human-like” driving behaviour, one conventional lane-keeping assist controller, and a replay of their own manual drive. Each drive lasted for ~15 min and consisted of rural and urban environments, which differed in terms of average speed, road geometry and road-based furniture. Drivers showed higher skin conductance response (SCR) and lower HRV during manual driving, compared to the automated drives. There were no significant differences in discomfort between the AV controllers. SCRs and subjective discomfort ratings showed significantly higher discomfort in the faster rural environments, when compared to the urban environments. Our results suggest that SCR values are more sensitive than HRV-based measures to continuously evolving situations that induce discomfort. Further research may be warranted in investigating the value of this metric in assessing real-time driver discomfort levels, which may help improve acceptance of AV controllers

    Optimal static pricing for a tree network

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    We study the static pricing problem for a network service provider in a loss system with a tree structure. In the network, multiple classes share a common inbound link and then have dedicated outbound links. The motivation is from a company that sells phone cards and needs to price calls to different destinations. We characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the steady-state revenue. We report new structural findings as well as alternative proofs for some known results. We compare the optimal static prices versus prices that are asymptotically optimal, and through a set of illustrative numerical examples we show that in certain cases the loss in revenue can be significant. Finally, we show that static prices obtained using the reduced load approximation of the blocking probabilities can be easily obtained and have near-optimal performance, which makes them more attractive for applications.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Digital BusinessUnited States. Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-95-1-0232)United States. Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-01-1-0146)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-9732795)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-0085683)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-0245352

    Constraint propagation equations of the 3+1 decomposition of f(R) gravity

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    Theories of gravity other than general relativity (GR) can explain the observed cosmic acceleration without a cosmological constant. One such class of theories of gravity is f(R). Metric f(R) theories have been proven to be equivalent to Brans-Dicke (BD) scalar-tensor gravity without a kinetic term. Using this equivalence and a 3+1 decomposition of the theory it has been shown that metric f(R) gravity admits a well-posed initial value problem. However, it has not been proven that the 3+1 evolution equations of metric f(R) gravity preserve the (hamiltonian and momentum) constraints. In this paper we show that this is indeed the case. In addition, we show that the mathematical form of the constraint propagation equations in BD-equilavent f(R) gravity and in f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and Einstein frames, is exactly the same as in the standard ADM 3+1 decomposition of GR. Finally, we point out that current numerical relativity codes can incorporate the 3+1 evolution equations of metric f(R) gravity by modifying the stress-energy tensor and adding an additional scalar field evolution equation. We hope that this work will serve as a starting point for relativists to develop fully dynamical codes for valid f(R) models.Comment: 25 pages, matches published version in CQG, references update

    A new approach to cosmological perturbations in f(R) models

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    We propose an analytic procedure that allows to determine quantitatively the deviation in the behavior of cosmological perturbations between a given f(R) modified gravity model and a LCDM reference model. Our method allows to study structure formation in these models from the largest scales, of the order of the Hubble horizon, down to scales deeply inside the Hubble radius, without employing the so-called "quasi-static" approximation. Although we restrict our analysis here to linear perturbations, our technique is completely general and can be extended to any perturbative order.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures; Revised version according to reviewer's suggestions; Typos corrected; Added Reference

    Future cosmological evolution in f(R)f(R) gravity using two equations of state parameters

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    We investigate the issues of future oscillations around the phantom divide for f(R)f(R) gravity. For this purpose, we introduce two types of energy density and pressure arisen from the f(R)f(R)-higher order curvature terms. One has the conventional energy density and pressure even in the beginning of the Jordan frame, whose continuity equation provides the native equation of state wDEw_{\rm DE}. On the other hand, the other has the different forms of energy density and pressure which do not obviously satisfy the continuity equation. This needs to introduce the effective equation of state weffw_{\rm eff} to describe the f(R)f(R)-fluid, in addition to the native equation of state w~DE\tilde{w}_{\rm DE}. We confirm that future oscillations around the phantom divide occur in f(R)f(R) gravities by introducing two types of equations of state. Finally, we point out that the singularity appears ar x=xcx=x_c because the stability condition of f(R)f(R) gravity violates.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, correcting typing mistake in titl

    The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) Investigation and the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission

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    Abstract The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) Investigation is one of 5 fields-and-particles investigations on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. MMS comprises 4 spacecraft flying in close formation in highly elliptical, near-Earth-equatorial orbits targeting understanding of the fundamental physics of the important physical process called magnetic reconnection using Earth’s magnetosphere as a plasma laboratory. EPD comprises two sensor types, the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) with one instrument on each of the 4 spacecraft, and the Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Spectrometer (FEEPS) with 2 instruments on each of the 4 spacecraft. EIS measures energetic ion energy, angle and elemental compositional distributions from a required low energy limit of 20 keV for protons and 45 keV for oxygen ions, up to \u3e0.5 MeV (with capabilities to measure up to \u3e1 MeV). FEEPS measures instantaneous all sky images of energetic electrons from 25 keV to \u3e0.5 MeV, and also measures total ion energy distributions from 45 keV to \u3e0.5 MeV to be used in conjunction with EIS to measure all sky ion distributions. In this report we describe the EPD investigation and the details of the EIS sensor. Specifically we describe EPD-level science objectives, the science and measurement requirements, and the challenges that the EPD team had in meeting these requirements. Here we also describe the design and operation of the EIS instruments, their calibrated performances, and the EIS in-flight and ground operations. Blake et al. (The Flys Eye Energetic Particle Spectrometer (FEEPS) contribution to the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) investigation of the Magnetospheric Magnetoscale (MMS) Mission, this issue) describe the design and operation of the FEEPS instruments, their calibrated performances, and the FEEPS in-flight and ground operations. The MMS spacecraft will launch in early 2015, and over its 2-year mission will provide comprehensive measurements of magnetic reconnection at Earth’s magnetopause during the 18 months that comprise orbital phase 1, and magnetic reconnection within Earth’s magnetotail during the about 6 months that comprise orbital phase 2

    Lunar Hydrospheric Explorer (HYDROX)

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    The Lunar Hydrospheric Explorer (HYDROX) is a 6U CubeSat designed to further confirm the existence of lunar exospheric water, and to determine source processes and surface sites, through ion mass spectrometer measurements of water group (O+, OH+, H2O+) and related ions at energy charge up to 2 keV/e. and mass/charge 1-40amu/e. HYDROX would follow up on the now-concluded exospheric compositional measurements by the Neutral Mass Spectrometer on the NASA LADEE mission and on other remote sensing surface and exospheric measurements (LADEE,LRO, etc.)
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