900 research outputs found

    Evaluation of SIR-A (Shuttle Imaging Radar) images from the Tres Marias region (Minas Gerais State, Brazil) using derived spatial features and registration with MSS-LANDSAT images

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    Two image processing experiments are described using a MSS-LANDSAT scene from the Tres Marias region and a shuttle Imaging Radar SIR-A image digitized by a vidicon scanner. In the first experiment the study area is analyzed using the original and preprocessed SIR-A image data. The following thematic classes are obtained: (1) water, (2) dense savanna vegetation, (3) sparse savanna vegetation, (4) reforestation areas and (5) bare soil areas. In the second experiment, the SIR-A image was registered together with MSS-LANDSAT bands five, six, and seven. The same five classes mentioned above are obtained. These results are compared with those obtained using solely MSS-LANDSAT data. The spatial information as well as coregistered SIR-A and MSS-LANDSAT data can increase the separability between classes, as compared to the use of raw SIR-A data solely

    Irrigated rice area estimation using remote sensing techniques: Project's proposal and preliminary results

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    The development of a methodology for annual estimates of irrigated rice crop in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using remote sensing techniques is proposed. The project involves interpretation, digital analysis, and sampling techniques of LANDSAT imagery. Results are discussed from a preliminary phase for identifying and evaluating irrigated rice crop areas in four counties of the State, for the crop year 1982/1983. This first phase involved just visual interpretation techniques of MSS/LANDSAT images

    Principal components technique analysis for vegetation and land use discrimination

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    Automatic pre-processing technique called Principal Components (PRINCO) in analyzing LANDSAT digitized data, for land use and vegetation cover, on the Brazilian cerrados was evaluated. The chosen pilot area, 223/67 of MSS/LANDSAT 3, was classified on a GE Image-100 System, through a maximum-likehood algorithm (MAXVER). The same procedure was applied to the PRINCO treated image. PRINCO consists of a linear transformation performed on the original bands, in order to eliminate the information redundancy of the LANDSAT channels. After PRINCO only two channels were used thus reducing computer effort. The original channels and the PRINCO channels grey levels for the five identified classes (grassland, "cerrado", burned areas, anthropic areas, and gallery forest) were obtained through the MAXVER algorithm. This algorithm also presented the average performance for both cases. In order to evaluate the results, the Jeffreys-Matusita distance (JM-distance) between classes was computed. The classification matrix, obtained through MAXVER, after a PRINCO pre-processing, showed approximately the same average performance in the classes separability

    Atmospheric correction analysis on LANDSAT data over the Amazon region

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    The Amazon Region natural resources were studied in two ways and compared. A LANDSAT scene and its attributes were selected, and a maximum likelihood classification was made. The scene was atmospherically corrected, taking into account Amazonic peculiarities revealed by (ground truth) of the same area, and the subsequent classification. Comparison shows that the classification improves with the atmospherically corrected images

    Evaluation of entropy and JM-distance criterions as features selection methods using spectral and spatial features derived from LANDSAT images

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    A study area near Ribeirao Preto in Sao Paulo state was selected, with predominance in sugar cane. Eight features were extracted from the 4 original bands of LANDSAT image, using low-pass and high-pass filtering to obtain spatial features. There were 5 training sites in order to acquire the necessary parameters. Two groups of four channels were selected from 12 channels using JM-distance and entropy criterions. The number of selected channels was defined by physical restrictions of the image analyzer and computacional costs. The evaluation was performed by extracting the confusion matrix for training and tests areas, with a maximum likelihood classifier, and by defining performance indexes based on those matrixes for each group of channels. Results show that in spatial features and supervised classification, the entropy criterion is better in the sense that allows a more accurate and generalized definition of class signature. On the other hand, JM-distance criterion strongly reduces the misclassification within training areas

    Evaluation of areas prepared for planting using LANDSAT data

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    Three different algorithms (SINGLE-CELL, MAXVER and MEDIA K) were used to automatically interpret data from LANDSAT observations of an area of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Photographic transparencies were obtained, projected and visually interpreted. The results show that: (1) the MAXVER algorithm presented a better classification performance; (2) verification of the changes in cultivated areas using data from the three different acquisition dates was possible; (3) the water bodies, degraded lands, urban areas, and fallow fields were frequently mistaken by cultivated soils; and (4) the use of projected photographic transparencies furnished satisfactory results, besides reducing the time spent on the image-100 system

    Les genèses d'un corps masqué : "L'enfant de sable", Tahar Ben Jelloun

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    Le roman raconte l'histoire de la huitieme fille d'un couple musulman, condamnée par la décision paternelle et la complicité maternelle a mener la vie d'un garçon, répondant, panni d'autres causes a rétablir le prestige social perdu a cause de la naissance de sept filies, de maniere que la décísion prise par le pere tout - puissant représenterait la premiere genese véhiculéee au mayen du corps masqué, auquel on refuse le droit d'etre. Le protagoniste, convaincu de son hégémonie par rapport a l'univers féminin pendant de longues années, commence, peu a peu a abandonner ce corps, cette carcasse vide qui n'est pas la sienne, pour s'acheminer vers la véritable reconquete de son etre, voila, done, comment ce personnage jellounien arrive a sa seconde genese, celle - ci ne sera possible qu 'a travers l'exil de la demeure patemelle aboulissant a la réalisation d'un voyage, qui devient errance et libération.Trabajo publicado en Blarduni de Bugallo, E. y Moronell, C. (comps.). El cuerpo, las máscaras y otros temas en literatura de habla francesa. La Plata: Ediciones Al Margen, 2008.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació