1,847 research outputs found

    Deccan volcanism and K-T boundary signatures

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    The Deccan Traps in the Indian subcontinent represent one of the most extensive flood basalt provinces in the world. These basalts occur mainly as flat-lying, subaerially erupted tholeiitic lava flows, some of which are traceable for distances of more than 100 km. Offshore drilling and geophysical surveys indicate that a part of the Deccan subsided or was downfaulted to the west beneath the Arabian Sea. The presence of 1 to 5 m thick intertrappean sediments deposited by lakes and rivers indicates periods of quiescence between eruptions. The occurrence of numerous red bole beds among the flows suggests intense weathering of flow tops between eruptive intervals. Although the causative relationship of the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) biotic extinctions to Deccan volcanism is debatable, the fact that the main Deccan eruptions straddle the K-T event appears beyond doubt from the recent Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of various Deccan flows. This temporal relationship of the K-T event with Deccan volcanism makes the petrochemical signatures of the entire Deccan sequence (basalt flows, intercalated intertrappean sediments, infratrappean Lameta beds (with dinosaur fossils), and the bole beds) pertinent to studies of the K-T event. The results of ongoing study is presented

    The 'Parekh Report' - national identities with nations and nationalism

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    ‘Multiculturalists’ often advocate national identities. Yet few study the ways in which ‘multiculturalists’ do so and in this article I will help to fill this gap. I will show that the Commission for Multi-Ethnic Britain’s report reflects a previously unnoticed way of thinking about the nature and worth of national identities that the Commission’s chair, and prominent political theorist, Bhikhu Parekh, had been developing since the 1970s. This way of thinking will be shown to avoid the questionable ways in which conservative and liberal nationalists discuss the nature and worth of national identities while offering an alternative way to do so. I will thus show that a report that was once criticised for the way it discussed national identities reflects how ‘multiculturalists’ think about national identities in a distinct and valuable way that has gone unrecognised

    Investigating the generalizability of EEG-based Cognitive Load Estimation Across Visualizations

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    We examine if EEG-based cognitive load (CL) estimation is generalizable across the character, spatial pattern, bar graph and pie chart-based visualizations for the nback~task. CL is estimated via two recent approaches: (a) Deep convolutional neural network, and (b) Proximal support vector machines. Experiments reveal that CL estimation suffers across visualizations motivating the need for effective machine learning techniques to benchmark visual interface usability for a given analytic task

    A contextual definition of longitudinal integrated clerkships within the UK and Ireland: a bi-national modified Delphi study

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    Disagreement exists within the UK and Ireland regarding how Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships should be defined, and the relevance of international definitions. In this modified, online Delphi study, we presented the UK and Ireland experts in Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships with statements drawn from international definitions, published LIC literature, and the research team's experience in this area and asked them to rate their level of agreement with these statements for inclusion in a bi-national consensus definition. We undertook three rounds of the study to try and elicit consensus, making adaptations to statement wording following rounds 1 and 2 to capture participants' qualitative free text-comments, following the third and final round, nine statements were accepted by our panel, and constitute our proposed definition of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships within the UK and Ireland. This definitional statement corresponds with some international literature but offers important distinctions, which account for the unique context of healthcare (particularly primary care) within the UK and Ireland (for example, the lack of time-based criteria within the definition). This definition should allow UK and Irish researchers to communicate more clearly with one another regarding the benefits of LICs and longitudinal learning and offers cross-national collaborative opportunities in LIC design, delivery and evaluation

    An EEG-Based Image Annotation System

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    The success of deep learning in computer vision has greatly increased the need for annotated image datasets. We propose an EEG (Electroencephalogram)-based image annotation system. While humans can recognize objects in 20–200 ms, the need to manually label images results in a low annotation throughput. Our system employs brain signals captured via a consumer EEG device to achieve an annotation rate of up to 10 images per second. We exploit the P300 event-related potential (ERP) signature to identify target images during a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. We further perform unsupervised outlier removal to achieve an F1-score of 0.88 on the test set. The proposed system does not depend on category-specific EEG signatures enabling the annotation of any new image category without any model pre-training

    Coronary artery aneurysm in Kawasaki disease.

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    A 3-year-old male presents to the emergency department with chief complaints of fever and vomiting. He had a positive rapid streptococcus throat test with cervical lymphadenopathy. The patient was started on antibiotics. On examination, there was diffuse erythematous macular rash on the chest. Laboratory tests revealed elevated white cell count and C-reactive protein. Electrocardiogram was notable for prolonged PR interval indicating 1st degree atrioventricular block. Echocardiogram revealed ectasia of the right coronary artery (RCA). A presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki disease was made and the patient was started on high-dose aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulins. Cardiac computed tomography angiography (CTA) showed an aneurysm of the proximal RCA measuring up to 7.4 mm. The RCA immediately proximal to the aneurysm measured 3 mm in diameter. The Z score was 13.4. Oblique coronal image from cardiac CTA and volume rendered images demonstrated an aneurysm of the proximal RCA. The patient improved with treatment

    Role of ocean initial conditions to diminish dry bias in the seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall: A case study using climate forecast system

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    Coupled models tend to underestimate Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall over most of the Indian subcontinent. Present study demonstrates that a part of dry bias is arising from the discrepancies in Oceanic Initial Conditions (OICs). Two hindcast experiments are carried out using Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) for summer monsoons of 2012-2014 in which two different OICs are utilized. With respect to first experiment (CTRL), second experiment (AcSAL) differs by two aspects: usage of high-resolution atmospheric forcing and assimilation of only ARGO observed temperature and salinity profiles for OICs. Assessment of OICs indicates that the quality of OICs is enhanced due to assimilation of actual salinity profiles. Analysis reveals that AcSAL experiment showed 10 reduction in the dry bias over the Indian land region during the ISM compared to CTRL. This improvement is consistently apparent in each month and is highest for June. The better representation of upper ocean thermal structure of tropical oceans at initial stage supports realistic upper ocean stability and mixing. Which in fact reduced the dominant cold bias over the ocean, feedback to air-sea interactions and land sea thermal contrast resulting better representation of monsoon circulation and moisture transport. This reduced bias of tropospheric moisture and temperature over the Indian land mass and also produced better tropospheric temperature gradient over land as well as ocean. These feedback processes reduced the dry bias in the ISM rainfall. Study concludes that initializing the coupled models with realistic OICs can reduce the underestimation of ISM rainfall prediction. © 2018. The Authors
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